Friday, April 1, 2016

What I'm Reading This Week 2016 #13

I know this is where some bloggers go to elaborate lengths to post something ridiculous that freaks out their readers in honor of April Fools Day.  Lucky for you, I've always hated this "holiday" and I hate even more when I get suckered into believing those posts from others because I feel like I've wasted my time.  So hooray for curmudgeonry!

I hopefully shant be wasting your time today so let's get to...

Your Biggest Hydration Questions—Answered!  (Glug, glug y'all!)

A New Study Makes a Really, Really Compelling Argument to Strength Train  (Pass the dumbbells!)

10 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Own Success  (Some non caloric food for thought)

Old-Fashioned Niceties That Deserve a Comeback  (Yes yes, a thousand times yes)

This Type of Flaxseed Is Better at Preventing Belly Bloat  (Just a note for those on the pill.  Flaxseed can have an anti-estrogen effect that has not been properly studied as far as effects on possible birth control effectiveness.  I'm not taking chances but for the rest of you, flax away.)

How to Stop Stressing About Things You Can’t Control  (I really like the 6 month rule)

How to Do the Perfect Push-Up, Burpee, Deadlift, and More!  (Click on each pic for the tips)

The Stages of Alzheimer's Disease  (How grandma will likely die had me in a heap.  Eff this disease.)

Watch This Grandma Deadlift 225 Pounds With Ease  (Life goals)

Wentworth Miller Highlights the Fact That Body Shaming Doesn’t Just Affect Women  (Not sure who this is but yeah, douchey body comments aren't just for the ladies.)

The Beekman Boys Upstate New York Farm   (Mr...this is what we weren't allowed to see on the tour.  Swoon)

You'll Never Believe What Atreyu from "The Neverending Story" Looks Like Now  ("Atreyuuuuu!")

This Pregnant Dog Had Her Own Maternity Shoot And The Photos Are Priceless  (Look at that proud mama!)

Maternity Photoshoot Dog Just Gave Birth To 5 Super Cute Puppies  (If you thought the above link was cute...hold onto your noogies.  Whatever those are.)

We don't really have much planned for the weekend.  It's supposed to be a little rainy so maybe some window shopping or something will be in order.  I think the gifts I ordered for my chiro are coming tomorrow.  He's gonna be a first time daddy and I love buying baby stuff when presented with the opportunity.  I custom made a baby shirt for her so I'll take a pic when it comes in.  I'll have it all put together by my appointment Monday.  It's the little things that make me happy because I know he won't be expecting it.

What are you guys doing this weekend?

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  1. Lots of good links today and no foolin' which is nice. Happy Friday everybody!

  2. Our grocery store actually sent out an email about a "hovercart" coming to a store near you video on youtube for April Fool's Day. Really?!?

    I was able to drive yesterday for the first time post surgery and I have no doubt I looked like the dogs do with my head out the window and my tongue lolling about! LOL It's a frustrating day between the tax guy and the post office, but I was still so happy to be out and about. It was too long of a day though and I came home and napped hard from 3-5pm, but felt much better after that. This weekend will be just doing little things to build up my stamina and I plan on taking a trip to BB&B to look for a bowed shower curtain rod for the tub. One or two stores is probably my max before getting tuckered out. Saturday is supposed to cold, rainy, and extremely windy, so I may take advantage of finally watch all the shows I recorded. I have to say it feels wonderful to have the big things behind me-- luncheon, surgery, taxes (well, I still have to do ours), so I feel very relaxed mentally despite all the things I see around the house that could be worked on. I'm being a model patient and not doing anything I shouldn't, dust bunnies be damned. ROFL

    Enjoy your weekend and some fun window shopping!

  3. Love the 6 months stress rule! Thank you for sharing - it is most timely for me. March was one of the pits of hell. :)


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