Wednesday, June 2, 2021

June Hump Day Survey

It's June!  We're almost halfway through the year.  How y'all feel about that?  That's not one of the questions but you can answer it anyway along with these...

Which celebrity is the most likely to have a collection of canes that are just for show?  Jeff Goldblum

What seemingly innocent question makes you think “It’s a trap!”?  "Hey, can I ask you a favor?" or "question for you."

What elements of pop culture will be forever tied in your mind to your childhood?  80's music, great TV like Three's Company, All in the Family, The Jeffersons, etc, 

What’s legal now, but probably won’t be in 25 years?  Having an opinion.

Would you want the ability to hear the thoughts of people near you if you couldn’t turn the ability off?  Holy hell NO!  I have enough problems trying to quell my own thoughts much less hearing anyone else's!  Though it would be kind of funny if they insulted you and you walked up and smacked them.

When was the last time you stayed up through the entire night?  I can't remember.  We were up pretty much all night when we drove to VT but I don't think that's what they mean.

What’s something that people think makes them look cool, but actually has the opposite effect?  When people are being loud on purpose because they are usually 15-25 and think they are SO cool and desperately need attention.  At which I point I usually roll my eyes and say out loud "aww, does someone need attention?"  My mouth can't help it.

What’s the oldest thing you own?  My body?  Actually probably my grandma's rolling pin until my mom gives me the lady my great grandma made in ceramics class.

If cartoon physics suddenly replaced real physics, what are some things you would want to try?  Chucking an anvil on someone.  A few seconds hang time in the air before falling off a cliff could be fun too.

Who in your life is the worst at using technology?  My grandma's husband but he's not in my life anymore.  I don't know anyone else as bad as him.

What do you do when you hear something fall in the middle of the night while you are in bed?    Gasp, sit up and turn on the phone flashlight.  Wait to see if I hear footsteps, stay awake on adrenaline for at least 30 minutes.

What outdated slang do you use on a regular basis?  Yo and word.

What happens regularly that would horrify a person from 100 years ago?  Women having any kind of stature or rights.  

What topic could you spend hours talking about?  My teen years of meeting bands and wrestlers.  Damn, those were the days.  Major shout out to those who could've taken advantage and didn't.  

What small change greatly improves a person’s appearance?  A smile.

Your turn!  Pick a few or all questions to answer in the comments.

Which celebrity is the most likely to have a collection of canes that are just for show?

What seemingly innocent question makes you think “It’s a trap!”?

What elements of pop culture will be forever tied in your mind to your childhood?

What’s legal now, but probably won’t be in 25 years?

Would you want the ability to hear the thoughts of people near you if you couldn’t turn the ability off?

When was the last time you stayed up through the entire night?

What’s something that people think makes them look cool, but actually has the opposite effect?

What’s the oldest thing you own?

If cartoon physics suddenly replaced real physics, what are some things you would want to try?

Who in your life is the worst at using technology?

What do you do when you hear something fall in the middle of the night while you are in bed?

What outdated slang do you use on a regular basis?

What happens regularly that would horrify a person from 100 years ago?

What topic could you spend hours talking about?

What small change greatly improves a person’s appearance?

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  1. Which celebrity is the most likely to have a collection of canes that are just for show? Jeff Goldblum is a great answer.

    What seemingly innocent question makes you think “It’s a trap!”? "Can I get a moment of your time?"

    What elements of pop culture will be forever tied in your mind to your childhood? Arcade games, Van Halen (and all 80's music of course) and sitcoms.

    What’s legal now, but probably won’t be in 25 years? Anything you did to offend someone now.

    Would you want the ability to hear the thoughts of people near you if you couldn’t turn the ability off? No way. I am so tired of hearing people just plain talking around me most places I go.

    When was the last time you stayed up through the entire night? Probably for work. Had a few big issues that meant no sleep for me.

    What’s something that people think makes them look cool, but actually has the opposite effect? Loud exhaust on a car

    What’s the oldest thing you own? I had a guitar cable that was at least 32 years old but I did have to replace it recently.

    If cartoon physics suddenly replaced real physics, what are some things you would want to try? Hanging in the air just off a cliff then bouncing instead of dying when you fall.

    Who in your life is the worst at using technology? Anyone who calls me for help without ever even trying to figure it out on their own even just a little.

    What do you do when you hear something fall in the middle of the night while you are in bed? I try to figure out what it was. If it bugs me too much I will get up and investigate.

    What outdated slang do you use on a regular basis? Dude

    What happens regularly that would horrify a person from 100 years ago? School shootings

    What topic could you spend hours talking about? Growing up in the 70's/80's

    What small change greatly improves a person’s appearance? A smile indeed.

  2. What elements of pop culture will be forever tied in your mind to your childhood? All the fun commercials geared towards kids (before everything kids enjoyed was deemed evil).

    What’s legal now, but probably won’t be in 25 years? Drinking pop/soda

    Would you want the ability to hear the thoughts of people near you if you couldn’t turn the ability off? No, I'm a mind my own business kind of gal, including what other people think about me. And in fairness, I wouldn't want people listening in on my thoughts either.

    When was the last time you stayed up through the entire night? Every Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday for work.

    What’s something that people think makes them look cool, but actually has the opposite effect? Sucking up to the "popular" people (even well-known people) and acting like they are part of an entourage.

    What’s the oldest thing you own? Aside from jewelry from various heirlooms from grandmother, I believe that would be a dictionary that is so big it has to sit on a pedestal when opened. It's a foot in depth if I recall.

    Who in your life is the worst at using technology? Hands down, that would be me.

    What do you do when you hear something fall in the middle of the night while you are in bed? I look to the dogs for confirmation if I need to get up for an intruder or not. Depending on the sound, I may check on the hubs to make sure it wasn't something happening to him.

    What outdated slang do you use on a regular basis? Alrighty then

    What topic could you spend hours talking about? Faith

    What small change greatly improves a person’s appearance? Attitude


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