
Friday, October 19, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #42

Happy Friday y'all!

What's shakin' party people?  All four cheeks and a couple of chins here.  (Points if anyone knows what that's from without Googling it!)  It has been a glorious full week of Fall weather with temps in the mid 30's some mornings which makes dawdling on our morning walks not an option.  I would much rather have to slip on my thermals and have cold cheeks than be a sweaty, hot beast.  I know when it gets really cold, we're likely going to have to flip some stuff around and walk in the evenings when it's above freezing.  But I'll take it for now.  My morning walks allow my mental hamster to get a workout but it might have to switch to morning yoga when the snow is flying.

But enough of that, let's fly into...

7 Ways to Have Better Poops Every Day  (Poo-rrific!)

3 Drills for Better Hip Mobility  (My jacked hips feel better just watching these!)

I Joyfully Decluttered These 5 Things to Boost Happiness  (I want to declutter all of the things.  Sometimes I look at the basement and want to burn it*.  *-Should my basement burn, I didn't start the was always burning since the world's been turning.)

9 Ways to Stop a Cold Before It Even Starts  (I don't see hold up a crucifix and throw holy water on the carrier.  Am I missing something?)

Jenna Dewan's Hotel Workout Will Make You Tired Just Watching It  (Good bodyweight workout.  The slow version is toward the bottom.)

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship This October  (Sorry, then come November it's back to Crapsville for you two!  😆)

Kevin Smith Just Hit a Major Weight Loss Milestone  (Good for him!)

The Chilling History of 15 Halloween Traditions  (I don't know about "chilling" but interesting none the less.)

9 Things You Can Do Right Now for a Frugal Holiday Season  (Some good tips!)

Putting Your Holiday Decorations Up Early Could Make You Happier, According to Experts  (Not yet obviously, let's get through Halloween at least!)

Uptown Spot (Courtesy of The Mr- short, watch til the end)

We don't have much planned Saturday that I'm aware of and now that it looks like his crud is trying to settle into my chest, we may just be watching movies all day Saturday.  (Oh Lord, we just finished The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix.  Not fans...hours of our lives we can't get back.)   I'd like to go leaf peeping somewhere before that windstorm that comes every year blows the color off the trees.  I'd also like to carve a pumpkin this year but time is winding down since next weekend is the last one in October.  Sigh.

What are you guys doing this weekend?

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  1. Sorry you got the crud from me. I am still fighting it too. It's the slow moving ones that suck the most and this one keeps coming back harder just when I think I feel better. I hope that is not the case for you.

  2. I have a meeting in the morning then I'll be heading out to the burbs to see a friend for lunch. We'll find out today if the hubs has to work tomorrow. We'll grocery shop on Sunday and I'll need to get some house stuff and laundry done with Saturday being taken up.
    Have a super weekend!! Enjoy these fall temps! =o)


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