Friday, November 3, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #44

S'up November?  I suppose I should grab a turkey to cook up.  I always pre-cook our turkey and Food Save it for Thanksgiving as well as pre-make the mashed potatoes with some cream cheese so they freeze well.  Obviously that will be more important as ever this year if I can catch myself on a day that I'm not telling myself we're not doing anything this year.  I've already got my Hawaiian stuffing from Aldi so it'll save me from having to dry out my own sweetbread bread crumbs which I'm just not doing this year.  So that'll leave me with grandma's noodles which is a massive pain in the ass to do if you're not in the mood and making sure we've got a veggie and cheeseball in there.  I just want to do ahead as much as I can since I won't know how I'll feel as the holiday gets closer.  Mom's sib already said they weren't doing the holidays this year and I am glad I don't have to add that to my plate in case I feel like I want to sit and cry or make merry when the day arrives.  So that's where my brain is as we roll into the official holiday months.  Sigh.

Now let's roll into:

5 Mistakes Ruining Your At-Home Workouts — and How to Fix Them  (Hmmm, some good pointers there.)

7 of the Best Shoulder Mobility Exercises for Less Painful Movement  (I definitely need these.  I have no idea what I've done to both shoulders even before consistently working out again but I hope this isn't how they are the rest of my life!)

Eat These 8 Foods for Strong Bones  (Definitely need to keep those babies strong so we can kick ass as we age.)

Just 1 garlic clove a day may deliver these impressive health benefits  (Adding to cart.  I know it's too late for the numbers on this months blood work but maybe I can make a difference for next year.)

Self-Silencing Is Making Women Sick  (I can vouch.  My body has been warning me since 1998 and I clearly have still not found a way to make peace with myself.)

30 All-Day Slow-Cooker Recipes That'll Cook While You're At Work  (My crock pot has been really helpful over the past few months and I need some new inspiration to healthify.)

8 Homemade Cleaners That Actually Work  (Always better if you can mix 'em up on the cheap!)

Cornbread 'n' Squash Dressing Recipe  (Holy crap, this sounds amazing!  I had squash casserole at a restaurant in Montana and it was to die for.  This sounds like it could be similar.  I'll definitely use low salt cream soup and unsalted broth to cut the salt a bit and maybe use two boxes of cornbread dressing sans the seasoning packets to give myself a break.)

Road Rage Is Up. How to Deal With an Angry Driver — Even if It’s You  (People make it REAL hard sometimes.  I miss the old days when you could both flip each other off with a long horn honk and that was that.  These days they'll follow you home, run you off the road or shoot you.)

Airport Worker Shares Travel Hack That Will Help Stop Your Luggage from Getting Lost  (For those traveling over the holidays.  Make sure you've got a TSA lock or they've got no problem opening your luggage and leaving it flapping in the wind.)

We got back this week from a much needed mental health trip away.  We had to cancel our retreat this year with everything going on with Mom.  Well, I suppose we still could've gone since it ended up being two weeks after she passed but I waited until the last day we could get our money back and we still had hope then.  I'm hoping it provides the reset we'll both need as we white knuckle it into the holidays.  I'll post a little recap Monday.

What's shaking for your first weekend of November?  Anyone planning their Thanksgiving menus yet?

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  1. Getting Thanksgiving food ready ahead is the best thing ever. Even if for no other reason than not have as much stress on the day. Have a good weekend everyone!

    1. The only problem is I don't think grocery pickup let's you add a turkey so we'll have to deal with that BS but otherwise, I've got the yukons added to cart and cream cheese is in the fridge awaiting my mixer blades of doom.

  2. Always a good plan to get as much done ahead of the holiday meals as possible. I used to be very good about Thanksgiving prep and the actual day there was little stress...and few dishes since everything was already prepared. This year we probably aren't going to do much, if anything, so it's a wait and see thing. We had really cold temps earlier this week, but now we're back into the 50s and I think a couple of 60s here and there this next week, so it still feels like fall. Busy day today and tonight, the bank tomorrow to close an account, and church on Sunday. I hope you have a good weekend and can't wait to read the the getaway recap from your trip! xoxo

    1. Could you guys order from that place from last year so it's all done up for you? If I wasn't so salt sensitive, I'd be doing the same thing. We've got a few 60's thrown in too including one too close to 70 for my liking. I hope you were able to get everything done you wanted to so you can have a decent weekend!

  3. Anele, I did have a talk with my son about being distant and his fiance's family being more important. Well he informed his dad and I that he may be breaking off his relationship with the fiance of 2 years, together for 5, and that he was ashamed of how he's had 1 divorce and several failed relationships, and jobs he's hated and the fact he may have to move back home to our basement at 35 because everything was in her name. So we have a better understanding of how unhappy he was all these years and why he distanced himself. He knows we are always here for him. This Thanksgiving we will be going to one of my son's and I will be making stuffing in the crock pot to bring, it's a new one on me, wish me luck it comes out ok!

    1. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes so happy that you decided to reach out to him. What a complete blessing to him to 1) know you care and 2) are willing to help him get back on his feet if things don't go well. I carried a lot of shame in how I process feelings (I'm very easily hurt thanks to how my dad was so my default was to isolate) and so I told myself I was a disappointment to Mom even though she never once said that to me. Now I'd give anything to have those uncomfortable conversations so that we were both on the same page and I didn't want anyone else to have those assumptions or regret should the worst happen. I hope this is the beginning of mending things and bringing your family closer! If I may make a suggestion, add a wee bit more water/liquid than called for as I find crockpots can dry stuff like that a little more and butter the sides to keep it from sticking! LOVE stuffing!


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