Friday, April 16, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #16

It is FINALLY Friday!  Did you have a good week?  How's the weather by you- rainy, sunny, hot, cool?
There have been more days higher than I'd like but I'll revel in this time of year before flop sweat season.  The week has gone fast and slow much to our chagrin but the weekend is finally upon us and we are so down!

Guess who forgot to take dinner pics this week?

Anyhoo, let's get to...

How to Time Your Workouts Around Your COVID-19 Vaccination  (Good info to know if you haven't gotten yours yet!)

Break a Sweat With 17 Quiet, Bodyweight Cardio Moves That Won't Annoy Your Neighbors  (Um, if you're doing mountain climbers and plank jacks, you're annoying your neighbors which is why I'm doing this asap!  The rest are quiet though.)

Zoodle Stir Fry (This looks soo good!)

Honeycrisp Apple Broccoli Salad  (OMG, this sounds amazing!  I think I know what I'm making for cookout season!  I'd probably leave out the pasta though and cut back on the raisins and mayo)

What You Need to know About Cleaning the Vulva, According to an Ob-Gyn  (Man, those of us who grew up watching a woman skipping through a field after her douche sure feel jipped right about now.)

If anyone has any good products that remove pollen from concrete, give a shout.  That's the one thing we have constant struggles with this time of year is the pollen and I don't know maybe it's not pollen but it's green and it's in the grout of our patio stones.  Last year we had covered the patio with a canvas tarp hoping to thwart it and it did nothing.  It's not a job I relish doing but if we get the motivation, might tackle soon.

Any thrilling plans on your end?

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  1. Nothing going on for me but working. Cut the lawn on Wed so at least that is done. Laundry and grocery shopping round of the scintillating events. ROFL

    Have a super duper weekend!

  2. I can't believe it's the weekend again already! We had summer like weather last Saturday, now it's cold and rainy...central NY state here. It's cozy, but feels a bit claustrophobic, like the movie Ground Hog Day, like, THIS AGAIN? I mean last year, the damp, rainy, cold weather stretched on and on...


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