
Friday, May 4, 2012

Reflections on a special day

Today is our wedding anniversary.

I remember so much about that day.  From my maids of honor (yep, I had two) curling my hair at the house to directing the florist where things went in my crinoline and bustier covered up by a coat to having to wait to go down the aisle because the Mr's 80 year old aunt was "indisposed."  She came out of the bathroom and we're all standing there in order and she's like "what's going on?" and I said "we're just waiting on you so I can get married!"  :-)  Everything pretty much went off without a hitch.  Pretty much.

Five days prior, a family member who was supposed to sing at my wedding backed out.  They weren't even going to tell me, I found out second hand.  I called and left a message telling them that I didn't appreciate hearing it that way and that people being told that I pressured them into it wasn't going to fly since they had 2 years to back out.  (We had a long engagement)  Somehow things worked out and the money that my co-workers chipped in to give me as a gift immediately got handed over to a co-worker who just happened to sing opera for the symphony.  Opera isn't really my style but I suppose with the classical trio we had playing it set a certain mood.  I'll never know if I gypped her but I think $75 for 2 songs is pretty dang good even if she had a diva complex about having her picture taken mid-song.  (WhatEVAH!)  I heard things afterward about a whining family member who was telling people about her own screwed up life and would have been booted out for sure.  I also found out my friend was pawed over by one of the Mr's inappropriate extended family members in front of his wife.  Sometimes it's better when you don't find these things out until later.  I would've taken care of both in a hot minute.

But what I remember most is how happy I was to be married to the man who was made just for me.  The man whose face had always been hazy in my dreams as a little girl when I thought of who my future husband would be but became crystal clear after a few short weeks of dating.  I knew with the myriad of obstacles we faced and the opposition from some people before we ever said "I do" that we could face anything.  We'd been tested many times and always came out stronger to the dismay of some and to our delight.  The Mr always says he remembers how he and I were stars for the day.  He's very low key and it was nice for everyone to want to talk to us and be in our company.  I think we all relish that a little bit on that special day even if we don't always admit it.

I am married to the man of my dreams.  The man who has seen me at 494 lbs and still called me beautiful.  The man who doesn't gripe about being dragged through antique stores.  The man who has supported me in this weight loss journey; celebrating the ups and comforting the downs.  The man that I keep the car door open for as he packs the groceries in the trunk at night in case of grocery ninjas.  The man who knows that if he is ever physically attacked that it's me they'd better worry about.  The man who still tells me how cute I am even when I'm sick and looking like a coffee berry that has passed through the Asian palm civet digestive tract.  The man whom I want nothing more than to sink back in his chair and tell me how delicious my new recipe is.  The man who tells me "I don't mind that you have an obsession with bowls from Anthropologie and West Elm, if it makes you happy, that's all that matters to me."

I am in love.  I am blessed.  I am facing future with the man I am meant to be with for the rest of this wonderful life.

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  1. too cute :-) happy anniversary

  2. You two are blessed to have found each other. Happy anniversary to both of you!

  3. You truly are blessed to have found such a wonderful life partner! Congratulations on your anniversary and many more!

  4. Beautiful post. Congratulations on your anniversary - and many more happy years together I'm sure of it :)

  5. Congratulations! I hope you are enjoying your trip!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your vacation

  7. "...I'm sick and looking like a coffee berry that has passed through the Asian palm civet digestive tract..." BWAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAHAAAHAAAAHAAAAAHAHAAAAAABWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Dying over here!!! DY.ING. OMG. You are hysterical, my friend. And congrats on your marriage!!!! It's the BEST decision I ever made too!

  8. May God richly bless you two, on this anniversary and always!!

  9. Congratulations and I hope you're having the best time in Hawaii!

  10. Um, you made me cry. I hate you. Happy anniversary to you and the Mr! Enjoy your day and your vacation!!!

  11. Sweet and funny, love it. Happy Anniversary to you both.

  12. Happy, happy anniversary and many more to come! You and the Mr. are made for each other, it's clear. Hope you're enjoying your time in Hawaii!

  13. Happy, happy anniversary! Hope you have a wonderful day and many years to come!

  14. "I'm sick and looking like a coffee berry that has passed through the Asian palm civet digestive tract."

    And this is why I love your blog!! Too funny!

    Happy anniversary!

    Oh, and thank you for not using the phrase "soul mate"! And if that phrase is in the post somewhere and my brain just blocked it out--no one tell me! It makes me violent!

  15. Happy Anniversary! This about made me tear up....not many find true happiness - what you have is very rare :)

  16. Awwww...such a sweet post. You are both so luck to have found each other in this big crazy world. Congrats and happy anniversary!
    Oh btw, I'm totally obsessed with bowls from Anthropologie too. Love them!

  17. Happy anniversary to one great couple! It is indeed a blessing to be married to the man of your dreams. Many more happy years to you both!

  18. AWE...I LOVE this post! Congrats to both of you - I wish you many years of happiness to come.

  19. Happiest of anniversaries to you and your husband...and many MANY happy returns of the day.

    I am that lucky too!!

  20. That is SOOO sweet. Happy anniversary to you guys! You were made for each other! Hope you are enjoying Hawaii. :)

  21. Happy anniversary! I pray every possible blessing for you, today, and in the years to come! Have a wonder-filled holiday!

  22. Wishing you all the joy and love your hearts can hold on your very special day!! Every moment of your shared journey since you met has brought you to this place...and every single experience was worth it! Sending big anniversary hugs your way! xoxoxo

  23. You are both so precious. Happy Anniversary and about 50 more to come!

  24. So very happy for you two! I am a day late, Dad had surgery yesterday so I was off the grid, but Happy Anniversary!! I truly hope you guys celebrate the entire vacation!! Absolutely lovely blog about your wedding day. A classical trio! LOVE! You looked so beautiful, m'dear!! The wedding kiss - perfect picture!!

    Happy Aloha Anniversary Vacation!!!!

  25. Lovely tribute to the Mr. And your love for each other. I am heading home from a 9-day vacation with my Mr. Where we were together 24/7. I always think that's a good test of a relationship. We got along great as we almost always do and in Sept we will celebrate 42 years of being married. It only gets better when you find the right person and it sounds like we both did. Happy Anniversary, I hope you have many more!

  26. What a beautiful post! I hope your anniversary is a fantastic one (and really, you're in Hawaii right now, so how could it not be?!). :D

  27. I purchased Turbo Jam (the five-workout, two-disc set) through your blog. I did "Cardio Dance" tonight and absolutely LOVED IT. Now I can't wait to try her Turbo Fire workouts. It was so much fun I was smiling most of the time. I loved the 90s music. It really brought back memories of high school, especially "Bust a Move". Also, I can't get over how many calories I burned - 937! Thanks for the recommendation!

  28. Happy Wonderful Anniversary! I just loved your sweet blog today. You and The Mr are Blessed!

  29. That was so sweet. Thanks for letting us in just a little more.

  30. Awwwwww...Happy Anniversary!!!!


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