
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Seeing double, lethargy and slashers

Happy Tuesday all!

Well, the Mr got home at 1:30am the night before last and decided since he was sick and got home late, he'd take a sick day when he's actually sick and not just sick of his job.  I didn't sleep well after we went to bed and even with going back to sleep after my pill alarm, I still probably totaled four hours if I'm lucky.  We got up and had breakfast, watched a little bit of DVR and both fell asleep on the couches for a few hours.  I knew I was jinxing myself writing about how mild the cold was sans laryngitis, which is ongoing.  Yesterday, we both felt pretty run down.

To make sure we did start growing roots into the couch, the Mr suggest we take our 2 miler we skipped in the morning around 3pm.  It was quite windy so I listened to stories of his evening and grunted when applicable since that's about the extent of my communication right now.  We grabbed the mail and I had to laugh.

When your bestie has the same sense of humor as you do and sends you the same card you bought your husband.  (I forgot I bought that for him until I gave it to him later and we cracked up.) 

The Mr was starting to fall asleep again so I suggested we go down and do our workout, Chalean Extreme Burn 1 Circuit.  Lots of posterior flies and squatting and damn if I didn't feel every rep.  I didn't lift heavy or anything but definitely could feel my energy drain from how "energized" I felt the day before.  We had our dinner to help replenish our strength...

Turkey taco night and I could feel my body pulling energy from it.  The Mr, however, was not so lucky.  We continued our horror movie spree with Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and there was head bobbing going on.  (affiliate link)  We tried going for Dream Warriors but he barely made it to 20 minutes in before I sent him to bed.  That's why if there are typos it's because my editor is in bed.  Let's see, we've still got Candyman, Halloweentown 1 and 2, Hotel Transylvania, Fright Night, The Crow, Elm Street Dream Warriors, Pet Sematary and Scream 1 and maybe 2.  So yeah, 10 more to go so we'd better get cracka-lackin'.

As you can see it was quite an exciting day in our neck of the woods! 

Do you watch scary movies this time of year?  What were the horror movies of your youth?

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  1. I was so tired all day and I have no idea how I would have managed to work that way so definitely made the right choice in taking the day off.

  2. I wish I had time for scary movies. If I'm lucky I can fit one tv show from my DVR in after the boy goes to bed, often it takes two nights to watch a single hour long show. When he used to go to bed at 8 it was better for me, but he's older now and even though he still had a bedtime, it doesn't leave me a lot of time to myself afterwards. He is not a fan of scary movies, but both his dad and I are so I still have hope for him.

    I mostly like the funny/scary ones. Shaun of the Dead, and Zombieland come to mind, and I love Army of Darkness. Those aren't from my growing up years, but are 3 of my favorites.

  3. I make a Halloween play list to celebrate the season: Monster Mash, Purple People Eater, Thriller, songs like that. Added a new one: I Put a Spell On You by Nena Simone. She's so good. I'm hoping to do a Nena Simone night with hubby and play some cards. We don't do it as often as I'd like but we are due and it's a great time of year to turn on the fireplace and chill with each other.

    1. Here's another one...Vampire Again by Marlon Williams.

  4. Bhahahaha!! Great minds think alike.... Priceless!

    I am not a scary movie fan, although I've watched a few in my day. Although I will watch more paranormal stuff on tv around this time of year.


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