
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Get on your camel y'all...

When 7am rolled around for our walk yesterday morning, I so wanted to skip it.  (We skipped the day before so we could sleep in.)  But we got out there and the few people we passed commented on the hot weather already or waiting for cooler weather to which we all agreed, we're ready.  There is just nothing worse than leaving your air-conditioned house to walk out into a wall of humidity.  On the upside, we've seen some gorgeous sunrises since we're up before them now when we start walking.   We also saw a nice domestic dispute going on as a woman kicked her cheating man out with his crap in a garbage bag.  As the f-bombs and "b*tch's" started to fly almost as we were ready to walk by, I pointed the Mr down a side street because I had no desire to be a casualty if someone pulled a gun.  We passed a lady walking her dog and I told her if she was turning right there was a domestic issue going on so please be careful and she thanked me for the heads up.  We kept our ears perked and when we walked back, he was gone.  If it was still going on, I would've probably called the cops to be safe. 

We were watching Manifest while the Mr ate lunch, and a character who lost someone greeted another character in a way that immediately told me she had dementia.  Within a minute, it was confirmed.  When the spouse told them the person went to the market they said: "I stopped telling them because I couldn't watch their world collapse every 15 minutes."  I teared up because it brought me right back to that stage with Grandma and everything that went with it.  I pray there is a day where seeing someone with dementia on TV doesn't take me straight back to all of that pain and loss.  Thankfully, it doesn't last too long but still.

As the day wore on, some soreness kicked in from the previous night's workout, Mike Donavanik's Extreme Burn which we haven't done in a few years.  Holy poo balls, my abs were so sore!  It was good to do something different because I feel like we're in a pretty big exercise rut and I have no clue what else is out there so if anyone has any suggestions of their favorite workouts these days, I'd love to hear them in the comments!  I've been doing glute stretches this week where I lay flat and keep my right leg straight then pull my knee up to my chest with my calf laying across my top gut and it gets a nice, deep stretch and then switch legs plus the happy baby pose.  I hope those are enough to help keep the really bad hip pain at bay.  Speaking of which, I'm going tomorrow for a Thai massage.  My chiro had one done as a guinea pig once one of their LMT's got certified and he said he thought about me the whole time.  "Oh yeah, that move would help her" "yep, that would help her too."  You're fully clothed and they basically stretch you in all kinds of ways and the goal is to "open you up."  After seeing him giggle a little when I asked how it was, I'd say I'm probably in for an adventure. 

We went down and did old school Power 90.  Of course, it was muted because ain't nobody gonna choose cheesy jokes over your own playlist.   Dinner was BBQ chicken breast over harvest quinoa before settling in for This is Us. 

Anyone ever had a Thai massage?  Am I in for it?  😂

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  1. Yeah I am ready for some good workout suggestions too. Some of the workouts we have are unbelievably considered vintage now. Ugh!

    1. You no like-a the Gilad and Billy Blanks? LOL Hell even the Turbo Fire we got is 10 years old at this point. I really wish she'd release a TF2 and not that joke they repackaged and tried to sell people a few years later.

  2. Have you turned into A Million Little Things? I'm digging it

    1. Yes!! Love it! It's like the writers of This is Us moonlight on the side to write for this one.

  3. I subscribed to Les Mills On Demand ($12.99/month or $120 for an annual subscription). They have a variety of workouts and add new ones each month. The instructors come from all over the world, which I really like for some reason! You can play the workouts from a computer but I use a Roku to stream them and there is a 10-day trial period if you ever want to check it out.

  4. Vintage is "vintage" for a reason - it's still good stuff. Otherwise it's just old crap.

    It rained all day yesterday and almost froze tonight, so if it's cold here I bet your cooler temperatures are coming too.

    1. You know it!! I still enjoy doing Tae Bo. That got me wondering so I just did a search and found some stuff on YouTube and yep, still doing to same ol' moves so I guess I'll stick with the ones we have! LOL

  5. I really enjoyed doing T25. I did not like Insanity. P90X was good too.

    1. We really like T25 too! Matter of fact, that's tomorrow morning's workout before my massage so she can stretch me out! I didn't like Insanity at all. We still have it and I always think I'll do it sometime, then I preview it again and say "nope!"

  6. Wish I were up for serious workouts but with all my pain issues I'm still stuck with stretching and walking. Pigeon pose is a good glute stretch and if you don't want to get on the ground you can do a standing version with your bent leg on a table. It's handy at work where I can't roll around on the floor.

    1. Hey, stretching and walking gets the job done. You do what you can with whatcha got to work with! Pigeon pose is my go to after the laying hamstring stretch because it gets my inner thighs pretty good. I'll use a yoga strap occasionally and lay my leg out to one side then bring it over my body to touch the floor on the other side to stretch out the hamstring and hip. Why don't you want to roll around on the floor at work? ;-)

    2. Aside from the 1/4 inch carpet over cement and lack of private space? I do the same leg stretch with strap as part of a routine I learned in PT when I herniated my disk. That plus your happy baby and crossed knee pull are great for sciatic pain. I wish I were more consistent with the other exercises I learned in PT. Even simply lying on the floor and rocking to massage the back makes a difference though. It's the only way I got through 3 days of digging, raking and laying sod.

    3. Yeah, that! LOL Those stretches have really helped with my hip pain this week and if I stay consistent with them, I might actually have a chance! I told the chiro my "after care" is becoming as long as the workouts themselves! Rocking the back does make a difference for sure! Nice to feel that lower back pain release!

    4. I have to be careful though because my favorite spot to roll is just over hubby's office and if I go down to hard he thinks I've fallen. The moaning that often comes with stretching doesn't help ease his mind either.


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