Friday, April 22, 2016

What I'm Reading This Week 2016 #16

TGIF yo!  Who else is ready for the weekend!?

I know, I know, we're always ready for the weekend, am I right or am I right?  Ri-ri-right?  (Points if you read that like Ned Ryerson)

Let's get right to...

The 5 Foods You Should (Almost) Never Eat  (Good outlook on food in general)

How to Know If a Diet Is Legit or Just a Fad  (Interesting video and good for anyone considering one)

8 Guilt-Free Cleaning Products to Make at Home  (I make a few of these myself and will add some new ones to the arsenal)

Secrets Of The Very Old And Healthy — Start When You're Young  (Great reminders to keep active now to be active all of your life)

Those Drug Commercials You're Bombarded With Are WAY Sketchier Than You Realize    (I know this is long but the first few paragraphs tell you about all you need to know about how "trusted" these meds should be considered)

Signs of Diabetes: 5 Symptoms You Should Not Ignore  (Make sure you know them, just in case!)

These 10 Foods Can Help Balance Your Hormones and Reduce Inflammation  (Will add the few I'm not already using)

This Company is Selling Luxury Dorm-Style Living to Adults  (Interesting concept.  Not sure I could do the whole communal areas though especially if I shared with a few people I didn't care for!  HA!)

Scientists Discover Simple Technique That Cuts Calories In Rice By 60%   (For those who eat white rice)

12 Things No One Tells You About Owning a House  (I would give anything for "absence of noise."  It would not freak me out in the slightest.)

Why Food Labels With Exercise Equivalents Are a Horrible Idea  (I think it could be okay for impulse buys like candy bars.)

9 Things Wedding Guests Should Never Do  (I am still livid about the witch we didn't know that MIL forced us to invite and her 3 year old brat can be heard in our wedding video screeching over the whole first half of our ceremony!  We don't watch our wedding video any more because it just pisses us off.)

Wedding Photographer's Warning to Wedding Guests Goes Viral  (The picture this photographer is talking about shot my blood pressure sky high.  Standing in the aisle!?  That is a moment those people will NEVER get back.  Your crappy iPhone pic rarely gets sent to the couple anyway!  These people hired a photographer to capture the magic...stay the hell outta the way!!!  As you can see, I have no opinion on this.)

I went without my smartphone for 7 days — here's the most disturbing thing I noticed  (It's kind of sad that was all he noticed and then went right back to it.  Get your noses out of the phones is happening all around you.)

Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo List Their Spacious Soho Loft For $5.5M  ( can tell Adam decorated this place.)

We've got some house stuff to get done this weekend since we're having my mom over for brunch Sunday morning.  I'm making Croque Madams and a little side salad.

What are you guys getting into this weekend?

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  1. TGIF!! This week went by fast. I guess being in class every day keeps it steady. I will sure miss being in class by about Tuesday next week, if not Monday first thing when all the piles of emails cave in on me.

  2. We will be driving home from my moms house. It was a good vacation and on the way home we will be stopping at Uranus Fudge in Missouri. How can we not stop at Uranus?

  3. Man alive I'm just sitting down to my emails now. My weekend started off with lunch with a friend and then I came home at cut the lawn -- my first foray into exercise since surgery. It took 1 hour and 21 minutes without stopping and I made sure to take my time and didn't push it past my limits. I struggled the last 30 minutes or so with the hills, but I am so proud of myself for doing it! Now my Saturday morning is completely free and I picked the cooler of the two days -- and we had a very strong breeze so I was a happy girl with that. I felt great afterwards, but within the hour I was like the Tin Man because my Achilles and calves got super tight and I should have stretched and didn't. I was operating on literally an hour of sleep so the fact I didn't face plant in the grass was a bonus. Ha! I have a meeting in the morning, and have a couple of stores to make quick stops at and the post office then I'm free as a bird. I am so jazzed about that because I got so much accomplished during the week for a change.

    Enjoy having mom over for brunch on Sunday!!


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