
Friday, October 7, 2011

Pie face

I made pumpkin cookies last night.  They were puffy, good and needed cloves next time.  That's not the point.  I had about 2-3 tbsp of pumpkin left and didn't want to throw it away.  Then I remembered this facial recipe I'd heard of about a year ago.  Did you know pumpkin is a major source of antioxidants and not just when you eat it but it can be used topically as well.  Yeah, like on your skin.  People actually pay $95 for that crap!  You don't have to.

Grab 2-3 tbsp of pumpkin, 1 tbsp of plain or greek yogurt and 1 tsp of honey.  Then mix it all together until it looks like a cute little crustless pie you want to throw in the oven.

Then dig in baby.  Slather it.  Feel the cool, refreshing antioxidants doing what they do best.  Getcho pie face on!  Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off and pat your face dry.  This is a nice way to use some of that leftover pumpkin and get a refreshing beauty facial on the cheap!  It's really a matter of being green.  Reduce, reuse, recycle and all that jazz!  Or maybe you just want to put pie on your face without the judgment of a face print in the Thanksgiving version!

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  1. I'm having visions of my entire face being refreshed...except around the mouth area where my tongue liked it all off.

    In all seriousness, I'm always on the lookout for at-home/DIY beauty, so thanks for this. The next time I use pumpkin, I'll try to refrain from eating the rest out of the can with the spoon and do this instead.

  2. I never would have thought of this. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I have to say, it left my face feeling totally hydrated, soft and FIRM! Not something my regular stuff leaves me with (firm wise).

    You can also crush up some almonds (or use almond meal) or pulse some rolled oats to mix it in and use it as an exfoliator! Yummy!...err...I mean yahoo!

  4. Wow what an awesome idea! It would be hard to not want to eat that mix though. :)

  5. Hi, I just found your blog via your comment on Beth's site. It's great, I've bookmarked and will be back often!!! Have a good weekend.

  6. Beth- Definitely! I just got my lunch and saw that and thought "ooh, that looks good!"

    Roz- Nice to see you! Welcome!

  7. Ahh! You put it on your face? Lol! Freaky!

  8. I know! But don't knock it til ya try it! I think I'm going to use it before I go out with others because it made my face feel so firm and lifted. Who knew!? :)

  9. Who knew??? How do you come up with all this stuff?? That is really cool. Will have to remember this when I have some left over pumpkin!

  10. I wish I could take credit for it but I either saw it on TV or read it in a magazine about a year ago. I wanted to remember it for when I had a wee bit o' pumpkin left and finally had enough to use it!

  11. You make me smile and my family will thank you that they no longer have to eat pie with my face imprint in it! Whooo...just in the nick of time!


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