
Monday, September 12, 2011

Sedentary Blues

So I think I mentioned last week that if I didn't lose weight (or gained) that my first instinct would be to cut way back on calories.  That instinct kicked in.  The Mr and I had a serious bitchfest about this weight loss stall that has seemed to plague 2011...the year we've done the most kick ass workouts.   But I have decided to say screw it, I will continue with higher calorie ranges over the next 2 weeks because I owe myself that.  I owe myself to try what I said I was going to do and know for sure.  It goes against everything my head is screaming at me to do but I need to follow my head on this one.

In the midst of the bitchfest in which I said all kinds of crazy crap in desperation, one of the more sane things to fall out of the cupcake hole was that we are WAY too sedentary for most of the day.  We may kick ass for the hour we do "formal" exercise but our jobs are requiring us to be total sloths and we're sloths after dinner too so that's all about to change.  Starting today, at the top of the hour, I go down and do at least 3 minutes on the treadmill for a total of an extra 24 minutes of activity during the day.  Then after dinner we'll go for a walk around the neighborhood or at the park.  This is a lot of extra stuff to get used to but if we ever want to make our current uber workout work for us then we have to do this.  The Mr has a mandatory walk to his car  in his football field sized parking lot so he gets that little extra over me.  This may not sound like much to some people but you've gotta start somewhere.  Here goes nothing.

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  1. Sometimes it's the little things that make the biggest difference. If nothing else, walking outside in the evening will be a pleasant way to spend some extra time together.

  2. I really think eating more will help in this case ~ It goes against everything we think, yes. But when I was doing P90x, I had to eat more to lose weight.

  3. It is good to see the old Mrs. back who refuses to give up and will try everything to get things moving again.

  4. Does't sound little to me, sounds like an awesome plan. An extra 24 minutes a day, plus the walk in the evening is going to add up to a sizeable amount by the end of the week. You are creating your own equivelent of taking the stairs at work or parking in the farthest parking spot. Sounds smart to me.

  5. Woot, there you go! I've been in your boat for about a year now and instead of kicking myself into trying something else, I just gave up and gained weight back. Good for you for not being me! You go, girl!

  6. I think it's a great plan and one I'd be smart to add to my day as well!

  7. I agree with Tiffanie. You probably need to eat more.

  8. Thanks so much for the support everyone! So far I've burned 306 calories doing the treadmill 4x so far today! If this doesn't do it, I don't know what will!

  9. i LOVE this post and the idea as well! i have to go up 4 flights of stairs every morning through Penn Station and some days i run up them or other days I skip a step as I climb, it does make a difference. I also walk for at least 30 minutes on my lunch break through NYC it helps counteract all my sitting at my desk job.

    Keep it up!

  10. GREAT idea! This can't help but make some kind of difference, I'd think. I am sedentary, too, in my job; I have to figure out how I can do something like this as well so that the old metabolism burns more efficiently throughout the day, not just during the formal workout time. Hope it does the trick for you and the Mr.!

  11. I agree sister. The little things extra you do will add up. I'm doing it myself. Mondays I have three classes and too many heavy books. I park at a parking lot 10 minutes away everyday. So I left one bag there and at the break went and walked to get it. 20 minutes of exercise just like that! Woohoo! I'm sending lots of its gonna work vibes your way! Hugs!

  12. I think that's a great idea! More power to you and I'll swipe your idea and modify it a little. I work on the second floor of our office and I'll set my alarm to walk up and down the stairs at the top of every hour. That in addition to the rest of the times I go up and down will add just a little extra to my workout. I need to do a little more in the evenings as well, that one I'll have to think about.

    Meanwhile - Good for you! I also liked your scale boycott.

  13. I know you probably don't have issues with time management but a lot of people who work from home do. We found something that might work for you with the whole sedentary thing. We use the pomodoro technique. Basically the premise is that you work for 25 minutes and then get up from what you are doing to take a 5 minute break. After every four pomodoros you take a longer break (15 - 20 minutes). We use it mostly because after a while your mind tends to wander to other things. Like I said though, this might help you with the whole sedentary thing. Here are links to info about the pomodoro technique if you are interested Wikipedia and ThePomodoro Technique. Let me know if it works out for you or if you even think it might.

  14. So HELP me, you MUST write a book when you reach your goal, and NOT just on losing weight. I don't think you have even a wee tiny clue how much you inspire me and SO many others. I love this plan. I love your creativity. I love your refusal to accept anything less than success.


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