Monday, August 12, 2024

Enjoying the Weekend Recap

Y'all... I'm taking a recap break today because we did zero to report.  However, I would like to throw out a poll instead!

If you still check in over here, would you prefer my usual post time at 6am EST or would 6PM be more likely to get responses from you?

I know many are running around in the morning and unable to actually read or think they'll read/respond later and don't.  

The numbers don't lie so before I go taking it personally, (not that I blame anyone, we don't exactly live jet setting lifestyles to report back on!) I want to see if this is more of a time management thing on your end.

Welcome to feedback from my long time readers/lurkers!  I miss you guys!

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  1. Hey hey! I read you in the morning before work but can adjust to whatever you decide. Usually my phone issues stop me from commenting. Have a great week!

  2. I get the notices at different times in the morning (today it was 5:22am my time and Friday it was 7:41am, one the week before was in the 11ish time frame). But interestingly I also have it go to my other email address and those notices don't come until the afternoon. I'm good with whatever time you want to send them.

  3. morning works, Or if evening is better I will just ready it the next day

  4. morning, I look forward to seeing this first thing!

  5. Hey! It worked! I’m able to comment! I love reading you posts and usually check for them every couple of days. So, I guess the time you post doesn’t matter.

  6. I like mornings but I know we need better weekends lol.


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