Monday, April 11, 2016

Eatin' like sloths and the first of the season

We had a pretty good weekend.  As always, too short.

Saturday we got up and around and realized both of our shoulders felt like crap.  We did kettlebells Thursday night and it just did not like that.  So I think for the next month or so, kettlebells will have to take a backseat.  I'm still feeling it a bit but must be vigilant with my ice and ultra sounding.

The Mr has been wanting to put our new chew like sloths method to the test at this restaurant known for huge portions.  I agreed and got a half BBQ chicken sandwich and fries.  Normally, we would both get a whole sandwich, cram it in and I would leave about half my fries on my plate.  But then you start noticing that 'normal' girls were only getting half sandwiches.  I'd always preface my order to the waitress if she ever bothered to ask half or whole..."let's go whole today, I skipped breakfast."  Well, I always skip breakfast on Saturdays since we typically eat at brunch time.  She didn't need to know that.

But nope, this time we both ordered the half and even though the amount of chicken was paltry at best, I was still pretty friggin' full.  We both were and considered it a good test.  I do find that I will "drop" and get hungry sooner than before but it's something I need to learn to deal with.  I'm not going to starve and I'm making hot tea my hunger go to if we've got a while before our next meal or if we're done for the night and feel a little peckish.  It's worked so far so we must keep that up.

I was given an "in" to put in my two cents on the grandma front.  It's all still developing so when I hear, I'll pass along an update.  Let me just say that I unleashed all of my concerns and it's out on the table.

Sunday we headed out on a road trip for our first drive in of the year.

We saw The Boss with Melissa McCarthy.  It was funny but I felt like the funniest parts were in the trailer.  Love the dude with the's about time we had a nice strapping love interest!  We got back later than we'd like and that's when I'm writing this so excuse any typos!

What did you guys get into this weekend?

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  1. I have to try that sloth eating. People frequently comment on how fast I eat. I took my oven door apart to get at the interior glass that has looked nasty for years. Now I look at it each time I walk by and smile! Gave blood, did my volunteer gig and took my Mom to dinner. Finally painted my bathroom closet shelves, they've been bare wood since I remodeled it 5 years ago!
    I repotted a plant and started my veggie seeds. Finally finished my state taxes. Wow, this sounds much more productive than it felt!
    Have a great week!

  2. I am glad we got back to eating slow. It's so much better to fully taste your food and of course it leads to better digestion, not to mention the weight loss benefits!

    I love going to the drive-in. Doesn't even really matter if it rains or anything. I'm glad that is one of our things!

  3. I wish I could go to a drive in more often. The closest one is a little over an hour away and they always show double features so it means a pretty big time commitment and not getting home til pretty late. Still, one of my favorite things. I go some yardwork done this weekend so I feel accomplished, and now it's raining so that's nice.

  4. Hello my friend! I'm so excited to have finally tracked you down. After a long time away from SP, I decided to look up a few favorite "old timers" to see how they were doing and you were at the top of my list. I'm so VERY happy to read that you and the MR are still doing well and celebrating your successes. I congratulate you on your blog and wish you all the best. The Silver Owl (Joanne Joseph)

    1. Ahhhh! So glad to see you! Hope all is well and looking forward to having you on board over here! ((HUGS))

  5. Man, I was going to go see The Boss, but I was afraid the trailer was the best parts. That happens with too many movies these days. My weekend was pretty good. Led a meeting on Saturday morning, took the dogs for a nice long drive, and did some things around the house. Sunday I never left the house because the hubs took the dogs with him on errands. Got all the bedding and towels done and a load of whites. It felt so good to have the laundry room clean again without piles of towels on the floor. =o)


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