
Monday, October 10, 2011


I must've written 5 different things here.  All too twisted for color TV.  I'm in a horrific, suffocating funk right now.  That's about all I can say.  I'm just here with my spoon...trying to dig my way out.

How do you handle funks?  (I'm not talking the kind that turn into something that may need meds)

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  1. I pout and wallow in my misery for a while. And then I realize (i.e. Eddie tells me), that nothing will change unless I change it, starting with my attitude.

    And then I hate him for a little bit until I realize that he's right. And sometimes I pout some more and throw a tempertantrum that would make my 5 year old self proud. But, most of the time, it's the kick in the ass I need.

  2. In a word (or two) - not well. I get mad, and then I cry, and then people (hubby) think I'm sad, and that makes me even madder, and I cry more (I just cry when I'm mad, can't explain it). Then I rant and rave, and throw a fit that would land my 5 year old firmly in time out with a spanked behind. Then (usually) I kind of burn it off and it's safe for the wildlife to return. I've been working on ways to handle it better without having to go take a walk or something that I don't always have the time to do. I'm looking forward to reading any suggestions anyone else has too.

  3. I indulge a funk to a point, usually ranting it out in my journal (where I can be as nasty/whiney/whatever as I want). Once it's out in the journal, I have to focus on letting it go. Sometimes it leaves quickly and sometimes I have to rant it again and really work to get rid of it.

    I also try to counter the negativity with something positive. Lately I've been letting the scale have a lot of emotional control so to counter that I focus on non-scale victories (like a smaller sized clothing article fitting--or how baggy an older/bigger item now looks).

    I also find "fuck you" music to listen to (sometimes it will contain that actual phrase--sometimes it's just aggressive). Scream/singing along to it makes me feel like a bad ass and helps get it out of my system.

  4. Mrs.. where did your sparkpage go? I noticed you were gone, and I know you've been in a funk. I hope you're doing ok, I'm still always here to chat!!

    Courtney (BOOTS1221)

  5. I'm sorry you're in a funk. :( I usually make a list of things I have to be grateful for, or things I have to proud of, or whatever is the opposite of my funky mood. Works like a charm every time.

  6. I am absolutely no good to myself in a funk, or to my DH, who is my only real sounding board.
    Funks suck. They are horrible to go through and they quite literally suck everything out of you while they are happening.
    Unfortunately, they try to haul away any glimmers of 'the other side of the funk' pretty well over here - I have to try and fight them off HARD.
    I hope you can get yourself back on top, where you belong!! I am so sorry to see you down, and very sorry to see you and the Mr gone from SP. I hope that is only temporary, I really do.
    Your friend,

  7. I'm in a funk now too :( Your other page is gone and I had to scroll through all your past comments to find a link to this page so I could voice my work computer does not save favorites cuz its a "thin client" server only. This is the only way I can message you I guess...I'm saddend that you are gone. I got to your page to check the progress pics, find motivation and mostly link to here so I can read your blogs. I hope you will find it in you to come back and just make your page private so I can still leave you and the Mr and maybe one other person who has now disappeared on me are the only reason I get on there other then to log my workouts. Puh-leez come back! (ok I'm done with my tantrum) I hope nothing bad happend--now that I'm done thinking only of myself.


  8. I am hard to live with when I am in a funk. I am moody, grouchy and find things to bug everyone else about. If I am miserable everyone else should be too right! The joke around here is me and my seven heads of ganish. They see me coming and they all ask what head I am wearing today! LOL I sound off alot on my hubby and he in his calm manner tends to real me back in. He points things out that I just can't see. Sending a superdupery hug your way!

  9. Sorry you're in a funk. If your journey is leading you down another path I wish you well on it. The mr., too.

  10. I am afraid I usually handle them with forks and spoons myself...and look where it has gotten me.

    If I am smart about it, I reach out to my online friends, who are the only ones who truly support me. I hope you "turn on" your SP page again, even if it's private, so your friends can support you there as well.

    We are here for you.

  11. Re: my other page. It'll be back when I feel less like a loser. (And not in that cutesy "you've lost a lot of weight" kind of way. Hang in.

  12. Right or wrong, I curl up into a ball, and pout, and yell, and snap at anyone who tries to help me. Then I cry, and feel sorry for myself, and start thinking about why I'm not happy. That usually sheds some much needed light on the subject. I hope whatever it is that's got you so down doesn't keep you down for long. Sparkmail me if you want to chat *HUGS*

  13. Unfortunately, I'm probably not the best person to ask. I usually do something very self-indulgent, like take a day to lounge around in my pj's and read a good book. I've always said that books are my version of the drugs others use, they're an escape hatch. I disappear into someone else's world for awhile while the dishes sit in the sink, the laundry sits in the hamper, etc. Oh, I forgot, I vent and I mean VENT to a good friend of mine over the phone - email just doesn't cut it for a good vent. Somewhere during this self-indulgent period my cat will lay down beside me and put his head or his paws on my leg and I start to realize that I have to rejoin MY life. Hopefully, during my absence I haven't eaten everything in sight! I'm trying to change it to a nice long walk or at least something more constructive and less destructive. I'm sorry you're in a deep funk! I'm hoping you feel better soon. *HUGS*

  14. Tried to leave one but dang I am bad at this. Had to fill out a form to join livejournal and then it erased my domment. And now I am in a FUNK!

  15. I indulge it until I can't stand myself anymore and then I go find something entertaining to do. I know that by tomorrow, it'll be old news. (I just went through this yesterday so I know this to be true!!)

    Find something entertaining to do!!

  16. Boy, this is a tough one, as I've been in my own funk for way too long. I don't feel much hope these days. I "know" there is hope, but I don't particularly "feel" it. I just keep telling myself that I can get through today (or even the next couple of hours), that I can do anything for just a day. It alleviates the pressure I feel about feeling this way for weeks and months to come. Then the next day, I say the same thing. I'm trying to get outdoors to enjoy the autumn season, but I don't have the same joy I normally do. I guess my answer is I have no I just slog through the mire one boot at a time.

  17. I was going to send you a sparkgoodie but you were gone :( I know you need a break and if getting off spark is one way to do it then take your time. You need to do what is best for you and maybe you just need to take a minute and take some good deep breaths. You know I'm always here if you need someone to talk to. Hugs!!!!!

  18. Ohmigosh your page is gone! I almost had a heart attack. Thankfully this blog saved me.

    HUGGGGGS to you, woman. I usually just wallow until I'm ready to move on, and you're certainly allowed to do that too.

  19. I'm sorry you are going through this. *hugs* I tend to isolate and burrow into myself, which is a very out of character posture for me. Invariably, the demands of life, the needs of family and friends rise up and I begin to respond, climbing out of the pit, bit by bit. In my isolation, I spend time praying, reading my bible, reading positive books, and that helps me through. Those seasons don't last long, thankfully.


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