
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

80% done and a nice surprise

Happy Tuesday!

Yesterday was quite productive.  I seem to be over my stomach bug for the most part so I was able to focus on a bit of work while the Mr was out and about.  When he came home, I was greeted with these...

Always such a nice surprise to get flowers for no reason especially such pretty fall colors! 

He played our Christmas playlist and went upstairs while I sat and wrapped Christmas presents.  I'm maybe 80% done.  I just have a gift card to grab for my friend, my grandpa's wife to buy for when she finally gives me her list (despite her asking for ours like 3 weeks ago) and then my MIL.  We take her out for her birthday for lunch then go shopping for her Christmas gift.  I always get her a little something to open on Christmas morning and her Christmas cookies when the Mr has lunch with her closer to the holiday. 

The Mr insisted on watching Waxwork 2: Electric Boogaloo Lost in Time and I tried to warn him.  There are 90 minutes of his life he can't get back.  Dinner was mango glazed ahi over red quinoa and sweet potato stuffing.  In the evening we watched the Nightmare on Elm Street documentary, Never Sleep Again.  If you're a fan, it's such a great documentary and they get almost all of the cast back for it and it's $9 for four hours of behind the scenes stuff which is awesome.  We didn't watch all 4 hours but we'll knock it off in chunks before the holiday gets here.

Nothing earth-shattering, I know but still a good day!

How was your Monday?

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  1. Ugh, yeah Waxwork 2 was terrible. They went for extra campiness on purpose which didn't help at all. Sorry for subjecting us to that!

  2. Waxwork 2 was pretty awful. Sad really considering how much I like the first one.

    Yesterday was wet and cold. We are definitely getting into the season here now. Overall a good day.

  3. We took a ride up to Vermont. There was some nice color starting, but nothing earth-shattering. Plus it was overflowing with tourists because of the long weekend. But it was still a nice, lazy, peaceful weekend! The Mr has very good taste - your flowers are gorgeous!

  4. Oh, what pretty flowers! I love the fall variety and those rich colors. Says Autumn really is here! What a sweet pea the Mr. was to surprise you!

    As I've been typing I've had both Fed Ex and UPS come to my door with some Christmas gifts I shopped for. LOL I said I was wrapping early this year and I mean it (snaps rubber band on wrist as a reminder). =o)

    I spent some time with my uncle yesterday which was really nice. The weather held out well for me so there was no driving in the rain. Today is quite warm and humid and very sunny. I saw two squirrels in the backyard with HUGE corn cobs in their mouths as they scampered off by the trees and started munching. Cracked me up! I have a feeling the hubs is going to want to cut the lawn today because it's supposed to rain later this evening. Tomorrow it's in the 70's, then we drop into the low 50's (possibly high 40's) the rest of the week. That's a big ol' temperature swing by over 30 degrees.


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