
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Let the training begin

Hanalei River is gonna be my bee-otch, yo.

Two years ago, the Mr faced the challenge of stand up paddle boarding.  He did it on our 2010 trip to Kauai and I said that when I finally do it, I want to do it where he did on the Hanalei River.

The Mr paddle boarding on the Hanalei River.  60 pounds ago!
The plan is to do it next year when we go to Kauai and I want to be ready for it.  Friday I started my "training."  We got a Reebok Balance Board (300 lb weight limit) (affiliate link) and I decided to throw it in the circuit workout we did Friday.  I got a swimming "noodle" to mock the paddle so I could attempt the motions as I tried to balance.

I put the balance board on a mat to mimic the paddle board because it spins a lot on the concrete.

I think I did pretty good.  I didn't fall and I tried to remember to keep my hand on the top of the paddle as I switched sides just like the instructor told the Mr and to look at the horizon like the local guy yelled from the shore that completely changed everything as far as balance for him.  I would like to have a bit of an edge going into it with the correct muscles strengthened.  It's safe to say I'll be well on my way given how bad my inner thighs and core were screaming after incorporating that.  This is something I'm going to make sure I do a minimum of once a week and I think I'll benefit greatly from it.  For under $20, I'd say this balance board (affiliate link) is a great addition to our routine and if you should decide to get one, make sure you have mats handy in case you fall and make sure you have someone there with you.

Are you training for something?

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  1. That is awesome! I can't wait to read the blog about when you do it next year!

  2. Ooo I love the idea that you are training for something! What a fun thing to train for too! I'll bet your legs were screaming, that looks difficult!!! My balance is terrible, I think I would injure myself :)

    1. My inner thighs and upper hamstrings were NOT happy with me. I'm going to get a paddle to practice with instead of a swim noodle!

  3. What a BRILLIANT idea! Way to go!!

    1. Thanks! I just hope I can get some good weight off before then!

  4. Oh how fun!!! I'm going on my honeymoon in November and need to start training. ASAP.

  5. Awesome idea! I am training for a 5k in July right now and then a 1/2 marathon in November.

  6. I am so ready to go back and do SUP again. But it will be even better knowing that we will be side by side this time around. Only problem we'll have is figuring out how to get video of both of us. Who wants to go to Kauai with us as a videographer? LOL

    1. Uh your ass is gonna be on the shore running 3 cameras like I was for your first time!

    2. I will be glad to go along as your videographer--all expenses paid of course!

  7. Very Cool! It will be fun to see how you like the "real deal" your next trip. Uh, I am more than glad to volunteer to run cameras of the 2 of you!!!

  8. I live on a channel of a river and I saw people with those paddle boards - it looked like so much fun!

  9. I'm not exactly in training for it, but I have a goal to hike to the top of Mt. Olympus in Salt Lake City with my son. It's short in terms of distance, but a steep climb with an elevation gain of 4200 feet over 3.5 miles. Last time I hiked above 8500 feet, I got altitude sickness and couldn't eat, so I keep wanting to hike higher and higher trails to acclimate--but my hiking buddy moved, so I'm not getting it done.

    Also looking forward to trying my hand(s) on the climbing wall at a local rec center--my son also told me he'd teach me bouldering if I want. I'm trying to recapture my distant youth, lol.

  10. I'm not training for nothing, but I think it would certainly motivate me if I was. You are smart to TRAIN before you attempt stand up paddle boarding in Hawaii next time you go. I'm assuming that's what you're talking about training for. Heck...for all I know...maybe you can do that paddle boarding where you live?

    I know when I had my picture taken for the Taste of Home cookbook last June, I was motivated to make sure I kept the weight off in the 6-month period of time before the cookbook was published in late December. I did NOT want people looking at those pictures and saying (behind my back), "Gosh, she's gained a lot of weight!" Motivation manifests itself in all kinds of ways, and you gotta take it however it comes. For you and me...we know this is long term. We are in this new healthy living lifestyle for the rest of our lives, and have to make sure to stay motivated. It is definitely an on-going challenge.

  11. Genius! I never would have thought of training for paddle boarding. Which is on my to do list...someday. A balance board has been on my wish list for awhile. Sounds like it gave you a great workout.

  12. What a great idea--and awesome motivation to stick with it! I haven't officially started yet, but I will be training for a full marathon after we're done with what's on our schedule right now (half marathon and Ragnar Relay). :D

  13. I just got the same balance board! I like it so far. And I'm training for a fall marathon :)

  14. Wow, training a year in advance? You don't mess around, do you!? :D I have bad balance, but I never really knew how to use one of these--I should look into it.

  15. Have I mentioned lately just how brilliant I think you are? Go, YOU!!!

    Me? I'm training for old age, LOL! And you've given me the best idea... my balance has been poor all of my life (and I do seriously worry about what I will do as I get older), and since I fell skating, I've really struggled to figure out how to really strengthen my core (body in general) functionally! THIS is the solution! I can now think of several motions I can mimmick on that balance board, and I can once again see myself on skates. WHOO HOO!

    I can't wait to see you ever so gracefully glide down that river!


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