Friday, November 15, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #46

It's finally Friday y'all!  What a friggin' week.  We've been stuck in such limbo for 7 weeks that finally getting the tub to shower conversion done seemed like this hazy dream goal that was promised but never going to happen and we were right.  

The majority of day one was listening to demo chaos and my face looking like this:



Nothing like hearing the multi-tool ripping off your walls and chiseling out your tub out and of course it was right over our heads whilst trying to work.  (To the point I didn't even bother because it was too distracting.)  That project was the cornerstone of us being able to move forward with everything else that we were hyped up to do almost 2 months ago.  Our first 'gift' was them putting a 2" gash in the bathroom door that I wasn't planning on repainting until well into next year.  So we had to take it off of the hinges and lean it in the hallway.  Yeah, the girl who doesn't even want the Mr on the same floor as her when she poops under normal circumstances now has no bathroom door on the loo.  😳

Then it was time to go get my veins pumped full of solvent to dissolve them and wear my sexy compression ho.  (One leg so no hose.)  We chatted about the reno while she worked on the thigh vein and said she was thinking of doing the same thing in her kid's bathroom.  When I told her it was $11K I instantly saw her butt pucker and she was like "woah!!  I had no clue it would be that much!"  I told her I know it's a lot of money but it's only going to get more expensive.  At least that's what we tell ourselves.  

Before I recap how the whole thing went, let's jump into:

Micro-Walks’ May Have a Big Impact on Your Health, Study Finds (This is a super small study but this is an amount everyone can easily do)

Why we should ‘lift heavy’ as we get older  (Or lift at all.  We've been horrible about it for months now.)

Here’s Why It’s So Impossible to Get Reliable Diet Advice From the News  (So basically everything you just read here was for nothing! 😂) 

Never Worry About Dusting Tall Shelves Again By Reusing Old Newspaper. (I do this on top of the fridge or you can go this route if you want something washable.)

How to Avoid Soggy Bottoms—and 6 More Pie-Baking Mistakes, According to Pros  (Because no one likes a soggy bottom.  *Looks in mirror*)

Is it Rude To Ask A Guest To Take Their Shoes Off?  (Let me break this down for you in a way I didn't understand until we rented from a lady in San Francisco 14 years ago who was militant about no shoes in the house.  She had signs up about not bringing the "grime of the city" inside.  Translation?  You've been walking in human and animal urine/ feces, same with spit, snot and vomit but diluted whether you know it or not.  Don't forget oils, solvents, squished berries, bugs, dirt from your walks/hikes and 100 other things you don't see or think of.  If you think you need to live in a big city for that to apply, you're wrong.  Get a boot tray to put by the door when company comes with one pair of shoes on it.  If they're not total idiots, they should get the hint)

How to Get Rid of Sentimental Items Without Feeling Guilty  (This can be hard to do whether it's your own stuff or things you inherited)

The Correct Way To Measure Board And Batten Walls For Your DIY  (In case anyone is planning winter or spring to do updates)

Any Cure fans out there?  Check out this ad free concert Robert and the gang released last week!

If anyone is interested in the Grief at the Holidays webinar the Mr and I attended, here's the replay link.  There's also a workbook of sorts with the writing prompts she used if you prefer to go that route.

Miss some posts here this week?  Catch up below!

Now to round up the reno in short by last night.  Well uh...I don't know how to break it to you as we're still processing this ourselves.  They scratched the base of the shower and the ceiling cap yesterday...DEEP.  We could hear them forcing panels in and finally giving up to cut them.  Here's a sample of a disturbing chat I had with the Mr yesterday whilst said forcing was happening as we sat 12' from each other:

The Mr took pics of the damage and sent it to the project manager who thankfully called us back within 5 minutes falling all over himself apologizing.  We are having a "temporary solution" of a shower rod today so we have our only working shower and they're going to try a scratch kit and if it looks like crap then it all needs replaced.  Keep in mind that we can't do ANYTHING ELSE with our bathroom (flooring, wallpaper, vanity, etc until their part is done and we've already made it clear we didn't pay for scratch and dent.

So yeah.  We're breaking out the wine FOR SURE.  We both effing give up.  It's been a while since I've seen the Mr that close to tears of anger.


It's time to get your Christmas shopping on.  I've got some stuff in the shop for your introverts and pet lovers as well as holiday gear for you!

What is on your plate for the weekend?  Enjoy yours a little extra for us!

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  1. Yeah me hulking out is about the only way to put it. I've never been so mad, disappointed and just plain flabbergasted all at once. Supposedly they can do a lot to repair this stuff cause it's like Corian or quartz, but we had better not be able to tell at all or this all has to be completely redone since the base is the first part to go down.
    I seriously wanted to reboot life when I saw those deep scratches. Why do we have such terrible luck with this stuff?

    1. Because between the two of us we were born under bad signs and when we joined forces we tipped the scales toward "clusterf*ck". This is exactly the crap I was talking to the therapist about how we have to fight for everything so I guess I'll have one more big fat air checkmark to add to the list. The upside... our weekend apparently just opened up. 🙄

  2. I'm so sorry this was such a disappointing and frustrating mess. Not having a functioning bathroom is so difficult as it is, but throw in damaged parts and pieces, and it's a scream fest. I hope they can fix it perfectly or replace it all immediately. You need a win here. Since your weekend has indeed opened up, get out of the house for a while!!! You guys need a mental reset outing that's calm, relaxing, and stress free!!❤❤


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