Friday, June 18, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #25

Happy Friday!  I hope everyone had a better week than we did.  To top off the stuff I already mentioned this past week, the Mr and I witnessed some maniac fly around the corner in our neighborhood (there aren't sidewalks.)  He screamed at the woman he was tailing and out of instinct, the Mr grabbed his phone to try to get a pic of the license plate because we weren't sure how close he came to hitting the man and his two dogs by the turn and thought he was a delivery driver.  Didn't matter, he didn't get the pic anyway.  (If I'd seen him grabbing at the phone I would've told him not to but he was too quick for me.)  The man told us the guy was a nutcase and carried a baseball bat in his car and lived in the back.  This made our stomachs sink.  

As we walked about a half mile down, out of nowhere he flew up behind us with his cell phone on us screaming at the Mr and when we tried to leave, he pulled his car in front of us blocking our path, got out of the car and got in the Mr's face.  Well, tried to because I stood between them as he kept screaming asking his name, which he did not give him.  He said he would 'find out soon enough' and sped away.  We ducked out of the street in case he came back and of course when we usually have a ton of walkers, there were NONE.  No witnesses.  We called the police and our property manager, neither cared.  

We can't file a report because that would give him our names and address which is the last thing we want.  We have been sick with adrenaline, anxiety and I'm just plain terrified.  We will never walk in the neighborhood again.  It was already heading that way anyway because cars just weren't getting over anymore and it felt more and more unsafe with that obviously being the topper.  I have no idea what we can do to protect ourselves and the Mr is a yellow belt but these days, the criminals seem to have more rights than the victims.  So yeah, I'm hoping for some weight loss because more than a few meals have been missed due to extreme PTSD on my part constantly relieving it day and night.  We were able to get the license plate and I passed it on to a friend that if anything happened to us, he would be questioned.  (Again, not filing a report to give him access to our address so he can then begin stalking us.)  So if there are any multi-week absences without any explanation after a month, you might not hear from us again.  I know that sounds extreme but 24 hours later, I'm still shaking as I type.


How about a little of...

20 Foods High in Selenium for Thyroid Health (Always eat my brazil nut a day)

Healthier Air Fryer Recipes  (My MIL gave us hers (never used).  Anyone use one of these things?)

8 Bone Broth Benefits That Will Convince You to Try the Trend (Gives ya a nice little protein bump.  We use the unsalted version.)

5-Ingredient Tropical Fruit Popsicles (Holy crap these sound good.  I think I'd switch to lite coconut milk and cut the maple syrup to 1 tbsp)

What Makes Duran Duran So Durable?  (Used to be my fave as a kid)

Sorry, that was all I could come up with under the circumstances.

What are you up to this weekend?

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  1. Adrenaline is a necessary evil but boy coming down off of it is really tough. I am glad we had a good workout yesterday to burn some of that out of the system because I have felt much calmer since then. Our neighborhood has too many cars and no sidewalks so maybe not walking here anymore is the best option regardless.

  2. The air fryer makes decent french fries, fried chicken, etc. There are many recipes online to make a myriad of things in it. That being said, I should use mine more! So sorry to hear that your walk in the neighborhood was less than ideal. The world has certainly changed and not for the better. Hoping that you and the Mr. will always be safe. Take care, both of you.

  3. OMG - stay safe! So sorry that happened to you guys...

  4. How horrifying! I am so sorry you guys suffered that when you were just trying to go for a walk. I hope it's a much better weekend for you and that jerk stays far, far away -- always. xoxoxo

  5. So many wackos out there, glad you played it safe! Laying low this weekend

  6. I totally agree about not walking in neighborhood anymore and not filing police report. And I would be careful not to talk about him with neighbors, word gets around too easily.

    I have a suggestion - on your own thru Internet or careful watching for his car, figure out where he lives so you have the address. (You might have someone else do the looking so he does not see you in your car, and get your license plate or follow you, unless you have tinted car windows).

    Then when you have the address, start watching the police reports (they should be posted online), so you know what is going on with him. Knowledge probably will make you feel better.

    It sounds like he probably will end up in court for something eventually. He may already be in process or on probation. And it might be that your information on this event helps a prosecutor working on his case at some future date.

    How upsetting!


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