
Friday, July 28, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #30

Happy Friday you beautiful (and handsome) peeps!

Let's dive right into...

8 Tricks to Keep Your Metabolism Revving  (Vroom vroom!)

Are 10,000 Steps a Day Really Best for Your Health? Here's What Science Says  (Good to know what actually counts)

The Very Real Psychological Benefits Of Cooking For Other People  (1000x this- though I don't actually think of the survival part...I just love cooking for people.)

10 Weird Signs You're Stressed Out  (#6- we call those "stress trots" in our house)

The 1 Thing That Finally Helped Me Stop Binge-Eating  (Good tips)

35 Things Married Women Are So Sick of Hearing  (I can vouch for the kid stuff)

When Robin Williams Comforted Me In The Airport After My Husband’s Suicide  (How I miss that beautiful man.)

Neighbors Complained About Noise, So Man Set Up A Camera. Here’s The Footage  (OMG, belt it with sass!  So funny!)

Shark Swims Up for a Cuddle with Her Diver Friend  (Courtesy of the Mr.)

Spend the Night In Your Favorite Classic Horror Movie Hotel  (Got some travelin' to do)

It's supposed to be really nice this weekend for once.  I'm hoping we'll be able to do something outside.

What are you guys into this weekend?

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  1. I finally had a chance to read these articles...great stories! I sure do miss Robin Williams. Still makes me sad to think about his quiet suffering.


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