Friday, August 2, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #31

Yabba dabba doo and happy Friday to you!  I hope your week was full of productivity, relaxing moments when you could grab them and that you're now properly prepared for a weekend of tomfoolery.  It was a somewhat productive week around here on a few fronts.  I got the all clear on my vein follow up so the ablation part is done.  I won't go back for sclerotherapy until September which is by design because I want August OFF.  My brain is mush.  We saw Twisters and I must say, well...wait for streaming.  I won't tell you that I literally wanted to leave not even 20 minutes in and actually cried at one point because it felt so disrespectful.  This is why I don't see reboots but I needed to get out of the house.  There's 2 hours of our lives and $24 we can't get back.   I had my chiro appointment and we had a fun time chatting about that movie, Five Nights at Freddie's which we only saw recently and how we spent our weekends.  I think I'm one of the few patients he can have fun with (and that poor man is run ragged so he needs to cut loose) so I'm glad to provide a bit of comic relief.  He is always so tickled when I remember what he told me his weekend plans were and I follow up to ask about them or his kids.  It doesn't take much to make someone feel appreciated.   

I had my therapy session and I'm getting a little irked.  I realllly want to unload about the in-laws because I feel it's a key part of my entire background and this is the second time she's pushed that off to direct the session.  So at this point, I've learned to keep my answers about what I've been up to the previous week brief because she's looking for little tidbits to see where she can pull therapist voodoo.  When she asks me next week what I did this past week, I'm going to tell her "we talked about in-laws since I can't seem to talk about it here" and see if she writes that down or not.  I was given my first homework to do and while it's fine, I just found myself really irritated after the session.  It could've been for many reasons but I'm going to just flat out say, "one of my biggest things is how I always felt like my feelings were put aside for others, I've told you twice now I want to talk about my inlaws because they were on the trauma list and today that's what I want to talk about.  NOT about the science behind bilateral stimulation as I've read up on this week so we can focus on this."  She said in the beginning they were my sessions and this session, she gonna hear about what *I* want to get out for the love of God!

Now let's hear about:

10 Everyday Habits That Are Harming Your Longevity The Most  (Some good points in there, especially the last one.)

5 Artificial Sweeteners Tied to Strokes, Blood Clots and Worse  (Definitely good to know if you use sweeteners like I do.)

Dietitians Agree, These 15 Snacks Are Protein All-Stars  (Well, well...speaking of which!  This stuff is always good to add to non-fat greek yogurt for a bit more protein too!)

6 Ways To Find Support When You Can't Afford Therapy  (Everyone deserves to get the help they need for a more peaceful life)

15 Super Intimate Acts That Have Nothing To Do With Sex  (Just do one or two and start a new habit!)

In Defense Of Melissa, The Most Misunderstood Character In 1996's 'Twister'  (On the contrary, I think if you weren't a little kid (or apparently some man child on the Razzies board at the time) that most people liked her character and her want to understand what Bill did before his current job.  I don't think there was a single person who didn't feel crushed for her listening to Bill tell Jo that she still had him over the walkie and her little lip quivering.  LOVE the original!)

No clue what we're doing this weekend.  I suppose something with the stairs is in order since that's slacked a little this week.  Is it Fall yet?

Whatchu got goin' on, sassy butt?

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  1. It would be cool to get some more progress on the stairs this weekend and maybe I can paint the wall where the railing went so that is done. Maybe do some cleaning too so we can chill out after. Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. I have nothing planned. I had this week off from work & other than going out for a 3 mile walk in the morning, it has been fairly quiet. I thought we should go somewhere but honestly I just didn't feel like dealing with people. The world has gotten so hostile & hateful. Turned off the media this week.

    1. I can only imagine which is why I purposely don't watch live tv and haven't seen a newscast since 2016. You get some good treats (popsicles if it's hotter than hell), fire up some good movies or crime procedurals and close out the world!

  3. It was a horrible week from start to finish. Don't have any plans other than opening all the mail I haven't even glimpsed at this week.
    Hope you guys have a good weekend and can enjoy some productivity and down time in equal measure. 😊


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