Friday, November 24, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #47

Who is still in a turkey coma?


Who is Black Friday shopping today?

Regardless of what camp you may or may not be in today, I hope you are recovering from any holiday shenanigans you may have gotten into and are still getting into if you're hitting the streets early.  I mean is Black Friday even still relevant since they have BF sales the beginning of November?  I've found better prices outside of it than on it like when I was a kid.  I don't know that I ever did that stuff except maybe once.  I remember the Mr waiting in line for a game console or something a long time ago but yeah, so not ever my scene.  God speed to those of you out in it today.

For the rest of you, let's get to:

2 Alternatives That Are Just As Beneficial as Walking 10,000 Steps  (Wow, the first one we incorporate into our walk anyway when we approach them and I'll have to add a few more trips to the loo because that's not much at all!)

Rucking can help you burn fat, build muscle, and stay strong as you age — and you don't need a gym  (Hmm, Mr- maybe we need to start doing this with backpacks and 10 pounder?)

Nine Vegetables That Are Healthier for You When Cooked  (Still not gonna eat kale.  "How do we make kale taste worse?"  "I know!")

Maria Menounos reveals a pancreatic cancer symptom she noticed a year before diagnosis  (The second you get tests and they come back 'you're fine' get a friggin' MRI.  Better to pay toward your deductible and be wrong than catch it too late.)

The Depression Symptom We Don't Talk About Enough (Always had it and it's only gotten worse so that's fun!)

Menopause Is Having a Moment  (Anyone else get a flush on one side of their face?  That's been fun)

Gardeners aren't surprised as USDA updates key map  (Exciting if your region changed but also terrifying when you think about it.)

I’ve Been a Retirement Planner for 17 Years—Here Are the 18 Biggest Mistakes Most People Make  (Never too early to start planning because it sure as hell sneaks up on you sooner than you think if you're lucky enough to get there.)

64 Ways to Honor Deceased Loved Ones (Some lovely ideas, many I've already done.)

If you can believe it, we're STILL dealing with the pantries.  It has seriously hindered my plans for getting this place into some kind of order.  I mean our suitcases from Canada are still upstairs because we were supposed to be able to move stuff from that area elsewhere once the pantries were loaded up.  I was at least able to get my money back on them due to how much toxic gas they continue to emit 3 weeks later, having to shellac the inside (which did NOTHING), had to rip off the backing to replace that with Eucaboard and then get MORE odor blocking paint I'm waiting on due to the holiday and pray to God that works because I've looked all over the place for other stuff that will fit in that spot and they do not exist.  This is our only option so say a little prayer because dealing with these rat bastards is going to break me further.  I'm ready to set them ablaze and leaf blow them into oblivion.

My thought is to decorate for Christmas this weekend.  The Mr and I both agree while it's going to suck, neither of us are promised next Christmas so we should do it.  I just hope we get the place in order to be able to do it.  It feels like I finally just got it done for Fall.

How are you you spending this weekend?

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  1. It was a quiet holiday with lunch around 1pm and then it was a day of cleaning out the laundry room so I could get the washer and dryer, then doing the laundry, some sorting, working on computer stuff, and the usual house stuff. The hubs napped on and off most of the day from his work schedule and having to work today. I have a lot to do today, so I'm up and at 'em. It's currently 21 degrees with a windchill of 10, so it was a mighty brisk walk for me and the pooch this morning! Egads.
    I hope you have a good weekend and that the paint arrives for those dang pantries-- and works!!! And if you can get some Christmas decorating in, all the better. If the pantries still smell atrocious you could wrap those pantries and put them at the end of the driveway and maybe someone will take them off your hands! =o)

  2. Definitely in a turkey coma. Had to get up early to be in the office but looking forward to a nap and then a weekend of chilling and watching some football. Have a great weekend everyone!

  3. I'm still in a food coma. slowly working on leftovers. Going to put up Christmas this weekend. I skipped the crock pot stuffing, I just did it in the oven, got alot of compliments so that made me happy. I hope you guys have a great weekend and enjoy the decorations!


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