
Saturday, September 10, 2011

"It's not me, it's you" - Weigh In

Dear Scale,

I'm going to say this one time, so listen good.  I don't know why you have decided to betray me.  I don't think one extra day of eating poorly in addition to my period (which I NEVER gain weight on) is a reason to throw a 2  pound gain at me.  I know the Mr isn't hormonal and he got the same.  I don't know if you think it's funny to see that look of hope and then utter disappointment/rage/self esteem chipping demeanor but I'm not havin' it.

I'm taking a break.  We're taking a break.  I'm tired of allowing you to make me feel less than.  I'm tired of giving you the power to determine whether I have a good day or a bad one.  I'm tired of letting you determine whether all of the effort I have given all week has been worth it or not.  I'm tired of suddenly feeling the need to step on you a few times a week to 'see where I am' and the Mr does it too and it's not healthy.  But that's just how you want it, isn't it?  So we're breaking up for 2 weeks.  It's not me, it's you.  So put that in your juice box and suck it.

The Mrs (and the Mr even if he doesn't like it)

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  1. I agree. Time to give the scale a break. Hopefully it will help us to focus more on hitting the workouts hard and eating right for the right reasons instead of just worrying about the scale the whole time. Good riddance scale!

  2. Yep, telling the scale to suck it, seems to be happening a lot more in my neck of the woods too. Enjoy the vaca from the evil metal monster!

  3. Good girl. The scale isn't what is important in the scheme of things. You are making the right decision :)

  4. See ya later scale. Borrow a scale from somewhere and bring it in just to make your scale jealous-lol!

  5. One large princess straw needed for one bratty scale. The break will be good. I have an analogy I'm working on. When you boil water, there is a point where it just stays the same for a bit before it alters its properties and turns to steam. That's what you got going on baby! Your body is gettin' ready for the steam! And whoa its getting hot in here!

  6. I am sure if you did some measuring, you might see some of your hard work! I am also sure if you went up a flight of stairs and didn't pass out at the top, you would FEEL all your hard work. The scale may be acting like an asshole right now, but your body is getting healthier and that is a great thing!!

  7. I have given the scale the boot as well. No "scaling" for me 'til Halloween. I too was finding myself waaaaay too tied to it lately, so I'm going to break that habit.

  8. Sounds like a good idea--stupid scale. Hope it learns its lesson and rewards you and the Mr. both the next time you pull it out!

  9. I yanked the battery out of my scale 3 weeks ago so I wouldn't be tempted to go batty every day with it. I'm not going to put it back in until October 1st. We have our vacation next week and I have my meals planned for almost the whole week so far and have my workout schedule ready as well. We'll see what it's like when I come back, but the obsession was becoming too much. As you said, that stupid number would chip away at self-esteem that is far too precious to spare. We have value every single second of every single day regardless of what that !@#$$%# thing says. Believing it on the crappy weigh in days is a whole lot tougher though, eh? Big hugs, sweetness!

  10. Yes! Good for you! A very wise decision. You just took your power back from that silly scale.

  11. *hugs* I'm sorry this is happening and I absolutely, wholeheartedly, completely applaud your scale boycott.


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