Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Hump Day Poll: Junk Drawers

Happy November all!  Let's hop into a hump day poll.

What's something every junk drawer should have to be officially considered a junk drawer?

We don't have room for a junk drawer but when I hear that term, I always think of my grandma's junk drawer.  💕  Always batteries in there of any size, rubber bands and scissors.  A few random cords.  Bread twist ties and at least 3 pens, a pencil and maybe a paper clip.

How about you?  What's something every junk drawer should have to be officially considered a junk drawer?

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  1. I keep the address book (total old school), scotch tape, a measuring tape, magnetic note pads for the fridge, and a set of screwdrivers so I don't have to hunt for them in the garage.

  2. Ours have always held flashlights & birthday candles


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