
Friday, June 22, 2012

Food bombs, shave ice and thingys

Yesterday turned out to be a great day despite the way it started.  At about 2:30am, the Mr got a phone call and had to work for 90 minutes.  It is never fun to get a phone call in the middle of the night especially when you have a somewhat heavy sleeper who lets it ring the entire ringtone and wake you up whether intentional or not.  So it took a few to go back to sleep and then I got up late which is okay but I felt really tired.  I don't get that.  I feel more tired on more sleep.

After the Mr left, I attempted breakfast...

Yeah, my oatmeal exploded and I was so pissed I threw it all away.  There was nothing wrong with it, it was to teach it a lesson.  As I was doing that, my egg white frittata kind of got well done.  Who was teaching whom the lesson?  Then I rallied with my new bowl of oatmeal.

Oatmeal, 1 banana, 1/2 tbsp mini chocolate chips, 1 tbsp cookie butter and 1/3 tbsp of honey.  YUM!

The Mr's work was having some family day thing and I could tell he really wanted me to go.  Ever since he found out they were going to have a Hawaiian shave ice truck there he wanted me to come get a shave ice with him so I agreed.  I looked through the menu...

Standard fare but I always get cherry.  We got kiddie sizes and started walking and eating to find some shade from the 90 degree heat at 11am.  1)  This was not Hawaiian shave ice, it was a snow cone.  Shave ice is truly like eating snow and a snow cone is like eating ice.  WTH?  and 2) the cherry tasted like Robutussin.  I took a few bites off the top where there was only ice and offered the Mr the rest.  I felt bad his big shave ice coup wasn't what it was cracked up to be but it was no Ululani's on Maui and honestly, most cherry syrup ends up tasting that way.

Then it was off to have me meet the co-workers and boss.  From the second I walked in, people were like "you're the dessert lady!  We love you!!!"  I make all kinds of naughty recipes I want to try, take a serving and send the rest to the Mr's work and boy do they appreciate it.  Every single person who he introduced me to was like "oh my God, I LOVE your cupcakes!" or "thank you so much for sending in treats!" or "do you take requests?"  I told them there might be a Christmas in July rush and they lit up.  So funny.  It was nice to finally see where the Mr spends his time when he's away from me.  Since I had a late breakfast, I sat with him in the cafeteria while he ate his lunch.  We roamed around a little more and I was on my way.  It was a nice way to break up the day and I could tell the Mr really felt proud to show me off.  Too cute. 

Then it was time for Power 90/ Tone 30 and as I was upstairs changing into my gear, I flipped off the light and in a darker light I saw something that made me do a double take.  I have that vertical line trying to form just before your gut decides "oh yeah, there are actual ab muscles under here."  I've been working on them more the past 2 weeks and you can't see the line in bright light so I went downstairs and shut off the main lights so the Mr could see if I was crazy or not.  He said no, he could see them!  Yay!  Then as I was dancing around from that, I scratched the top of my shoulder and I had those thingys!  That's exactly what I exclaimed to the Mr too...."I have those thingys!" and had him touch them.  You know that indent on the top of your shoulder from that bone and then there's a dip and then the head of your bicep?  I know what muscle it is but it escapes me.  I could feel the indent!  It's like the past 2 weeks of more strength training are actually...gasp...shaping things!  How about that!?

I am anxiously awaiting the return of my laptop computer Monday.  It appears the computer company fixed it so we'll see.  Fingers crossed because working on this tablet and sharing computers, well, sucks.  (Though I'm very appreciative of the Mr letting me use this wee technological eye strainer.) 

There's a big festival in town this weekend and we're not up for the crowds so we're going to drive around and see what we can get into a few towns away.

What are your plans for the weekend?  Found any new fitness related 'thingys' on yourself lately?

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  1. Good Morning! I was going to blog yesterday about my hubby's co-workers. He didn't used to be proud of me at all, in fact he was embarrassed, and I knew it, even though he never actually said it, and it hurt DEEPLY!

    That's why it was so nice Wednesday. We went out for lunch and met a couple of his co-workers, who he proudly introduced me too. He has worked there for 40 years and we car pool, so I have seen a lot of these people over the years and actually know a few of his co-workers quite well, but this was his boss, and another guy who is a manager like my hubby, that I had seen but never met.

    Sounds like your hubby is very proud of you, and I bet those co-workers really enjoy the treats you send. I try doing that, but my hubby will never take the stuff to his work. So I have pretty much given up making the sweets, they're just too tempting.

    1. I can only imagine how that made you feel. I am glad he's more than happy to show you off now, though it should've always been that way.

      Yes, I have to say the Mr has always been proud of me whether at my current weight to my heaviest which means the world to me. I'm getting ready to try out some recipes for the 12 Days of Recipes in December so I hope they're in the holiday spirit! HA!

  2. That does sound like a great day despite the rough start. I did laugh at throwing away the oatmeal "to teach it a lesson". That sounds like me.

    No big plans for the weekend - I'll probably take the little guy to the pool for family time Sunday morning when there's less people. Otherwise we'll be hiding out trying to not melt. Sunday is supposed to hit 109. YIKES!

    1. I know, I'm such a dork. "Take THAT oatmeal!"

      Try not to spontaneously combust out there this weekend!

  3. Happy Friday, Hot Shot! I'm so glad you decided to go with the Mr. to his work function. They needed to lavish you with compliments for all the yummy nosh you send their way. I'm so glad he got to show you off. TROPHY WIFE! :)

    High fives on the abs and shoulder thingies! I love finding new features of my body that are being uncovered! What a great way to start your weekend! Enjoy your festeeevahl!

    1. Me too. Now in the past I've had no desire because I wanted him to be proud to bring me in. He would've been proud of me at 494, but I guess I wasn't proud enough myself until now. Trophy wife...HA!

      Thanks mama! There's nothing like seeing something defining that seems like it popped up overnight! Have a good one girl!

  4. It's super fun to start seeing your muscles defined! I call those thingys "shoulder caps." Not sure what the rest of the world calls them. Anyway, congrats! :)

    Glad you got to see the Mr's work and meet what sounds like some great people! Also, the oatmeal you finally settled on looks delish!

    1. It definitely is! Shoulder caps, I'll remember that! :)

      Yep, that's my go to oatmeal for the most part and it's good and filling!

  5. Yay Friday! And Yay for Dents!! Love those! And LOVE it when they sneak up on you like that! ;) (I remember the first time my collarbones wrist brushed by them as I was scratching my shoulder and I felt like I had been cut by something. *lol* Hubs thought I was weird, but it was a very new sensation for me...) Enjoy your weekend! I need to find something to do with my youngest as I think tomorrow will be HIS Mommy & Me day.

    1. Yes, dents rock! I thought for sure my collarbones were going to disappear with my sodium bloat on vacation so I had to keep reminding myself they showed up 40 lbs ago! Have a fun weekend!

  6. I'm dancing with you, my dear!!! I don't know about actual 'thingys'... you can tell me in July... but I move with so much more ease again (finally).

    Thanks for making me laugh... I hope that oatmeal learned its lesson!

    1. Moving more is a good thing! I think that oatmeal has more than gotten the message I'm not going to take it bubbling up over the side. Hmmph!

  7. Wow, congratulations for seeing your progress!!! You've obviously been working really hard. That must have felt really fantastic :)

  8. Thanks so much for going to my work. I had a great time and it just really made me so proud of you. I am also so proud to see those muscles coming in. It is really great when muscle definition you never thought you would have just kind of shows up one day. Awesome!

    1. Thanks hon! It was a fun day! I hope you don't mind me having you examine all of my new dents and lines! HA!

  9. I am so excited for you! I am still in awe of my collarbones and the beginning of definition of my neck. Veins and tendons can be seen when I turn my head. Sounds gross but I love it! Now if only I could get my left arm to catch up with my right. I am definitely right arm dominant and my left arm is bigger than my right. I have to consciously work on working my left arm harder. Anyway, keep up the good work. You are such an inspiration to me!!

  10. That is so sweet he wants to show you off! Your final oatmeal looks DELICIOUS! I don't know why I never make it because I actually really like it. Thanks for the idea :)

  11. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuum...Hawaiian shave ice!!! I always get the rainbow one. Also, I'm totally the wife who sends left over goodies with the hubs to work too! Too funny :)

  12. Dents do bumps...when they are where they belong biceps. The other day I went to scratch an itch on my upper arm and was amazed by the muscle lurking under that itch. Hope you have an awesome weekend!


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