Friday, June 11, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #24

Hello, hello, hello and happy Friday all!  We made it to the end of another week so high five yourself for that one!  It's been nice catching up with SP people this week.  I'm glad we were given the opportunity to say goodbye to the people who still have active pages.  It breaks my heart a little to see those long deactivated pages especially after beginning the process of copying the comments on my page.  Definitely a moment in time.  

No pics of dinners this week so let's get to...

Sparkpeople's statement about closing

Low-Carb Cauliflower Fried Rice and 8 More Creative Ways to Add Veggies to Your Favorite Meals (You guys know I use cauli-rice all the time for our homemade Chinese meals.)

7 Things to Never Say to Someone With Obesity (Soooo many opinions, none of which I want to say because...yeah, not up for potential debates.  😆)

The 4 best ways to stop phone spam, scams, and robocalls  (We get more spam calls than actual calls but I don't want to answer people I do know much less those I don't.)

Stop Being So Hard on Yourself  (Easier said than done.  I hear ya, Ben.  Me too.)

Chronic Indecisiveness: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (I'm sure I don't know what they mean.)

How to Keep Your Plants Alive When You're on Vacation  (Might test out the wine trick while we're home to see how long that truly takes to empty.)

No plans for the weekend.  I do want to get out for a drive or something.  It's been raining all week so that's going to make for a wall of humidity this weekend.  Bleh.  I guess on the upside, maybe my vining plants will start getting a move on.  I'm anxious for the jasmine and wisteria to get to the top of the arbor!

Anything fun planned for the weekend?

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  1. Happy Friday! Undecided Lmao!
    Wedding road trip to Iowa. So excited to see my unmasked cuzzos! We're doing raindances here in the burbs!
    Have a fabulous weekend! So glad I met you through SP!

  2. Have a great weekend! No plans here either. Just looking forward to a little drive to get out of the house wherever we can as well.

  3. Staying indoors out of the heat is the main priority. Took the dogs for a drive after I got home from work and they'll get their doggie ice cream later this afternoon. Today I'll do laundry and rest my knee as much as possible. Down seven days of work, four more to go. I'm in the home stretch! LOL
    Have a great (and cool!) weekend!


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