
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Serenity and adventure await

Do you have a place that you vacation every year?

We do...and we're going there tomorrow.

Hawaii here we come.

The last time we were on Maui it was 2008 and I weighed oh about 150 lbs more than I do now.  I am anxious to see if I feel different or not.  I still have the same worries about being in a bathing suit on the beach (I know, I know, "eff 'em" but it's much easier said than done sometimes)  I'm unfortunately not able to do some things I was sure I'd be thin enough to do by now like zipline (still over the weight limit for that one) but we can hike like mofo's and I can get over myself long enough to run into the water so the Mr can snorkel.  I'm hoping the little secluded beach we found is still secluded.  Last time we were on Lanai was 2002...10 freakin' years!  Where did the time go!?  I was about 315 lbs then so not toooo too far off from where I am now but I'm looking forward to doing the Munro Trail and climbing up that steep rock to see the petroglyphs.  I'm confident I have so much more stamina and strength than I did then.  Of course 40+ lbs off since that time doesn't hurt either.  The Big Island was 2008 as well and I just saw pics from that trip and it's so scary.  I wasn't far into the weight loss journey then...about 40 pounds from my highest so I can't wait to go hiking on lava and geocaching and all of the active things I had to put off then.

I don't believe vacations are for working and trust me when I tell you blogging is work!   I also don't believe in leaving my blog buddies in the lurch either.  I have been busting my okole (butt) for the past month to keep this baby running like a machine in my toes-in-the-sand absence.  Not only do I have some awesome Hawaii inspired recipes coming up but some workouts, a workout review and other brain drains as usual.  As a bonus, I have a few guest posts from bloggers who have graciously agreed to entertain y'all while the Mr and I are soaking up our second home.  (Yep, we're eventually moving there)

Please continue to leave comments and please be patient if your comment doesn't post immediately for some reason as I'll probably be sneaking a peek in the evening once we're in for the night to make sure comments are still moderated.  I might even do a post or two while we're gone with some pics to entice you!  (Don't hold me to that though!)  This also means that Food Journal Fridays and Weigh In's are going on temporary hiatus as well but I'll be rarin' to go when we get back.  No worries!

Now it's just a matter of going through my checklists and hiding/locking up crap we don't want the house sitter to snoop through!  HA!  Though I admit there is a BIG part of me that wants to go to an adult store, spend about $100 and lay stuff around the house where I know they'll snoop first.  Oh man, I'm really considering this.  I know.  I'm's part of why you come back.  ;-)


If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?  The mountains?  The beach?  Another country? 

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  1. Wow, the time is here!! Have a great time, we'll all be waiting to hear of your adventures, the places you'll revisit and the new things you'll be experiencing!!

    1. I know! Crazy right? It's like we spend all year counting down and now that it's year it's kinda freak out time! :) I hope I have adventures to report back. My mindset is much different than the last time we were on Maui. Then we skipped a winery because I thought I was too fat to even deserve going inside. Weight loss...the mental game!

  2. Enjoy!

    Ireland is my go-to vacation spot. I wish I could live there half of the year. It's not as easy as moving to another one of the United States.

    1. I would love to visit Ireland someday. It looks gorgeous!

  3. Have a great vacation and not worry about us, we will be awaiting your return to hear all about it. Don't worry too much about the beach scene, those other anorexic bodies don't have the fortitude that you have nor the support. Have fun and get wet and tanned:)

    1. Beach day still sends terror throughout my body. Le jiggly flab is not sexy but if someone yells something I'm ready with "I've lost over 200 lbs so eff you...I mean...aloha!" HA!

  4. I know you'll both have a fabulous time--can't wait to hear the recaps. Praying for safe, uneventful journey there and back and a rockin' good time while you're there!!

    1. Thanks mama! I hope it's uneventful as well on travel days. We had enough chaos last year to last the next 10 trips!

  5. Enjoy your trip! You've definitely earned it. I like the idea of spreading random "adult" stuff around the house. If you start planning now for next year I bet you could come up with a Dexeter-ish list of stuff to stash around the house and really freak out the sitter.

  6. Have a great time! You guys are so deserving of an awesome vacation.
    My MIL house sat for us once, I hid adult items, well one VERY unrealistically large item. She couldn't get out fast enough when we got back. Served her right, nosy bitty.

    1. Thanks! Oh man, I couldn't have an in-law house sit for us but that is freakin' HILARIOUS!!! I'm trying to imagine my MIL in that same position and I think by the time we got back, that entire side of the family would know about it! HA!

    2. Oh, they all knew. I knew they would, but I simply couldn't bring myself to care. That's been a few (like 12) years ago, they still talk about it. I still find it amusing, my husband still can't believe I did it.

  7. Silly head. You put the "adult" things where a snooper would least expect to find them, like, say, a big ole latex ding a ling in the veggie crisper. THAT will keep a snooper on their toes (and they'll completely forget about going through your medicine cabinet if they find a wanger in the crisper).

    Have a safe and fun vacation!

  8. Yay, it's finally here! I hope you guys have a great time. What am I saying, of course you'll have a great time! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it!

    Your question "if you could travel anywhere..." is not fair when I'm sitting at work. ;) I guess I'll just have to say I'd choose all 3!

    1. I know! I can't believe it! You should play hooky and go to all 3!

  9. I hope this is the most special vacation you've ever had. Be safe in your travels and enjoy everything! My dream vacation is to take my husband to Ireland, to County Donegal, the home of his ancestors. We hope to make several trips there, a whirlwind overview trip and then several more focused visits to specific areas. I hope you left little packets of baby powder in tiny dope looking baggies and put some frilly undies in the Mr's underwear draw and some whips and cuffs in yours. lol

    1. Thanks Missy! Oh man, I'm so taking notes on things to leave around the house for future vacations! Heh heh!

      I can see you guys going on that vacay, I'd want to see lots of pics!!

  10. Have a relaxing, delightful vacation! Hawaii is one of my "If I could travel anywhere..." destinations. Since a trip there isn't in the cards at the moment, I'll settle for hearing about your adventures when you return!

    1. Thanks Jennifer! I will try to do it justice when I return and enjoy it enough for both of us!

  11. Have a super wonderful vacation! We'll all be here when you get back, waiting to hear all about your adventures!

    1. Thanks Peg! I hope to have many adventures to report back! :-)

  12. I totally laughed at the house-sitter comment. Believe it or not I did a ton of house-sitting in college and it never even dawned on me to snoop (I think because of my own privacy tendency). I never realized this was odd until I had a friend come over to one of the houses I was living at and she actually wanted to go through the drawers!

    Anyway, this is one house-sitter than on her honor, actually respected other people's stuff. :)

    Have a great trip and I hope you get the seclusion you want and all the hikes you will love.

    I used to only dream about adventures out of the country, but these days I would love to see Hawaii some day, Alaska and some more road trips to neighboring states. I still have some out of country places too, but there is so much even in the US I haven't seen!

    1. I wouldn't look either but enough of my friends have housesat for other people and I've read stories of things they've found and was like "say what!?" Then I thought, "I'll give them something to talk about!" Good to know there are others out there who wouldn't snoop! ;) Get out and see the US, it's pretty awesome!

  13. Have a fabulous time, will miss you! Can't wait to hear all about it! My favorite place is our friends cabin in vernal Utah and we are going in June!!

    1. Thanks mama! That cabin sounds awesome! Hope you're planning a getaway soon!

  14. We absolutely LOVE to travel, but with work commitments, don't get away as much as we'd like. We were planning on Hawaii for our 10th anniversary, but it didn't happen (lack of funds). We have plans to go to the DR in December Christmas week which has been a kind of tradition for us for about 13 years now. In addition to Hawaii, I'd also like to get to Spain, Portugal, and Italy. I contacted a travel agent, and he said better plan to spend at least $5-$6,000 dollars for a week including airfare. Guess I better keep on working! Have a super wonderful time!

    1. Those are some great places on the travel list! I hope we get to Paris and Rome in the future but goal trip is Tahiti and that's oh, about $25K for the amount of time we want there.

  15. I just LOVE the day before the vacation. I know it's crazy busy but it's ALL ABOUT the vacation!!
    I have an office here and had hubby install a doorknob that locks, so we just put everything in that room that's downstairs and needs locking, and use our BR for stuff that needs locking upstairs. The house is alarmed overall, but this is for the sitter, as you say.

    I cannot believe you are leaving tomorrow. Down to a "wake-up".... this is going to be such a great trip for you two. I think you'll find your stamina is insane and you can do just about everything!
    I am looking forward to the guest bloggers and prepared material while you are gone.

    Have a blast!! best times to you and the Mr! Miss you already! XO

    1. I know! It's like slightly less than controlled chaos around here right now! The Mr is cleaning camera lenses and packing backpacks, etc. That's a good idea with the office! Hmm! I have a feeling they would be looking at videos on how to pop the locks!

      I'm glad you're looking forward to the content. I've worked really hard the past 2 months to make sure everything is rarin' to go! Miss you too!!

  16. "Wanger in the crisper." OMG! Freak out the cukes, much? Love your commenters, I truly do! Ah-hahahaha.

  17. How fantastic! Hope you can pack a cute little bikini and enjoy yourself in the sun and surf! Sounds like it will be a fabulous getaway. Have a great time!

  18. Eep! So excited for you guys! I'm sure you'll have a blast! Hawaii is certainly on the top of my list of places to visit.

    1. Well if you ever plan a trip there, let me know. I can give you some good pointers! :-)

  19. Have a wonderful vacation and a very happy, happy anniversary!

    We will be anxiously waiting for your return. :)

  20. Aloha! Have a WONDERFUL vacation! GO snorkeling, it's awesome! Enjoy the food, the sites, the smells, and especially each other. *HUGS*

    1. I love snorkeling, I just don't love strangers seeing my lard arse! I'll be in Lahaina after all, a whaling town! Okay, I'll stop. I couldn't help myself.

      Will do!

  21. My favorite vacation spot in the world is Maui! We love Maui so much that we were married there.

    The most amazing fish EV-AH is in Hawaii--so fresh, prepared so well--drool! The macadamia nut pancakes with macadamia nut fluff and homemade coconut syrup at the Gazebo--to die for!!!

    Have a blast!


    1. Yay!! Congrats on getting married in paradise! Yes, their fish there is awesome. This is trip #13 for us and Kauai is our favorite but Big Island and Maui are a close second.

      We've got Gazebo on the itinerary!! We haven't tried it yet but everyone raves about it and it's up the street from our condo! Can't wait to try them!

    2. Up the street from your condo?! That's where we stay! We walk to the Gazebo for breakfast every morning! How funny! Napili is the best place on earth.....cannot wait to go back!

    3. We stay in Honokawai but we're on the same street as Gazebo. Just north of Kaanapali but not in the midst of the tourist hustle bustle. Supposedly we can walk to Duke's Beach House from there now. What a shame!

  22. Have fun!!! How cool to take a vacation after losing as much weight as you have! It will be so neat to look at pictures from before and now!

    1. Thanks Meg! Yes we have Hawaii in varying degrees of weight stages except thin and THOSE are the ones I'm looking forward to the most! Hopefully another 2 years. Fingers crossed!

  23. A cruise is my dream vacation . . . Alaska, Hawaii, almost doesn't matter where. Been on three cruises and am hankering for another, but it's not on the schedule yet.

    I cracked up at the "adult" things (and all the suggestions). We don't have someone stay at our house, but we do have someone visit our pets twice a day; might have to "hide" some interesting items to see if she reacts when we get back. A well-placed mouse trap or something of the sort might be a fun thing to hide where someone doesn't need to be snooping.

    Go, enjoy every minute of your time there, and (mostly) forget about the blog and everything you are leaving behind. We'll be around when you get back, green with envy at where you've been. And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, you two lovebirds--I hope you have a fabulous time away with NO adventures in the travel department but lots of happy memories to bring back and share.

    1. I've never been on a cruise before. Most people love them once they go on them. I guess I'm scared of what if we get on there and we don't like it? So sorry! HA!

      I'm thinking a mouse trap is an excellent idea! :)

      Thanks so much! Aloha!

    2. That's how I felt before the first cruise, but I was plotting how to do it again by the time we were done. We have only cruised Norwegian, which means no assigned seating, no assigned times for eating. The problem with cruises is the constant availability of tons of food, but it IS possible to cruise and not gain as long as you pay attention and don't go crazy.

      I'm grinning from ear to ear thinking about the surprises that could await your house sitter. :D

  24. I'm a cruiser. It is just the most relaxing vacation we can go on where we can really disconnect. Theres no phones, no wifi, no internet, nothing.

    We just got back from a 5 day Monday - and We've already got another planned for september - counting down already.

    1. Oh I know, we're already counting down to Kauai next year! HA!

  25. I love central California coastline and the high Sierra mountains. Hitting the coast for a five day stay in three months. Woo hoo!

    1. Ooh have fun! We went to San Fran last year with a day trip to Carmel by the Sea and we said we'd go back just for that place. SO gorgeous!

  26. I would LOVE to go to Hawaii. We have talked about it for years, but DH is SUCH a homebody. We are going to the Outer Banks of North Carolina in 3 weeks. Neither of us have ever been and we have lived in NC for 23 years. We usually go to SC to go to the beach. It's just going to be the 2 of kids (ours are grown anyway at 19 and 21) and the puppy (our 1yo boxer girl). Really looking forward to it and it will hopefully become an annual or bi-annual spot for us :)

    1. That sounds like fun! I've always heard great things about OBX! You'll have to report back after your romantic rendezvous! (Doesn't that sound sexier than vacay? LOL)

  27. We go to different places, and Hawaii is definitely one of my dream destinations... One day.... :D

  28. Doh, I forgot to wish you a safe journey! Enjoy yourself!!

    1. Thanks Maren! Hawaii is definitely a to do-er for anyone in my humble o-pinion.

  29. I know you two will have a great time, especially with all of the anticipation. You did have it pretty rough last year on vacations with the getting/being sick. I have been telling myself I would not like to go back to Hawaii. The flight was too long. The flights were really the biggest problem. I don't like to fly, but I was just uncomfortable b/c of my size and the inflight entertainment was nonexistent. Hawaii itself was beautiful. I would like to go back, but as a different me. I think it would give me a new perspective.

    I'll probably check in to see if you have anything new, but if not, I won't be disappointed. I want for you to have the best possible time that you can. I hope you guys have a safe and wonderful trip.

    1. *holds swinging pocket watch in front of you* You DO want to go DO want to go back. :) The flight is nothing as long as you load up your own movies and food. I like to take cartoons, comedy specials, etc.

      If I didn't tell anyone I was leaving, no one would be the wiser. It's going to run like I'm still here so stop back!

  30. Here's wishing you the BEST vacation time, the most uneventful travel time and all your adventures fulfilled! All my best to you and the Mr and your Anniversary. I'm hoping to drop by and lurk while you're gone but I will be looking forward to your return!

    Right now, the only vacay I'm looking forward to is 3-4 days with my parents in Oregon next month. Really pretty and usually really relaxing. Not quite the travel I'd like to be doing because that list is too long to list.

    1. Lurk away baby cakes! I've got some good stuff posting while we're gone! I hear Oregon is absolutely gorgeous! It's on our short list in the next few years for hiking and such!

  31. I'm getting quite a workout trying hard NOT to be jealous!

    Wishing you and the MR. a wonderful vacation!

    1. You should totally go Cammy! If it's good enough for Elvis, it's good enough for another Memphis resident! :-)

  32. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh!!! Sooooooooooooooooooo jealous!!! The hubs and I went to Hawaii for our honeymoon in Nov (1 week on Oahu & 1 week on Maui). I want to go back sooooooooooooooo badly!!! I'm super de duper jealous right now. One of my best friends is also getting married there this yr in October and we were hoping to go, but the plane tickets are just astronomical! Our travel agent even said the tix are at the highest she's ever seen in her 20 yrs in the business. Ugh. I'm so jealous, but happy you get to get away! Please purty, purty, purty please eat a Dole Whip, drink a POG mimosa, and eat a BBQ plate lunch for me! Aloha!!!

    1. I will tell Maui aloha for you. If you have a flexible schedule, wait until 1 month prior and check for last minute deals. Also check We almost always go through them and they have packages that include car, hotel and airfare for a pretty good deal. Um, totally down with POG anything so I'll use that to wash down my plate lunch!

    2. When we were planning our honeymoon, I got quotes from Pleasant Holidays, but our travel agent got us a much, much better deal than they did. I will say that they were absolutely awesome to work with though! I'll definitely check out the flights a month beforehand and see if I can find anything. Thanks and have a *FANTABULOUS* time!!!

  33. ALOHA! Have an amazing time. We'll be headed there ourselves in July. Oahu this time. :)

    1. Aloha!! That's awesome. Are you going to the Polynesian Cultural Center? We LOVED that place and Sea Life Park.

  34. Lucky you! I'm sure you two will have a fabulous time. Can't wait to hear and see pics of all the active things you do while you are there.
    For me the beach wins hands down. My favorite vacation spot is Kauai. I want to go back as soon as possible. Wish I could live in Hawaii too. I would be so happy.

    1. I'll tell you it was very hard to remember we weren't going to Kauai this year. It was almost depressing! Kauai is just home for us for sure. The housing market is a little more affordable there now so we keep our eyes peeled.

  35. Enjoy yourselves, you deserve it!

  36. Mahalo for the great blog! Hope you and the Mr. have a GREAT time! Please, please, please try some super amazing sushi for me. That and the scenery when hiking are worth the trip! Can't wait to see pics and updates. (I also saw a plant at our local store that was growing on a volcano rock from Hawaii and thought of you--I may have to pick that one up).

  37. You are most likely soaking up the sun as I type this and I know you guys are enjoying every single moment of it!!! Can't wait to hear what you have for us when you return!


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