
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Hump Day Fun Poll: Creepin' Crud edition

(The Mr does not drink tea this way, it looks more like this...)

(via giphy)

So the Mr was unable to fight off whatever creeping crud was floating around last week.  He's on a solid day two of sounding like Barry White and not in a good way.  I've been pumping him full of the Throat Coat tea we already had on hand and chugging down the Emergen C at night.  (affiliate links)
He was a pooped pup the night before and didn't even make it to 9:30pm.  He's got a chest cold it seems so I'm hoping he'll eject some Flubber before long since he has plans Sunday. 

(via giphy)

How do you help a chest cold along?  Any home remedies work for you?

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  1. Yeah, feel like I could benefit from ejecting some flubber right about now. The night before when I couldn't make it past 9:30 I think I had a low grade fever so at least getting some rest helped with that. It's just the coughing and runny nose crap from here on out - hopefully done by Friday!

  2. I'm going through this now myself. I drank lots of hot liquids, and I take 2000mg (2 packets) of the Emergen-C every day during fall and winter and I'm thinking it's cutting my time shorter because after about 3 days I was feeling vastly better. Just have the cough hanging on a bit but that's getting better too. I also do a steam bath for my face over a bowl with a towel over my head. That always makes my chest feel less constricted. I hope the Mr. feels better very soon!!!

  3. Long, hot shower with the bathroom doors closed so that I'm in the steam as long as possible, drink lots of water to help thin the mucous, and I like to drink orange juice (my version of emergen-c). On top of that I'll sometimes throw whatever meds we have on-hand at it - NyQuil, DayQuil, decongestant, etc.

  4. Sleep is my number one cure. So, I've been converted a Nyquil person at night to help me sleep and get as much rest as possible, but I don't like taking anything through the day.

    My other technique is to use my NettiPot twice a day to keep the sinuses clear. My sinuses always seem to be my downfall. And Jessica's technique of long, hot showers also help to start the day off right.


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