
Monday, June 25, 2012

Bathrooms, birds and bad TV

We had like 4 big festivals going on throughout the city and decided between that and heat stroke inducing weather, we would get outta dodge Saturday.  I took the camera but did I take any pics?  No.  Because I'm an idiot like that.

We found a cupcake place and got a few minis to try.  Needless to say we'll be back because they do the icing right.  (aka- it's not whipped!)  I got a few place mats and a few food schtuffs.  We went to a discount rack store and I got 2 new pairs of sucker pants for workouts and the Mr got a new pair too for 75% less than we would've paid at a sporting goods store.  I had him get 2 DKNY shirts that I liked too.  I ALMOST bought a pair of Seven jeans (insert me singing "My Humps" by Black Eyed Peas here) that just barely fit and zipped and basically would've been like something to shoot for jeans but I'm too friggin' cheap at $17 down from $80 but I had the Mr buy those 2 shirts at $22.  Whatever.

We came home and the Mr installed our new bathroom faucet.  4 hours later it was all installed and only a few quick calls to a contractor friend of ours for some minor leakage issues.  It's weird because the spout reaches out a little further than our other one did so I need to get used to having it right in my face when I bend over to brush my teeth in the morning.

Sunday was grocery day so another early rise.  Bleh.  We picked up a spaghetti squash for the first time.  Any suggestion what the hell to do with it?  (IE- how long do I cook it, etc)   We headed out to 2 open houses.  One had this awesome retro kitchen that the Mr hated but the rest of the house wouldn't work.  The other house was okay but barely a yard.  But we really liked the realtor so we're keeping his card for the future.  We came home took a wee nap & we did Atletica and got our butts handed to us.  930 cals later, I came up and made a great Italian dinner while the Mr cut up my fruits and veggies for the week.  Then like a protective father, he watched the bird feed the babies in the nest in our tree outside.  I think it's cute but he seems invested.  Funny.

I'm getting sad one of my favorite shows is coming to an end soon.  Dog the Bounty Hunter.  Oh please, you probably watch those God awful Housewives of wherever or Teen Mom so don't be judgin' me!  Pffft!  We tuned in initially off the suggestion of an old co-worker who said I needed to see the spectacle and the fact it was in Hawaii would be a bonus.  It was...well that and Leland.  Holy hell man, he is hot especially when he gives this grin that makes me want to jump on him, hug him.  I would love to workout with him sometime.  I don't mean that dirty like, well okay maybe a little, but he's a martial arts fighter and has an insane body.  Super defined.  Movin' on.

Anyone watching Dallas?  I thought I'd give it a try since my mom watched it when I was a kid and I got hooked too.  I think they're doing a decent job with it since they brought back some old faces like JR, Bobby and Sue Ellen.  I'm still giving it a chance and I like what I see so far though I do think that everyone having an ulterior motive and plot is a little over the top but I guess not much changes at South Fork y'all.

So how was your weekend? Do anything fun? What's your guilty pleasure show or a new show you're giving a chance?
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  1. This gal has a good spaghetti squash recipe, I have made it several times.... Nummers :)

  2. I cook spaghetti squash by cutting it in half, removing the seeds, and putting the halves upside down on a greased pan then baking it at 350 degrees for about 30 min or until the outside skin can be pierced by a fork. Then you take it out, let it cool a bit and use a fork to shred it. I enjoyed making it into a baked spaghetti dish, with marinara and parmesean - just adding those ingredients and rewarming.
    We have a summer cold going through our home, so the weekend consisted of laying around, taking in fluids and over the counter meds.

    1. Thanks for the squash tip! Looking forward to finally diving into this somewhat unknown territory! Hope you all feel better soon!

  3. I am definitely glad that I'm not a plumber, even though I think of myself as a technical plumber since I pretty much build computer networks using various "pipes". I've gotta hand it to the guys that do that stuff for a living. What took me 4 hours would have taken them 30 minutes and for that I think I will just hire one next time. But I am glad it's done and no leaks!

    1. I think you did fine. It's a learning experience and one that I would rather we (you) do our(your)selves. Great job hon. I should've gone up while you were doing that to see if you exposed to appropriate amount of plumbers crack while doing the job!

    2. HAHA! Mrs, I just scared the dog with my laugh in the quiet house! Mr, way to go and I loved the technical plumber "crack". I worked the "pipe" dream for 25 years before getting caught up in a layoff. Went back to school to be bitten by the science bug. I'm not nice enough to be a bedside nurse ;) but am pursuing research nursing 100%.
      You two are the best. There's ALWAYS a gem, always!

  4. I won't judge you for your Dog if you won't judge me for my Storage Wars. At well over 100 degrees both days most of this weekend was spent inside trying not to melt. I did take the little guy to the pool yesterday morning though, so that was the highlight.

    I do my spaghetti squash the same as Lisa above - but instead of a greased pan I put a little water in the bottom of a high sided cookie sheet (I'm sure it has a name, but I don't know. It's taller that a cookie sheet but shorter than a roasting pan). Not a lot of water, just enough to cover the bottom of the pan and not boil away in the 30 minutes.

    I like mine with other other veggies mixed in (I usually used frozen mixed veggies - peas, corn and carrots), a little light Italian dressing or Brummel and Brown spread and a sprinkling of Parmesan.

    1. I'll look the other way on that one for you. ;) Over 100, blech. Thanks for the squash tip! Sounds yummy!

  5. A good weekend for you!!

    I love spaghetti squash, it's pretty adaptable to what you're creating. Check SP for recipes; there's an easy one for the microwave (with lots of nasty comments about how much butter was used!!) The other nice thing is that it has a long "shelf-life" and will wait for you to get around to using it!

    1. Oy, don't you love it when people chastise other people's recipes instead of saying "sounds good, I'll probably sub X for butter though." GOOD to know about the shelf life! I might have to make it the day before to save myself a little time. I wonder if I could reheat in boiling water to make it taste freshly done?

  6. Hey - I love "reality" shows; they are my new "junk food"! (My husband hates them, though, it drives him crazy that I watch them).

    I haven't bought spaghetti squash in some time, but the last time I did I poked holes in it and microwaved the heck out of it for I can't remember how long. Then when it cooled slightly I cut it in half, scooped the junk out and them used a fork to pull all the strands out. I had leftover turkey chili and I put that on top of the spaghetti squash and it was heaven!

    1. I try NOT to love reality shows but man are they making it dang near impossible to find scripted stuff because they only give it like 3 episodes before they cancel it.

      Thanks for the squash tip!

  7. I cut mine, scoop the junk out first, and then microwave it face down in an inch of water. How long depends on microwave power (or you can put it in the oven, but why would you, in the summer?). When you can pierce the skin with a dinner fork, it's done. I use it just like spaghetti under an Italian-influenced meat sauce that we call spaghetti sauce--it has extra veggies like shredded carrots, etc.

    OK, I admit to having been hooked on Desperate Housewives, and we watch Storage Wars, too, so you've got me from both sides of the trash TV world, lol. I didn't watch Dallas regularly the first time around, don't remember who shot JR, and probably won't watch it this time, either. But I'm lovin' American Ninja Warriors! lol

    1. Thanks for the squash tip!

      I loved DH as well. So sad to see that Mrs McCluskey died in real life a few weeks after the finale. I can't imagine how hard it would have been to do that storyline knowing you were going through the same thing. We just want to see the final Ninja Warrior thingy. The bazillion qualifiers are boring so we stopped watching.

  8. I cook my spaghetti squash like Cheri in the microwave after cutting, scooping out the seed and placing face down in about an inch of water in a 9x13 pan. Love it with garlic, butter (just a little), salt, pepper and onion or with spaghetti sauce over it.

    I like storage wars and American Ninja warriors too! Mostly because my girls get into them so it's fun to watch with them.

    I spent my weekend inside away from the nasty heat. We went as a family to the mall and "mall-walked" the perimeter for 40 min and then shopped a bit. Yesterday I was glued to my computer checking on my cousin who at 30 was doing her first Ironman triathalon! She finished 11 minutes before they closed the course! It was so exciting. Since she was in Idaho which is 2 hours behind us, I had to stay up until 2 a.m. to see her finish but I just couldn't sleep until I knew. Very exciting but it made my 6:30 a.m. bike ride with a friend this morning hard to get up for!

    1. Thanks for the tips on the squash! Sounds good!

      How AWESOME your cousin did an Ironman! That is serious stuff and so inspiring!

    2. It is really awesome--she was not active in her younger years and in the last 10 years or so has slowly gotten into doing some races to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society since our grandpa died from Lymphoma. Then last year, she just decided she was going to train for an Ironman and finish one! That was her goal, just to finish and she did, by the skin of her teeth! I just can't imagine nearly 17 hours straight of working out!! She's amazing.

  9. Everybody at our house loves Dog & Beth! Leland is very very easy on the eyes although too skinny for my tastes. I like my men with meat on them :) Anywayyyy TMI!

    The sqash thing.. I hear lots of people substituting it for pasta, but I've never been brave enought to try it. Can't wait to hear your honest review.

    1. Dude you could wash clothes on his abs. After I pull them off his chiseled...huh? Oh. What did you say? I watched a marathon of it this morning and got a little teary eyed because I know how it ends. Not well.

      I know, I can't believe I'm finally taking the plunge on this. I LOVE my pasta and can't believe squash would ever "trick" me into thinking I was still eating it. You KNOW I'll give an honest review girl! LOL

  10. Whipped icing should be illegal. Major grossness.

    1. AMEN SISTER! If I wanted Redi Whip on my cupcakes, I'd break out a can of it but I don't...I want SWEET, sugary goodness. :)

  11. Cut in 1/2 (the long way) and bake it on a cookie sheet cut side down for about 45-60 min. The amount of time will depend on how big your squash is. I sometimes sprinkle it with a little bit of nutmeg or cinnamon but it depends on what I'm using it for. One of my favorite ways to eat it is with some ground turkey or turkey sausage and tomato sauce. Delish! (and low carb, too)

    1. Whoops, that should have said Bake @350!

    2. Thanks so much Lyssa! I will give it a go and hope for the best! :)

  12. About the squash...after it is cooked, I ALWAYS squeeze it very dry in a dishtowel. Otherwise, I find it too watery--to the point that it is diluting the sauce. Icky. It crisps up after it is wrung out, but you lose a lot of volume :(
    --Emily (frequent lurker)

    1. Oooh, that's a good tip! We're using it likely for a tapas style deal that day so I won't need a ton so hopefully your tip will come in handy for the best possible taste. There's nothing I hate more than watery sauce.

      Come on outta the shadows and join in the fun girl! :)

  13. My husband made this amazing icing for cupcakes this weekend flavored with Nestle Quik and no whipped cream at all...oh wait, this was actually about spaghetti clue on that one, but can't wait to see what you do since it has been coming up on my radar more and more and I'm "this close" to buying one myself. The short people in my house make it harder to try new things. If I or my Mr don't like it we'll suffer through. If the short people don't like it there might be hell to pay and I'll be set to sea in a small boat. Speaking of mutinies...gotta go put down an uprising among the short I think I'd rather watch nature nurture little birds who fly off in a short time.

  14. Don't blame you one bit. Leland is SO yummy to look at! *licks screen* ;)

    I generally watch a lot of stupid crap on TV - I've seen some Housewives shows, but I'm not invested. I'm eerily hooked to Teen Mom (there, I said it), and Dance Moms (and Dance Moms: Miami). Can't help those...always wanted to be a little ballerina so I love dance shows! Other shows I've gotten into more recently? Drop Dead Diva and Once Upon a Time. Last night I caught the pilot for The Newsroom on HBO. I told Hubs aloud, "If that's just episode 1, I can't wait to see this season!!" It's got the quick smart witty banter I loved in Gilmore Girls with all the topical news of the day (or recent)...I hope it turns out as good as I think it's going to be!

  15. If I tried to cut a raw, round squash in half I'd end up in the emergency room with half a finger cut off. Like Peg said, stab, nuke, cool a bit, then cut. Much safer and no need to heat up the house using the oven. We love spaghetti squash with just a little butter, salt, and pepper. It is really good. I've tried it with pasta sauce, but we really prefer just the clean taste of it on its own.

    1. Punch a couple holes in it with a fork, put it in the microwave for a minute or two on high, then cut it in half. Makes cutting a spaghetti squash much easier!

  16. Guuuuuuuuuurl, please! Leland is one hot Hawaiian hunk!!!! Yes, ma'am! He can bounty my hunter any day ;) Also, I lurve stupid TV. Absolutely adore it. Dumb scyfy Sharkasaurus and all!

  17. Spaghetti Squash is AMAZING. You can make it taste however you want. To cook it, cut it in half, remove the seeds, and about 350 for an hour or so. It will get soft so you can kinda poke at it with a fork to see when it'll give instead of staying rigid.

    There are so many ways to flavor it - from spaghetti sauce to a drizzle of olive oil with your favorite spices on it. I will frequently "splurge" the calories for real butter and the just add a little salt and pepper and it's good just like that.

    Let us know what creative ideas you made it with - always nice to share flavors!

    1. Thanks for the tip. Seems I'm like the last person on Earth to try it! HA!

      I'll certainly update once I take the plunge!

  18. Nope, no Dog the Bounty Hunter on this TV. I'm far too high-brow for that. *snerk*

    About the only reality TV I watch is HGTV and Food Network, with the occasional Say Yes to the Dress. See? Much more sophisticated. :)

    1. Absolutely! ;) Do you extend your pinky whilst drinking tea and watching Say Yes to the Dress? HA!

  19. God awful Housewives? GOD AWFUL? Pfft. I won't even dignify that with a response. Except to say that I'm watching RHONY right now and I am loving it. As I always do.

    I was thinking about watching Dallas, but I'm trying to cut down on TV shows. Should I be adding it to my DVR?

    I can't wait to see what you do with that spaghetti squash! Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it...

    1. I'm going to pretend I know who Rhony is and move on. *snicker*

      I would say if you watched the original Dallas, it would be worth watching a few episodes online to see if it grabs your fancy. If not, no big loss.

      You know I'll update once I make it. I've had lots of great suggestions!

  20. Sorry, I love your blog but am having a hard time right now because we are Rving through Alaska right now and don't always have internet. I can't read everyone's responses right now just something quick to say. I do spaghetti squash in the microwave then put sauce on it. Love It. (husband doesn't, he wants the real thing) Many ways to cook it that's for sure. Keep the blogs coming, love the stories you have to tell. Once back home in either September or October then will really get back to the diet.

  21. I think I may have commented once and I love your blog but I am am a lurker. But the mention Spaghetti squash brought me out of lurking :)For 40 calories a cup; it's my new best friend.

    Baking takes too long for me, so I microwave it for 11 minutes (cooks say 10-12)in a bowl so it doesn't roll around. Remove from microwave with oven mitts and let it cool a bit. Use those oven mits and cut that baby in half. Scoop out seeds and take a fork and rake it along the squash; instant spaghetti strands. I make a simple marinara sauce to go over it and sprinkle a bit of parmesan over the top. I recently made squash "chow mein" with pork. Yummy! I really have a bunch of ways to make this; whatever pasta dish I make I just use the squash instead of noodles (like pesto *swoon*)Lastly, if you aren't fond of the taste, add it to some pasta to cut down on the calories. I hope you like it :)

  22. Great topics. I want to try spaghetti squash, too, and appreciate the tips from your readers!
    Regarding new TV shows, I was raised on detective shows. Mannix, Cannon, Barnaby Jones, The Streets of San Francisco, Kojak - you name it and I can hum the theme song!
    I really got into the first season of "Person of Interest". Very interesting concept, IMHO, and each episode drew upon the last brilliantly. Oh, and two words: Jim Caviezel :swoon:! Michael Emerson and the rest of the cast work for me as well.
    We currently have three kicked-out-of-momma's-nest finches nesting in our garage. I thought it was cute till they started bombing everything with poop. Trying to remember to keep the bay doors closed at dusk, but the first night they sat on the porch railing and chirped sadly. I'm such a sucker....


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