Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Hump Day Poll: I Thought Everyone Did That!

Holidays are built on traditions and many traditions are ones that we think everyone has.  My Italian friend has a huge feast of foods that I thought people just had any day of the week.   That woke me up to the fact that not all foods I thought were a given for certain holidays actually are.  I got curious and asked my chiropractor if they had any dish that it wouldn't be the same if they didn't have it for the holidays and he said corn casserole.  My Mom made that on occasion for random events but not necessarily holidays.

With Thanksgiving being tomorrow (and Christmas rocketing toward us), what foods did you think everyone ate when you were a kid (or adult) but found out later it was either regional or just your family?

Mine was Grandma's noodles.  I thought that's what everyone had but the Mr had never heard of such a thing and I think my family might've been militant about him trying them by the way he tells the story.  I thought it was just me that said he should try them but apparently many did.

How about you?  What food was/is a staple for your holiday but not necessarily with others?

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  1. Yes several people made sure to tell me that I needed to try the noodles. Thankfully they're good or I would have offended some people LOL. For me the must have dish was my Grandma's pecan swirl rolls... But many years after she passed O learned that they were just store bought that she modified so there isn't really a recipe and I've never really had them like that since, but it sure meant a lot to me as a kid. It just wasn't the holidays without those.

  2. Hmmm... aside from specific cookies mom made as a kid for Christmas, nothing specific comes to mind. Beef crown roast or some kind of beef roast for Christmas, but we'd have roast at other times too. I guess my dad's stuffing he made from scratch would be for Thanksgiving, and probably Christmas, but I'm not totally sure on that.

  3. Perogi that my grandmother made from scratch. Potato & cheese, sauerkraut. She'd fry them with butter & onions. We only had them at Christmas. They were a lot of work. None of my friends ever even heard of them. But now I see them in the frozen food section at the grocery stores.

    1. Have you ever picked some up to see if they taste anywhere near Gram's?


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