Monday, September 30, 2024

A Little Rocky, A Little Triumphant Weekend Recap

Top o' the final Monday of September to you!  I know everyone is yammering about how fast each month/season this year has passed but seriously, is it just me who feels like they blinked and we were out with horsies for my birthday and suddenly it's basically October???  

Twas not my best showing this weekend.  I desperately needed a bit of a break this weekend because my mental state has been in the pooper on the grief front the past few weeks.  The Mr said something about getting breakfast goodies in the morning the night before so I kind of had my sights set on that and maybe driving somewhere to see the state of the leaves.  He woke with wicked heartburn, which he rarely has and started getting a headache.  I got my panties in a snit because I felt like there were things he could've tried that were at the top of a internet search and could've relieved his pain much quicker.  My interpretation was it fell on me to make him better and I'm at a point where I don't want to make one more effing decision for anything ever again.  (Though a slew of them are waiting.)  So yeah, it wasn't fair but that put my mood straight into tantrum town especially when the things I told him to do seemed to bring quick relief on one front but then having to wait until 2pm for the rest of it to clear out just felt like 'welp, can't 'start' our day now so there goes the weekend I needed.'  Yes.  I know exactly how that sounds.  Not proud of it.  But I can lie if you like or leave that crap out but who does that serve?  No one.  We sat there at one point staring into space and I said "well, let's get to the newel post then, we should get something done.'  He started on that then I did my part on it

But then I needed to get out of the house like pronto.

We drove to get something to eat and my already sour mood turns to silent crying as we got closer to Mom's place.  (Well the place before her last place which will always be home as far as we're concerned.)  I couldn't take it.  I just wanted to go sit in the parking area, stare at her townhome and bawl but I took care of the bawling on my own as the Mr desperately tried everything to get us out of the engulfing traffic jam that comes with being in the area.  There is nothing on that side of town that, when in the wrong frame of mind, doesn't bring back everything we've lost.  Her home, my childhood, where she suffered, where she died, where she's buried.  All of it in a 3-4 mile radius that just hurts to be in some days and that was one of those days.  I did apologize to the Mr later a few times and he did say he was panicked realizing the ghost of what will never be just seemed to be all around us and he wanted to get the hell out of there.  I think much of it comes from several things.  1) I'm using work and reno to not think about it all.  2)  I can never show her what we did and she'll never see this 'new' home we've been putting together since the pandemic started.  3)  It's because of some of the money from her passing that we can even do the bathroom conversion and there is guilt and general ick associated with that.  I don't want her money, I want her.  So all of those things along with facing what used to be my favorite time of year without her and being past that initial shock of last year and that this truly is our reality has made for very bad mental weeks.  It was very hard to pull myself out of the inner turmoil I was feeling.  I wanted to cancel my therapy appointment and never go back.  I wanted to pack everything and move somewhere else.  I wanted to just burn it all down figuratively because there's nothing left here but everything I've lost.  When you don't have a mortgage, 'just moving' and gaining one 3x of what you had for the average house isn't feasible also the Mr's job basically has us geographically trapped because they're flaming jerks so we feel incredibly caged.  

Yep.  Good times.

Sunday we had a hodge podge breakfast and got to working on the newel post again a bit.  The Mr cut a piece of trim needed for the top of the stairs.  There's this part of me that wonders if we should just paint the stairs and get those treads I mentioned since we're spending more than intended but I don't know how to feel about that.  It'd be a lot of work and I really wanted everything done before the holidays but I doubt that's possible now.  I did order an undermount sink and faucet for the bathroom.  They can't template the countertop until it's installed again which unfortunately means we've got a month (minimum) before we can get that part scheduled and that was if we were SUPER on top of our game and the second the new shower is installed we miraculously got the paneling and floors installed too (not impossible to do over a weekend but still).  Then it's a month out from that before the counter would be in and ready to be installed.  Dangerously close to post Thanksgiving time.

Oh!  Did I mention about that "woodpecker" noise?  We thought it was the sump pump since Helene dumped a whopper on us and the noise went away for two days.  Welp, it is confirmed it is our just over a year old water heater.  The Mr caught it in action when he was down there after we already put in a work order for the sump pump.  (It needs replaced anyway, it's almost 30 years old and with all of the rain we're finally getting, it only flushed out twice and that thing runs non stop with similar rain amounts.)  So now we're awaiting a call back from the people who installed that/re-piped our house last year.  I love being a homeowner.  

We went up and moved the vanity back into the bathroom to get a measurement on where the junction box should go and thank God we didn't use our mirror as the center point because it would've been off a few.  

But he got it all patched up and ready for the drywall skimming by our shower guys.

I'm so proud of him!  Especially since we've always been terrified to do anything ourselves but sometimes we (he) can do stuff!  

I attempted to put wood pre-stain on the newel post but it laughed at me and said 'yeah, you're not getting to do this part the easy way either sister."  But I found a couple of spots that needed wood filler touch up so that was going to have to wait until today.  So I'll need to sand those spots to see if I need a little more.  If not, I'll have to tape off and prime everything then I have get to work at the other stuff.  I still have to scrape and paint the vanity which is going to be a little arduous with the countertop still on it.  My goal is not to have to a crap ton of touch ups but I'm hoping I can get it the best I can and then when we move it back in for them to template that we can score the caulk and then when it all comes off for the new one, we can take it off for them and have some control over the situation.  Those jackals come in like they don't care what they nick or destroy and mama will go off after all of this if they do something because they were careless.  So I ordered the undermount sink (we've had vessel for 15 years so time for a change) and a faucet so they'll have everything they need when the time comes to make a proper template.  So nerve wracking!  I ordered our wallpaper and I'm going to tell you right now that if you'd ever told me I'd be paying what I did for it, I would've laughed in your face.  Painted Paper is who it's through so I'll let you peruse that site to get an idea of the insanity.  (Not like I've ever had to price wallpaper so maybe that's normal but yeah, small anxiety attack ensued even with a 10% discount.)

Somewhere in there I need to get my shingles shot too and it took the Mr down for 2 days.  I'm thinking maybe Thursday because who wants to be down on the weekend??

What did you do this weekend?

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Friday, September 27, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #39

Please hold...I must make a call:


Hello...universe?  I would like you to just stop yer nonsense please.  You know what you're doing.  Dat's enough.


Could we fast forward a month, please?  I'm not one for wishing time away or anything but I need a break.  The shower dude came out Tuesday and got our final measurements and we picked our stuff.  (A little unnerved we never saw like actual samples on some stuff other than little bebe swatches to be spending $11K but whatever.)  He was probably trying to hold back his laughter at my absolute crap attempt at skim coat.  We showed him where the vanity light is going and that we'd be adding a junction box and putting drywall pieces back in and he said they could skim coat that along with the chonk out by the medicine cabinet.  Sweet Jesus thank you!  When the Mr asked if we could have 20 minutes once they yank the tub to jam new insulation in there, he said if we've got it just remind them and they'll throw it in for us.  Score!  Then I had to give him $5600.  😑  That was where the good news ceased.  

We've had a "knocking" noise that we assumed was our SWAT neighbor for the past two months.  It essentially sounds like a hostage banging on a pipe so you know, that tracks where he's concerned.  The Mr said he thought it was something in our basement.  It never correlated with anything like when the water was running, A/C running or shutting off, etc.  It was coming from the triangle area of the water heater (a year old), the HVAC (replaced within the past 6 years I think) and sump pump.  We tried everything to eliminate the possibilities.  I suggested putting our travel cam on top of the hot water heater because if it vibrated, it would record that.  Well the Mr turned on sound in the middle of the night and caught it several sounded like the HVAC.  Sigh.  So we had to get someone out here and hold onto our butts on what he said he thought it would cost.  Well, his 22 year old brain deduced we probably have a woodpecker.  I tried my hardest not to laugh in his face because even with a mask on, my face was loud.  Plus I flat out Peppermint Patty'd him "this isn't like that at all" which I've said twice after two people were supposed to be helping me and gave stupid or off base answers.  That'll be $100 for nothing please.  I guess at least there's nothing wrong with the HVAC but clearly we can't have that noise where the house is literally talking to you get out of hand.  I mean it seems slightly better since he was fidgeting down there so I do think it's something with that.

We got a rogue bill from our old insurance company we're appealing and I had to send a note letting them know it was being appealed, don't be turning it over to collections or anything.

My blood clot is gone but one of the veins isn't closing all the way so I'll need "touch up" done when they do the other leg and I made very sure that this wasn't going to push things back as we're already dealing with a very tight end of year timeline and she said it shouldn't  OH, I think this happened after Monday's post but before that appointment, I found a horrible 'ring' of new spider veins around where she injected me the last time.  I told her from the time before that a new spider vein appeared after she did that and asked if that was normal and she was like "it was probably already there before and you're just noticing it."  "No, I look at these legs every day when I'm in the bathroom because I don't bring my phone in with me so I KNOW it's new."  Gaslight much?  That was the warning sign she didn't take seriously and has resulted in this 'fireworks' affect happening because of my itsy bitsy veins and too much pressure being applied during sclero.  You know when they tell you they're going to do free cosmetic that they effed up.   

Throw on top of that the past two weeks have been a grief landmine and my therapy session was a big bawlfest.  I have come to the conclusion that I'm never going to get what I need out of therapy.  It's not what I naively thought it would be.  I will touch on a few more things with her, ask her for tools with my self diagnosed ADHD because the focus is out. of. control. and be done by December.  Someone telling me I'm human and using that as a default, which I've heard other people in therapy mention as well, just doesn't sit well with me.  No shit I'm human but the bottom line is, I will never get the answers I thought I needed and I'm going to have to be okay with that.  It's fine if I can glean some tidbits here and there but therapy isn't tailored to me in a way that's any different than books I've read as far as tools.  I've stopped doing the tapping because I do see a bit of a shift in my mindset but I honestly got bored with it.  It wasn't lifechanging enough to keep it up after 8 weeks and starting over with someone new is not happening.  Should we happen to meet our deductible next year, I may start over with someone else but until then, I will dedicate an hour a week just like therapy to read a CBT or ACT based book and do the work myself.  


Now let's slide into:  

How Many Steps a Day Benefits Your Health?  (Interesting where the benefits stop and it's under 10k)

'Tossing' Could Be A Potential Sign Of ADHD. Do You Do It?  (Yes I do... learned it from my mama!)

What It's Like Being COVID-Conscious in 2024  (Well, it's certainly isolating when you don't have much of a choice from a health standpoint.  Don't forget to order your free Covid tests.  I know, I's only a 'cold'.  Don't be a jag this holiday season for the sake of your peeps who still need to be careful/protected!)

A Third of Women Can't Identify This Common Symptom of Endometrial Cancer  (Please read!  My second mom passed from this and this was her symptom!)

Is “Fridgescaping” Another Symptom of Our Increasingly Polarizing Times?  (Um, I'mma sound my age now...ahem...IS THIS EFFING REAL!?!??!!  Who da hell has room in their fridge for friggin' pictures and bouquets?!  Now give me some organizers and I'm on board!)

This Cozy Connecticut Farmhouse Ups the Ante on Countryside Living  (OMG...I want it all!  That kitchen!  The fireplace.  Swooooon)

What We Ate 100 Years Ago  (Wow, an interesting look back!)

Miss a post here?  Catch up below!

I do want to work on the newel post or something but I also think we need at least one of the days to just do whatever.  Finally going to be tolerable outside and I'd like to enjoy it if possible.

Whatchu into this weekend?

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Hump Day Poll: Social Media Turnoffs

I don't know if it's just me but there are a few things I see repeatedly on IG, that drive me up a wall.  

1)  Snapping their fingers in a long pause to show a transformation.  (Also throwing a blanket then showing the made bed or chucking a roll of wallpaper at a bare wall to show the finished wall type crap.)  Can you imagine if I left out all of the details of the horror of a bathroom remodel like Monday's post and just snapped my fingers and was like "we had some challenges but look at this after!"  Skipping the process gives unrealistic expectations and will cause me to immediately scroll past or block an account out of sheer irritation.

2). Wagging their finger no to show you their 'better' way.  I think I may be guilty of this in one or two MKK videos but it was before EVERYONE started doing it and the way it comes across to me is super condescending depending on execution.  There's this middle aged dude who does gardening tips and he does his finger wag so over the top that he makes me want to throw my phone or fight him in the garden.  You know that golden retriever that dude trained to make it look like he's a big charging flumper that always knocks him over "unexpectedly?"  I want to do that to the garden dude while he's filming his next video.

Ahh, clearly therapy is helping. 😆

What are some of your social media pet peeves?

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Monday, September 23, 2024

Flop Sweat Inducing Weekend Recap

Imma put this right here.

If your weekend didn't end with your only bathroom looking like that, consider it a good one.  

Happy Monday all!  I hope your weekend was much less destructive than ours was.  That right there is the end result of renos from 2005 forward that involved attaching something to the wall whether it was beadboard or shiplap.  I remember watching my friend's ex (a supposed general contractor) slop a bunch of construction adhesive on the back of the beadboard he was putting in, in addition to 734 brad nails and thought that was the way just because he made money at it.  What I've learned since is 93.7% of general contractors are not good at their jobs, and you can literally do a comparable job on most things.  Will it come with stress and anxiety and tears?  Hell yes.  Will it feel satisfying to see something you did that looks good?  Eventually.  Will you be pissed if you pay someone who makes money as a contractor and you find out later how utterly crappy they are when you have to then live with or correct their mistakes?  Abso-friggin-lutely.

Let's rewind for a moment.

So just when we had yanked the carpet off of the stairs last weekend and thought it was time to go order new carpet, the Mr asks a day or two later if that's a good idea because if we're refreshing the bathroom, we'd ruin the new carpet.  That made sense so we started thinking about how to refresh the bathroom as cost effective as possible.  We knew there was an utter show de la shite waiting for us under the shiplap which was on top of beadboard before getting to the original drywall from almost 20 years of previous "refreshes."  We remembered how much construction glue my friend's ex used when he put it on as he giggled "I hope you like this style for a long time."   We did and instead of tearing it out when we did the shiplap project in 2017, we painted and slapped the luan strips over the top and said any other improvements were future us' problem.

Welcome to the future.

Mmm hmm.

I am ready to grab a leather glove, find that asshole and slap him across the face with it, old timey style.


The beadboard did just as expected and ripped off a lot of the drywall down to the paper.  Well, you can't just slap some hot mud on top of that.  You have to seal it which can be done a few different ways.  Because this was in the bathroom, glue and/or Gardz sealer seemed to be the top choices.  We had a buttload of wood glue left from the upstairs hardwood install so I used that on one wall after sanding everything back.  It took a lot of it and honestly I didn't know if we'd have enough glue to do the other walls.  I ordered the Gardz since you can't just get it at the local conglomerate. 

In between getting that off and the vanity moved out for stripping and painting, I got an email from our kitchen people saying they carry this Onyx bathroom system and they're giving $500 off.  Well, we all know that won't amount to much in the scheme of things but I talked to the Mr since we'd been kicking around converting to a shower only.  I sent pics of what we'd want, the dude came out same day and we were barf-ily awaiting the number.  With a minimum of two toe scrapes on the tub track under our belts, we knew those were only going to increase with age and we have glass doors to crash into.  Great... how did we get to this friggin age where we have to be thinking of that crap??  We knew now was our only opportunity to do it.   We also knew 12k was our absolute max.  The next day he came back at just under $13k.  There was a dumpster charge in there for $540 which nulls that $500 off they were so graciously going to give you.  Dude, this isn't our first rodeo, they didn't need a dumpster last time they pulled out a surround.  I wrote back and told him for a project that wasn't on our radar the day before the absolute most we could pay was $11k.  He comes back with they could knock the dumpster off and have a runner take the trash.  Then he said instead of the barn doors we could do bypass doors and save $950.  Well, we didn't want barn doors in the first place because I think those are going to date out quickly.  Then we discussed the tile we had listed and didn't need it for $350.  By the time all of that came off, we were down to the $11k I really wanted.  So he's coming out tomorrow for final measurements.

That left us with we are now going to be in limbo for at least a month with this atrocity of a bathroom.  The footprint will change slightly so we can't do the floors, paneling, wallpaper, ceiling repair/painting, none of it.  When you're living with crumbling drywall and no sink, it takes a mental toll night one when you're brushing your teeth over the tub.  I got the newel post scraped and the wood embellishments stained but we were in a state of functional freeze for a majority of Saturday.  Friday, we tore out the 30 year old useless insulation on the back wall of the basement and replaced it with Rockwool R30 insulation.  

Once we got moving Saturday, the Mr cut out chunks of drywall so we could stuff insulation into our non insulated walls on the master bedroom side.  We were able to get a lot in there and he reattached the drywall pieces but it falls on me to patch.  Did I mention I SUCK at patching??  No matter how many YouTube videos I watch, I cannot seem to get the hang of feathering, not having an obvious lump in the spot, etc.  Most of it will be covered by paneling but the spot where we have to put in a junction box and will be wallpapered will be visible if there is any kind of jank with the wall.  Wanna see what I have to patch perfectly smooth??

Actually, that's what it looked like from the moment we moved in here and have never been able to have a small based vanity light there and it doesn't even look like that now anyway.  The Mr cut that whole piece out so we could stuff the insulation in (too lazy to go up and take a pic).  To say I was in a state of panic/ depression/ tears is an understatement.  We called it a night and I didn't get to sleep until after 3am.

Sunday came and I put off getting up as long as I could since I was running on 4 hours.  I made brunch, we tried to figure out the newel post, trim, the medicine cabinet shelves are obviously going to need to be made because there are no replacements that fit the upcycled one we're reusing and I need to get skim coating.  He got to work on his wood stuff in the garage and I started my stuff.

(DON'T DO IT, PAST ME!!!  For the love of God, STOP!)

Welp, you figure if a hardened coat of Gardz (which I don't feel did much better than the glue I used) could seal it, then the primer could seal the deal further, yes?  


No it didn't.

It made the paper ripple, I had to go back and redo everything I'd done the previous days on certain parts and while waiting for it to dry, the newel post shit the bed and the embellishments with trim didn't look like they were going to work without looking like crap.  I sat and bawled while the Mr started working on the medicine cabinet door.  I mixed up some 45 minute mud, watched more videos then got to sloppin'.  A few minutes later, I notice what appear to be ripples under THAT coat.  Instead of recoating everything, we decided it'd be best to let it sit overnight to see how much moisture we could get out of the wall and check it in the morning.   I was mentally done.  My jaw is locked.  The Mr was exhausted and when he went to glue the clamp onto the medicine cabinet door, the glue exploded everywhere and onto a pair of good shorts since he'd changed for the night.  Yep,,,Longhorn steak for dinner it is.  It got it without the butter finishing sauce and the butter salt crust on the potato to justify not cooking with a searing migraine.  

Now the house is even MORE torn apart than when the measuring dude came out the other day and at this point we'd need to sign the contract on someone's back because there's nowhere to sit.  I pray the drywall has somehow righted itself overnight.  I know I should rip out the drywall and start over but I'm not going to.  This bottom portion of the wall is going to be covered by paneling and we'd better like it because I'm not going through this crap again with drywall 'repair.'  And the light?  Yeah, we're going to pay them to do the drywall repair on that part.  The Mr is going to install the junction box and cut out some drywall so all they have to do is mud over it and make it look good so we can put wallpaper over a non jankified looking wall that would show every lump, bump or imperfection.  I can't be responsible for that.

This afternoon I go in to see if the blood clot is gone and if they'll do the back of the leg.  I really cannot afford to get this pushed out any longer so it'd better fall in line.  I'll also have to just take baby aspirin after this procedure to keep any issue like that at bay since it's happened twice.  

How was your weekend?

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Friday, September 20, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #38

Happy Friday all!  I hope the week went by lightning fast so that you can enjoy a lazy river paced weekend.  Not like we're going to get to enjoy the weekends again ever with all of this house project tomfoolery around here.  So much done yet so much still to do and those are all last year's projects.  I'm really hoping we can call the stair project done within a week so that we can turn our attention to the bathroom.  We've got shiplap to rip out that is on top of beadboard we need to rip out so it'll be mighty interesting to see what we're left with.  A friend's ex used so much construction adhesive to put that beadboard on it will either pop right off or fight us the whole way.  I can't wait to find out which!  

Edit:  We know how that story goes and to quote Tone Loc, it goes a little something like this, hit it.  We're brushing our teeth over the tub now.  Why?  Oh, you know, we don't have a bathroom now and we're awaiting a quote today about a tub to shower conversion that wasn't on the radar yesterday morning but by midday we had the project manager from the place who did our kitchen grabbing measurements.  SMDH  So that stair project we were looking to put a fork in?  Yeah that's going to have to be last, carpet wise, because we can't have people tromping on new carpet.  The Mr is in full on panic attack mode.  We're a month out best case scenario if the price isn't too outrageous.  It truly blows my mind how many times I had to update this post this week.  I've got a shit load of rando projects I must now tackle and design a bathroom and manage my vein crap and hope that's clearing up and try not to freak about the Mr's MRI this morning and design a newel post.

Now let's get to:

Want to Get More Sleep? Study Suggests Brief Bursts of Nightly Squats May Help  (I will take any amount I can get plus my leg issues could probably benefit anyway)

Taking Melatonin To Sleep? Your Gut Might Prefer If You Didn't — Here's Why  (For those who take it and maybe switch to the above?)

Starting hormone therapy in perimenopause may help slow down aging  (Good to know.  Man that study in the 90's really screwed a lot of women who needed relief.)

How to Make Friends As an Adult—At Every Life Stage  (So much harder as an adult and for the Mr and I, we have to be extra Covid aware so it feels impossible. 😔)

Most dangerous cosmetic surgeries revealed — one has a 92% risk of complications  (As much as I would love to have a full body lift if I ever lose this effing weight, this complication rate is too high.  I know four people who have all had some form of that very procedure and all of them have lifelong nerve damage/unnatural tightness that causes pain.)

Winona Ryder's Songs of Innocence and Experience  (A long read but a fun one for Gen xers to cozy in for tonight.  That reminds me, I need to watch Mermaids soon for a serotonin fix.)

I don't even need to tell y'all something house related will be on tap for us this weekend.  My goal is to be done with the stairs/bathroom by the end of October so pray we get a good estimate today.  I would like to enjoy the holidays and have nothing outstanding if we can.  Also.  Is a house EVER done??  Finally, if you want to throw some good vibes out for the Mr on his scan, I'd be much obliged.

Whatchu got planned this weekend?

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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hump Day Poll: Sticking to Your Guns

If you're a part time people pleaser like myself, you are always putting what you actually need aside to make others lives easier.  I'm sharing a little NSV from Monday's vein appointment.

What have you stuck to your guns about lately?

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Monday, September 16, 2024

I Guess We're Doing This Weekend Recap

Monday.  I figure saying happy Monday is kind of like "ha ha...yeah, right" so why patronize you?  I hope you had a good weekend and it went nice and slow for you.


We did a thing.

Remember how we thought we got all of the green glue out of our stair carpet?  

Well, we just couldn't get that crap to budge and we were going to have someone come out and steam clean it with whatever magic potions they have available for super tough stains.  Then it was like 'well, then what do we do if that doesn't work?'  We originally wanted to take off the carpet on the stairs, stain (paint) and put bullnose treads like these on them.  But we figured with Sir Slams A Lot next door, there was very little chance of us being able to do that because we'd lose the padding that provided some (little) sound dampening from him.  After some discussion Thursday and knowing I needed to paint the stringer and I could only do that with the carpet off unlike how I did it 10 years ago which was with putting painters tape at the edge of the stairs.

So here's the before and during:

Now that sounds easy.  Twas not and not without barf worthy moments.  Imagine a 1/2" layer of  "Us Dust" over 28 years raining down on the Mr with every tug.  

28 years of us mixed with our pup, my mom, friends for gatherings, countless inept contractors, one mediocre ex of a friends doing several projects and the like all mixing together under the padding just waiting to reemerge.  There was lots of dry heaving by both of us.  We were left with the sad padding.

Then it was time to peel that off (with more 'debris') and pull staples out.  We know that a lot of the cost is labor of pulling that crap out and rightfully so.  But we wanted the opportunity to see and correct what was under there.  There was a lot.  The first step was basically held together with carpet.  Nails were sticking out.  There were gaps that were unsettling.  I think back to when we were 494 and 455 and wonder how the hell those things held us.  The Mr reattached the bottom riser that ripped off with one of the tugs since they only had one nail that hit and the rest all missed.  He reminded me that was a last minute change.  (We had the place built so we watched it go from the only thing north of the nearest intersection to the urban sprawltropolis it is now.)  There was obviously a code change so we went from just slab to a piece of 1x3's nailed through so the gap would be smaller.  

I thought of all of the people I love who walked on those stairs.  Mom, our dog, his dad, friends, grandparents.  I thought about when my whole family and his parents came over to help us with sweat equity which took $3600 off our cost by painting the inside, something I doubt they do now.  It was kind of like the house our families built too and now most of them are gone.  I thought of the atrocious job his dad did brushing paint around our original towel rack in the bathroom and my mom pulling me aside and saying "uh, his dad is doing a horrible job on painting up there in the bathroom, you're not going to be happy."  She was right.  That was the last original flooring in the house so lots of emotions for me.  We grabbed some dinner and watched an abysmal Hawaii game.  Sigh.  C'mon Chang, reign your kane (men) in on the penalties.

Sunday was a new day with new crap ahead to work on.  I have two more vein appointments Monday and Wednesday (no idea what I'm having done) so I know I'll be right back to pain just as it was subsiding from last weeks vascular adventures.  The Mr picked up groceries and I got to scraping the harder edges around where I painted before.  Unfortunately, the old blonde paint is there so I'd need to prime for sure because I assume the pile of the new carpet will be shorter.   If that was going to be the case, we would need sustenance and nope, I wasn't cooking so we got a kiddie pancake meal before getting to the more irritating order of the day.  While the Mr was grabbing that, I started on the caulking of the gaps I wanted to do.  

I found a super stretchy caulk which shouldn't crack over time so I started getting to the gaps around the stairs on the stringer until he got home.  The hope is that it can give that last bit of vibration dampening against the mook.  I doubt it will do much but then we can say we truly did everything.  Lord knows sound dampening sheetrock and Green Glue hasn't done shit for any of it.  Once I got that done after we shimmed as many stairs as we could to help with any rocking on a few.  One step has been wonky after the friend's ex slipped down the stairs 13 years ago so it was nice to at least see the tread was still in the slot and no permanent damage seems to have been done.  I caulked the gaps under the risers too in hopes we could get any possible sound dampening/reinforcement possible since the last time these saw the light of day was in early 1996 a few months before we were married.  The Mr kindly sanded the stringer for me and tack clothed the remainder since I had to prime.  Then it was time to contort and use the 4" and cute little 2" rollers that were a God send in tight spots to prime the stringer.  After that, I was too pooped to pop and we had dinner, watched some tube and settled in for the night.

On a side note, it's been 20 years today since the Mr's dad passed which seems utterly unfathomable.  He was the only one in the family who treated me well and was a gem of a man.  I'm so honored the Mr shared him with me for the 12 years I knew him.

How was your weekend?  What did you get into?

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Friday, September 13, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #37

Hello and happy Friday y'all!  We made it.  I am glad to be past this week's appointments and a little closer to being able not to have my leg in sausage casing to keep veins closed.  I was ready to tear that crap off within 8 hours and I had to spend 36 hours in them TWICE this week.  I have to wear it 8 hours a day now for 7 days.  I also shut down that wench's gaslighting when I asked her if it was normal for there to be new busted capillaries.   She's like "I know it seems like it coincided but they were likely there" and I said "no, they weren't.  I have pictures of my legs and look at my thighs on the daily, these are new."  I cannot wait to be done with her.  I don't care how nice you are, if you're a gas lighter, you can kiss my spider vein covered ass.  The Mr has been a problem solving machine this week as our balusters were giving us rattling issues and then our solution got close but needed another solution.  Yeesh!  I was also tackling crap in the form of this gaping hole around our railing which was leftover from having the soundproofing done.  The Mr and I both lamented my bright idea to add that wall on last minute because it screwed us on so many levels.  You know how you look at something for so long and say "oh, we'll just fill that in when the time comes" and then it does and you're like "oh ,💩!  How do we actually do this??"  I started out with caulk after filling the gap with backer rod but it was clear that wasn't going to work.  I dug it out then tried spackle which seemed to be the preferable choice.  There's some painting that needs to happen but dang getting that addressed will take such a huge load off!  There are so many elements to getting all elements of the stair project done including attempting to address the green glue issue that still haunts us on the carpet stairs.  I have some dry cleaning stuff I will try that I got for the fiber area rug that I don't put much hope in, then it'll be finding someone to attempt to steam clean it in a way we can't before we have to discuss the pricey option of carpet replacement.  (We have open stairs which gives them cold sweats apparently.)  

Now let's get to:

How to do the splits without hurting yourself in just a few weeks  (Hear me out.  I don't give a poo about doing the splits but every one of these would eventually give me functioning legs so I might accept the challenge!)

Your Plastic Water Bottle May Be Making You Gain Weight  (For those who use them.  We've used these for well over a decade)

 'Natural, Less Toxic' Chemo Alternative May Be on Horizon  (Wow, this is amazing and delicious to boot!)

The paradox of scheduling spontaneity  (Let's go to that thing!  Later.)

10 Paradoxes That Will Change How You See Relationships. (They're not wrong and also someone at this website clearly just discovered the word paradox and is using that shizz in every title)

Gen Xers share the 13 times 'extremely wrong' Gen Zers tried to lecture them about history  (If boomers thought they hated us, we had nothing on the generations that have access to  websites with the wrong information in their pocket written by the same people who also didn't go through it.  Now get off my lawn!)

Miss a post this week?  Catch up below:

I would like to get a balance of house work and play in this weekend.  I am hoping some wood embellishments I ordered for our newel post arrive soon and are in good condition so we can get that project tackled.  I'll have some scraping, staining, filling, caulking and painting in my future but I really hope the end result is worth it and looks as good executed as it does in my head.  I kind of cringe now at how much we relied on my friend's ex for mediocre craftsmanship almost 20 years ago when we could've been slightly less mediocre than him for less money.  I almost want to invite him over to show him "THIS is how it's done, moron!" but I won't.  Translation: We can do stuffs!

Whatchu guys up to this weekend?

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Hump Day Poll: Appointments

Is it just me or like after 45 does it seem like you just have appointments as part of life now?  This week I have four dang appointments.  Two vein, one chiro and one therapy.  I'm like, resentful and sh*t! 

I know the vein stuff is a limited time thing and really the chiro can be moved to every other week at this point since he can't work on my legs now with the vein treatments going on.  Therapy will likely end in December so I know it's all temporary but man, I've got work and home projects I still need to do.  The Mr has 3-4 this week too.

Is this what life is now or just our lives?

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Monday, September 9, 2024

Milestone Birthday Getaway

17 years ago, I threw my Mom a killer 50th birthday bash because I wasn't going to be throwing a 25th anniversary party for my parents, I wanted that to be the equivalent.  She had a wonderful time and it's only in the past 6 months I watched it for the first time because we were ashamed to be at our highest weight.  She said she couldn't wait for mine and the impending gag gifts.  I could never have predicted she wouldn't be here for mine and would've called you a liar if you tried to tell me otherwise.  I originally wasn't going to do anything for it.  What was the point?  My two best friends live out of state, my other friends are either agoraphobic and wouldn't come and the other would come but I would be wondering what she was thinking.  To the family I have left, I don't quite know how I fit in anymore so I felt like squandering my opportunity to have one of those blowout shindigs at 30 and 40 kind of cost me that rite of passage.

When both neighbors were being particular hemorrhoids from hell one day, I said I would jump out a window if I had to spend that birthday listening to them.  I didn't want to spend a lot of money but I wanted some damn peace which seems to elude me every time we go out of town but never happens at home.  I finally found a horse farm in Kentucky that looked like it would do the trick.  It was in the middle of Podunk and everyone in the reviews talked about how relaxing it was.  My only reservation was after the fact, I saw the other property a little closer than I'd like was rented for the same weekend.  I knew what that could mean and it's the entire reason I don't really celebrate my birthday with a trip as it almost always falls on Labor Day weekend.  That weekend is for the nation's finest to hoot, holler and become every introvert/ misophonic's worst nightmare to say the unofficial goodbye to summer.

When we got there, it seemed perfect.  Horses everywhere, and in the middle of nowhere but 10 minutes from a small town with a grocery store.  I will admit the gaggle of roosters going off with just enough delay of each other to essentially make one long rooster drone was enough to make me provide chicken for dinner.  We lucked out with a freak storm that went from threatening to full on downpour and you can bet your sweet booty I put on Elvis's Ol' Kentucky Rain.  Life was good.  When the Mr left to grab groceries and dinner, I went to throw a blanket into the washer.  When I did, I heard Journey playing and wondered if 1) I died and went to hell or 2) was being stalked by the world's loudest burglar who couldn't miss out on his jams.  Twas the former sans dying.  The house I was worried about.  The one the Mr said "it's through the woods though" but my spidey senses still rung, had just welcomed it's tenants.  They sounded like they were already drunk (or just assholes by nature), yelling, and jumping in a pool that might as well have been in our backyard for how close it sounded.  I looked skyward and said "one?  Thoust couldn't throw me one?"  I informed the Mr of this development by text and had a mini mental breakdown.  I told myself to pull it together before he got back and I did but I will only celebrate the next milestone if we can tap off an iceberg and float in the Arctic Sea Rudolph style.  At least we could cuddle in front of the big fireplace that sold me on the place for ambience.  *click*  Nothing.  We watched a few YouTube videos for the model and nothing was working.  I sent the property manager a message to see what they suggested.  For the sake of familiarity, they threw in the low couch we had at retreat.  You remember, the one I had to stop, drop and roll out of Randy style?


But the rest of it was nice especially when the rain came just like I hoped for.

We settled in and watched the new Project Fear, Rachel Maksy and Cottage Fairy until we conked out then rolled off of the couch at 1am.

The next morning we had some cereal and cawfee, then walked out in the stagnant wall of humidity fresh morning air to visit the horses.  Many of them were wearing what we later learned were fly masks over their eyes which made them look like they either were in the sequel to Bird Box, had a bag over their head to shield them from when a glue trailer was pulling in or were going to ask for fava beans.  They didn't seem interested in us even with carrots which figured.  The Mr seemed to be making friends with one and was carefully reaching over the electric fence to pet it.  That ended as good as you think it would with both of them getting shocked.  Not like the Mr has a heart condition.  

(Both post shocker)

The horse wanted nothing to do with us after that so we did the walk of shame back to the house.  I got a message from the manager saying they don't light the fireplace for the season until September (no mention of that in the listing) and she could send someone out.  I said that was fine since it was the fireplace that sold us on the place and she's going to send someone over.  We knew one of the other main reasons we rented in the area was because Gus's Fried Chicken had a location there and we hadn't had it since Memphis.  After having placed an online order then driving 45 minutes, we discovered they didn't have our order so we'd have to wait another 20 minutes.  It was good but that was annoying especially after getting texts about the order so that made no sense.  Obviously, at this point the check engine light came on in the 90 degree heat along with the smell of burning oil and a "reduce oil level" warning which I didn't even know was a thing.  At first he tried Slushie straws into an ice cream container but nope and we had a 45 minute drive ahead.  I looked up the nearest auto parts store and after a few unsuccessful items, the Mr was able to siphon oil out with an extractor and properly dispose of it whilst I roasted indoors and he roasted outdoors.  We made it home, putzed around then got crappy Italian for dinner.  I suggested walking to see the horses to stimulate digestion and quickly saw Zap remembered us by bolting out of our sight like she was auditioning for the Corolla wild horse troupe.  We saw some mini horses and clearly Zap had been bad mouthing us so they bailed as well.  Kicks pebble.  

Oh yeah and there was something wrong with the gas line so no fireplace for us and they couldn't get out until Tuesday.  I sent a message back that I wanted to verify she wasn't sending someone that day because the rowdies behind us are checking out that day and we were looking forward to our only day of solitude.  We got back and onto the porch with seconds to spare before the rain started which we were both thrilled with.  We sat out there listening to the rain for an hour until it was almost dark and in time to see a gaggle of deer meander then bolt through the field.  No doubt Zap was talking shit to anyone who would listen about the unfortunate accident earlier.  She's a vengeful lot.  We settled in and watched the nail biter between Hawaii and UCLA and I got a message that I missed asking about what rowdies and I said the people directly behind us but it was a holiday weekend so it's kind of expected, I just want to make sure we're not having to worry about randos coming into the house that day and thought that was that so I didn't check my messages for about 30 minutes and she's like "do you want me to say something?  I'll shut it down right now" and I freaked and went to reply (10pm) and she's like "I just talked to them."   Oh good.  I had no idea what she said, if she said they got anonymous complaints or said 'we have another property that is close and they can hear your tomfoolery" and we risk one of us waking up skinned Hannibal Lecter style in retaliation.  So, that was the first full day.

The last day of my 40's was upon me.  We went on our horsie walk and dang it, I was bringing carrots.  Most of the horses were giving us side eye and I was beginning to take it personally.  When we headed to the paddock at the end of the driveway, there was this one lone horse, Foxy who looked like she wanted to come over.  She'd already chewed on many parts of the fence and I felt bad for her.   I slipped the carrot from my pocket and waved it and she meandered down, sniffed and happily accepted the treat.  

Hey...there was NO house book saying don't feed the horses, or we have an electric fence (which would be required by their insurance) so I was ready with excuses if they were going to scold me for roughage contraband.  It made my day because I'm perpetually 6 years old inside.  We hopped in the car and drove around a few towns nearby to see what we could get into.  We broke out some nibbles from an afternoon tea place and had it on the bench on the porch which quickly became my favorite spot.  It looked out over several pastures and brought me peace even with the murderous screeches of roosters for 15 hours a day.  We enjoyed a pretty chill evening and I went outside while the Mr was blowing up balloons.  I felt all kinds of emotions.  

I thought of what I was doing 10 years ago which was having my mom and her sib over for me to cook them my favorite dish and ended the night with me giving them foot rubs.  I thought of how hard my 40's have been on my body which makes me a bit scared for the next chapter but knowing I need to do something.  I thought about how nothing was how I imagined it would be.  Mom is gone.  No chances for blowouts with friends or all of these kind of false expectations of that because of the time I grew up in.  I blew off the chances for that and for what?  Because I wanted to make a statement that 30 or 40 wasn't old?  So many things I wish I'd done differently or that I'd started therapy decades ago.  It's not that my 40's are full of regret but I do have a lot of them and no way to ever change most of them.  So after I had my little pity party, I began to think of the things I was grateful for.  The Mr being at the top of the list and that he was willing to drop a little dough for us to get out of town and decorate the place for me like I did for his.  My best friends being kind enough to spoil me with gifts they sent before I left.  My mom's sib wanting to get together with me before we left which was nice.  That maybe somehow this Etsy thing could ever pick up if I start making designs people want so I have something to show for it.  For you guys and the fact that you even bother to still check in on me even though I've been nothing short of failing to hit my original goal where weight loss is concerned.  I don't know why you're still here but I'm glad you are.  I watched the sun set on my 40's.

Then it was time for me to get to bed so the Mr could decorate with the quieter stuff.

I woke up the next morning to go on our morning horsie walk and found a beautifully decorated dining room.

It was so nice and a great way to start the day.  So was feeding Foxy.  It was a cool morning and perfect walking weather.  When we got back, we sat on the porch to take it all in until the thumping from the house behind us began.  We went into Lexington and got some Bad Ass Coffee Company of Hawaii for a little liquid aloha and because I wasn't hungry for Gus's yet, we did some geocaching.  Those KY folk be like "here...go out into the road and get this cache, yo!"  We came up with several frustrating DNF's or "oh hell no's" so we didn't hit the 300 milestone I was hoping for that day but still got in seven of them.  We grabbed our fried chicken and headed home to watch Sixteen Candles whilst eating on the couch.  Then it was time to dig in to that beautiful cake.  When we both had taken two bites and neither said anything I said "you're not saying anything."  He just sat there and I said 'this tastes like shit.'  He agreed.  I spit out what I had in my mouth and said I knew we ran the risk of it.  The same thing happened for our 25th anniversary with a GORGEOUS cake that tasted like ass.  We call this a 'stunt cake' so he ran up to Kroger and got the understudy cake but that actually tasted good.  Damn it was hard to throw away $45 but we did it while watching Real Genius.  

Then it was time to open presents which I loved.

I stretched out the day to the very end and it was very low key, peaceful and the best I could ask for given the circumstances.  I was very lucky though because I asked Mom for signs that were out of the ordinary but that I knew would be from her and she gave them in spades.  So did our pup, my grandma and father in law.  I felt lucky knowing that my family was still with me, just in a different way and ways that absolutely could not be explained away.  

The next day was originally going to be check out day but I thought better of it and asked if we could add an extra day.  Thankfully, the other renters were checking out that morning so we knew we'd have the whole place to ourselves.  We got decorations down, went out for a bit and got our 300th geocache, took naps, then got another deep dish from the pizza place we liked and gave Foxy some more treats.

We saved s'mores for our final night.  We lit up the arsenal of skeeter defense from the candles and mosquito coils we brought, the bug zapper they had as well as some thermacell something or other they had on hand.  We enjoyed the fire once it caught on.

Then it seemed the more we tried to naturally put it out, the brighter it burned so we eventually had to pour water on it because it was getting late and we needed to throw our campfire clothes in the wash.  It was a great way to end things.  The next morning, we went on our final horse walk and Foxy came trotting up to us.  🥺  She was so sweet and I don't even care if she only loved me for the carrots.  When we came back from our walk she was following us back and when she saw there were no more treats, she rolled around in the grass with glee.  I wonder if she would fit in a townhome?  We savored our time on the bench after which became our post walking ritual listening to the far off horse sighs, the non-stop back and forth of bastard roosters which is still better than either of my neighbors on a good day and the low hum of the cicadas.  I missed it and we weren't even gone yet.  

I would say even with the noises we had to contend with, it was still the most peaceful I've felt in years.  Probably since our time beside the other horse farm in Massachusetts.  For someone with tight jaw muscles, flaming tinnitus, tension headaches and no shoulders on the daily, ability to just not think was a blessing.  When my biggest concern was when do we take our horsie walk, then that is the kind of life I want.  I could easily work on the laptop from that porch any day.  But we're back, my ears are ringing and jaw is clenched as I hunt and peck on the phone after a day of work and the vacation vibes are gone.

I told the Mr as we were soaking in our last porch sesh that I wish I could bottle that feeling.  That when the stress I knew was waiting for me showed up that I could pop the lid off and transport myself right back there.  I guess I'll have to settle for my pics and videos until we can make our way back there, maybe in the Fall next time. 

Dat's dat!

Where did you spend/what did you do for your last milestone birthday?

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