Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Hump Day Poll: Indoor vs Outdoor?

Welp, it's happening today.  The tub to shower conversion is scheduled over the next three days.  At 8am we'll have a team of people traipsing through the house while we try to work.  Oh and while I try to remember that I have a vein procedure today too.  You know,  the one that is apparently coded the way it should've been the whole time that does NOT actually require pre-approval meaning I could've been done with this crap in July!!!  Don't get me started.

But that's not why you're here.

Sooo, indoor clothes vs outdoor clothes.  Is this a thing?  I keep hearing more and more about not wearing your outdoor clothes in the house after you've been out shopping, walking or doing anything outdoors and bringing those clothes into your bedroom is a big no no because of bugs, germs, dirt or whatever.

I'm not knocking it (and certainly not wondering if the same people are brushing their dog's teeth before allowing a kiss because you know darn well that tongue has just given it's privates a full oral bath 10 minutes earlier).  Just curious to know the reasoning behind it if anyone practices this so if this is something I need to be taking seriously or is it a generational difference?

Have you heard of this?  Thoughts?

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  1. Good luck with the renovation, so excited for you guys! Also hoping for a great outcome on the veins, my last one was life changing. He'll no on the clothes thing, I'm too lazy for that!
    Have a great day!

  2. I hope your vein procedure goes really good and you can be done with the crazy pre-auth nonsense!
    I have never heard of this indoor/outdoor clothes thing. I wouldn't change a thing anyway. Our immune systems suffer enough from all the over sanitation we do as it is. If I'm working a farm or am a mechanic, then yes, I would change out my clothes just because of the smell and grime. But not for everyday living.


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