
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Is it rest day yet?

I am beat...up...yo.

I must've been on angel dust when I made the workout schedule for this week.  (I don't really need to clarify that I don't use angel dust do I?)  We started the workout week with Atletica and I completely got my butt handed to me for 2 days in residual soreness.  My inner thighs cursed me something awful.  I'm talking walking up the stairs was torture from the squats.  You know, that kind of sore that tells you you did something good and worked neglected muscles?  Then Monday was Breathless Body by Amy Dixon and I do believe I called her a few choice words by the end because I was doing fast feet with said screaming inner thighs.  Tuesday was Supreme 90 Cardio Challenge and I needed a little more calorie burn so I threw in the Turbo Fire HIIT intervals and then I was so tired I overslept the next day.

We had a zoning meeting to go to so we had to work out the second the Mr got home...the original Power 90 and 20 minutes on the Total Trainer.  My arms were complete and utter jello by the end.  Well between that the couch potato workout I did for an hour, my arms were useless.  What's the couch potato workout you ask?  During every commercial break I would get up and do a set of squats, leg kick backs and tricep dips with 15 reps per set.  Holy poo is that a way to knock out 75-90 reps per hour.  I didn't realize how many commercial breaks there were during The Price is Right.  HA!

Tonight is Super Fit Bod which  It's hard, a big calorie torcher and the lunges always leave my knees whimpering a bit the next day.  (Yep, I do them properly.  I'm just still fat, that's all)  ;)  So needless to say I am looking forward to my rest day Friday!

You ever have one of those workout weeks where you feel like you've been run over by a truck?  What's the hardest workout in your arsenal?

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  1. Oh yeah, I've had those workout weeks where every workout was like a punishment. I whined and cursed (and yes, sometimes even shed tears) the whole time but I did it.

    Hardest workout? S90D Ultimate Ball! Kind of kidding (that one is hard but mostly for the coordination aspect). For hard (without complicated equipment) the award goes to Bob Harper. His "pure strength" is non-stop for 65 minutes (with weighted t-stand pushups at the VERY end--the folks on the video are screaming and they're not being dramatic, I scream too).

    1. We don't have a ball so we don't do that one. I'm way too afraid of being a casualty of ball burst! :)

  2. I don't do any of the program workouts, and I don't push myself to pain. I just lift/squat/lunge 'til I don't have anything left. (I do over-do it sometimes, though.) My goal at the end of the workout is that noodle-y, "spent" feeling that lets me know I've given it everything I have that day without crossing into lasting pain. When I hit it right, I get a huge energy surge about 30 minutes post-workout that lasts all day. Pure bliss!

  3. It has been a brutal week. My butt cheeks are sore. Didn't even realize that was entirely possible but, well, there it is. I sure hope to see some scale movement this week but if nothing else I can say we both worked extremely hard!

    1. Sore cheeks...HA! Yep, totally possible. I usually get them after Chalene's bowlers lunges. Ugh!

  4. Bwahahahaaaa!!! What, you don't do Angel Dust everyday?!? Shame on you...kidding, kidding...the hubs and I really need to get back on our work out schedule! We've really slacked off the last two weeks. :(

  5. Yeah, it stinks, but you are reminding yourself of how awesome you are! Just one more day and then a well-deserved rest! Go Mrs. and Mr.!

  6. It's been a while since I've had that well earned soreness the next day. I have to admit that I totally miss it.

    1. There's nothing like that soreness that lets you know you've worked hard!

  7. I am in total awe of that kind of dedication. I don't do those, I just move, so there's nothing I can point to as my hardest workout. The only time I ever recall pushing through discomfort--I wouldn't call it pain--was doing arm and leg work the day after I climbed that 23' wall twice. If I punished myself the way you do, I'd probably just decide it's better to stay fat--I'm that adverse to pain. You are a rock star!

    1. Punished. LOL I'd agree but I got to say hello to some pretty awesome calf muscles yesterday for a fat chick so I'm not quittin' what is bringing out this sudden definition! :)

  8. You did P90 and then another 20 minute workout??!!! Do you realize how amazing that is?! P90 kicks my butt by itself, the fact that you can workout after completing P90 speaks volumes about your fitness and your level of commitment. Be proud!!!

    1. The ORIGINAL P90 not that crazy stuff he does now with the plyo and crap. But yeah, it's still hard even all these years later.

  9. Angel dust! That's your secret! I need to put that on my shopping list for the weekend. Seriously though, you work out so hard that it makes me feel guilty about my own slackerness. You definitely deserve a rest day!

    1. I know right! I shouldn't have let it slip out. Ha...slackerness.

  10. My hardest workout has to be BodyRock. Its online, its free and it works me hard. I do cardio along with it and go to zumba once a week to get out of the house but BodyRock is definitely the hardest. Like, can hardly walk for 2 days hard! But the toning and strength benefit I get from it can't be beat!


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