
Friday, September 2, 2011

You're invited!

It's my birfday yo!  Time to par-tay!  I'm talkin' Caroline violating Jake Ryan's house and Donger ending up on the lawn kind of celebration.

Okay, maybe not that big.  Man did 80's movies ruin my expectations for life!  Anyhoo...

Problem is I need to add some songs to my playlist.

Add the name of your favorite song to dance to in the comments!

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  1. Remember a day by Pink Floyd. Have fun. (no_snow_body) happy Birthday..ok it is more like my song this year

  2. Happy Birthday!

    80's movies totally ruined my expectations as well.

    I'm sure all my old standbys are already on you playlist, but lately I've been really liking a band called Flogging Molly. Who can resist a jig?

  3. Happy Birthday!

    I have tons of songs on my list but currently I can't sit still when 'Firework' by Katy Perry comes on.

  4. Happy Birthday! Love the pic. One of my fave movies too!

  5. Happy Birthday here too! I really don't dance too often - no rhythm and LOTS of self consciousness. BUT I do take a Latin Hip Hop dancey class at my gym which I love. My favorite song in that class right now is Jennifer Lopez - On the Floor. We do some really fun skatey type move back and forth on the floor which is super fun.

  6. Happy Birthday!!

    I have just realized I have a bunch of 80's & 90's music on my ipod. There is a lot of new stuff that let's me get to groovin', BUT my feet just won't behave when John Mellencamp's "Hurts So Good" comes on.

  7. Happy birthday from another teen of the 80s!

    I hope you have an amazing year!

  8. You know, last night as I was sweating my arse off on the elliptical, I noticed that I had a minute or so left on the timer...then "Gonna Make you Sweat" by C&C Music Factory popped up on Pandora and I just HAD to go past my set time...I immediately thought of you! Happy Birthday!!!

  9. Happy Birthday! One of my current faves is "One Girl Revolution" by Superchick. Also liking her "Rock What You Got" Hope you have a wonderful day!

  10. Happy Birthday, Beautiful!!! I recommend anything with a Latin rhythm! Have a fantastic weekend!!!

    {{{{{{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}}}}}}

  11. Happy Birthday girlie!!! Okay, one of my absolute favorite dance like nobody is watching all out abandon songs is The Dirt Whispered by Rise Against. If you are looking for something more conventional, then in the 80's vibe - Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode. Always makes me happy to dance away!

  12. Happy Birthday! You've been talking 80's, so I'm thinking Rock This Town by the Stray Cats. I think I spent a lot of time on the dance floor to that one back in the day.

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  13. Thanks so much to everyone for the birthday wishes! Hope you're enjoying the playlist, I'm enjoying the suggestions!

  14. Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!

    I have big digging Nickleback for when I walk on the treadmill/elliptical.

    Anyway - hope you had a FABULOUS and WONDERFUL birthday (and birthday weeknd! ;) )

  15. Happy birthday girlie!!! I hope you had a wonderful day :) Love that movie!

    Baby's got back always gets me dancing :) Or Miss You by the Rolling Stones.

  16. Hi Mrs! HAPPY OF HAPPIEST BIRTHDAYS! I know I've been quiet - totally overwhelmed with student teaching and raising the little one while the hubby is gone for a few months with work. Grrrrr. Still checking in and rooting you on EVERY DAY! I hope this year brings you everything you have worked so hard for an deserve more than anything. HUGS! ~Annie


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