Friday, August 9, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #32

'Sup y'all!  Happy Friday and I hope your week has treated you well.  It's been another week of chaos around here.  As I noted last week (I think), the railing pooped the bed with that stupid liquid wood.  WHY did I get that crap again?!  I swore I'd never use it again the last time I used it but I think desperation clouded my judgment since it seemed like there was no other choice.  Welp, there was and it was what I had to do with the basement railing.  I painted a brown regular eggshell paint over the railing, then I took Walnut wood filler and used about 1 tsp of it mixed with maybe 2 tbsp of water.  I painted it on the railing over the paint twice so it darkened it slightly but would also act as a bit of a liquid wood itself when it dried.  The next day I used ECOS dark walnut stain over it and thankfully somehow that did the trick.  I had no idea if that stuff would work but it's worked twice so it's going to be my go to for any kind of staining from now on if it goes sideways.  

Lots of work again which is draining but also a decent outlet for creativity and it feels good to have a purpose again.  That was missing for sure.  Therapy has been going decent but I'll give an update on that soon.  I will tell you that 40 minutes is not long enough.  I say 40 because the 50 minutes they give you isn't totally yours because you spend 8-10 minutes in some kind of small talk and that is such an annoyance to me.  Because of financial insecurity when I was younger, I see everything in terms of money.  When I'm listening to something that I deem is not necessary to the conversation, there's this part of me that checks out and says "there goes $2 to listen to your crap!"  Is therapy going to work for me with that kind of attitude??  😆

Let's work up to:

Happy ever after: 25 ways to live well into old age  (I need all the help I can get as the big one approaches.)

The Trick to Breaking Out of a Weight Loss Plateau, According to an Expert  (Scream therapy certainly doesn't help because if it burned calories, I'd be thin.)

How to Lose Weight by Lifting Weights: Strength Training Workout Tips  (In case you need a refresher course.  Lord knows my biceps are still killing me from back and bi's the other day.  WOOF!)

5 high-volume foods that helped me lose fat and maintain muscle, and keep the weight off for years  (Add cauliflower rice to that as well.  You throw together a bag of that with a bag of coleslaw mix and season it up, chuck on some chicken and filling dinner without much effort)

How To Have A Date Night That Actually Sparks Romance, From A Couples' Counselor  (Hard to remember we need to date each other after a few decades together.)

Study: Grief Makes You Age Faster  (Dude, I am well aware.)

What Is Transcendental Meditation, and How Can It Benefit Your Health?  (As the Mr can attest, I have a long way to go before I can ever attempt this since I can't even get through Tai Chi intro classes.)

I wanted to get a goodly amount of my Halloween stuff up at the shop and I switched over to a fun spooky season banner that I'm oddly tickled about because I'm a nerd.  I think next week is when the last of my Halloween stuff goes up and I have to focus on Thanksgiving and Christmas since I have 2 months for the algorithm to (hopefully) pick up the designs.  Churning out the machine right now.  I'm so close to 100 designs now and to think I was at 30 a month ago.  So that tells you the grind but it helped get me through July. 

The Mr and I desperately need a break so we're forcing one this weekend.  I know I'll probably get antsy at some point but my brain needs to just CHILL.

What are you up to this weekend?

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1 comment:

  1. What a long and crazy week you had! A break this weekend sounds lovely, and I hope you enjoy doing (or not doing) anything you want.
    Very stressful week here, so banging my head a lot. This weekend will be more laundry, kitchen table to clean up from dropping things there all week, and church on Sunday. I know there will be naps in there as well because I can't stay awake anymore for nothing. So I'll be getting sleep whether I want it or not. LOL
    Have a great weekend!


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