
Thursday, February 25, 2016

We can rebuild him...we have the technology

When the Mr got back from his chiropractor's appointment, he dropped trou to show me how his bruise on his hip from his ski tumble was progressing...

Black blocks provided for modesty
Sorry, I didn't realize it was blurry until I was editing it but you get the picture.  Not pretty.  Thanks for sharing, Mr.

I did my upper body workout earlier in the day because I knew he wasn't going to be able to.  Then I borrowed one of his contraptions because my shoulder is still feeling pretty bad.  I thought I'd share some of the things he's invested in the past week to help him on his road to recovery in case any of you should need them at some point.

Rainbow Microwaveable Gel Hot Cold Pack & Wrap for Heat Ice Therapy  (affiliate link) 

(Not the Mr)
This has a gel ice pack that slides into the middle of the shoulder sling and hits right in the center of the shoulder.  (Damn that felt good!)  The Mr will slide an extra ice pack under the arm so it hits it from both angles.  It's totally adjustable and would fit pretty much anyone size wise.  It's also inexpensive at $15 compared to double for other models.

Tens Machine for Pain Management.  (affiliate link) 

He read up on TENS units which stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and wanted to give it a try.  I told him to ask the chiro first because I knew they had a unit at the office and he said it would aid in recovery and while the at home ones aren't as strong as the pro units, it could definitely help.  I think he's used it once after watching a YouTube video about where to place the electrodes.  He said it provided a little relief for him.  I used it on my knee to see if it would help my knee pain after these brutal leg days but I didn't really feel much difference.  It just feels a little tingly but I didn't jack up the volts because I'm a chicken.  I'll try it a few more times to see if it works better for me.   I won't dismiss it yet as they say electrode placement is hit or miss until you find what works for you.  We'll see if this ends up being a permanent aid in either of our recovery.

Portable Hand-Held Ultrasound Kit (affiliate link) 

Of course we already had the ultra sound on hand for my leg issues but he will use it in between laserings at the chiro to speed healing.  I used it on my shoulder and will zap the knee too.

Good Lord man, the crap you need to help your body heal when you're out of your 20's!

We had our 2nd batch of chili and prayed.

Between the onions, peppers and black beans I'm surprised I wasn't skywriting Surrender Dorothy above the house.  Then again, the wind was blowing so hard yesterday, I was surprised a house didn't fall on someone.  It made me want to watch Wizard of Oz but I knew the Mr wouldn't have it...or at least not pay attention to it whilst I quoted the entire movie along with the characters.  I'm sure that's not annoying at all.

What products do you use to aid in injury recovery?  What movie can you recite line for line?

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  1. I have the shoulder ice pack on as I write this and I am truly happy with that purchase, it is perfect for my needs. I also have to say that the ultra sound healer is very helpful as well. Keeping up on that should definitely speed up my healing. As for the TENS unit, I think it will work great once I find the sweet spots to use it on.

  2. I am intrigued by the ultrasound kit. I've been laid up since Sunday with spasms in my upper back. Usually if I have problems it's my lower back so this is a new situation for me. I've been heating (I'm scared to see our next water bill because of all the hot showers I've taken), stretching, massaging and medicating. I may order one of these. I'm hoping today will be the turning point and I'll be closer to normal for work tomorrow but it sounds like this would be great to have. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. I am intrigued by the ultrasound kit. I've been laid up since Sunday with spasms in my upper back. Usually if I have problems it's my lower back so this is a new situation for me. I've been heating (I'm scared to see our next water bill because of all the hot showers I've taken), stretching, massaging and medicating. I may order one of these. I'm hoping today will be the turning point and I'll be closer to normal for work tomorrow but it sounds like this would be great to have. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. I have a basic heating pad (somewhere, I think) and freezy packs. Otherwise I don't have anything on hand so if I get hurt I'll have to go buy some stuff - but I've been lucky.

    There are a few I can recite almost line for line, at least the good parts. Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Airplane, Army of Darkness, probably other I can't think of off-hand.

    Happy Friday Eve. And I hope the Mr.'s bruise heals well, that looks really awful.

  5. Ouch! That bruise must hurt! I've had physio use the TENS machine on me, once it gets going I can crank it and it doesn't bother me at all. It does help early in the rehab process, as does ultrasound. I haven't purchased either one but it's been recommended that I do. I had a disc rupture in my lower back ten years ago, and haven't had a pain free day since because of nerve damage :( However, I've learned to live with it because it's not debilitating, just irritating. When I have flareups its off to physio for treatment!

    I can recite pretty much line for line Christmas Vacation and Pretty Woman, and a lot of Dirty Dancing, Sleepless in Seattle, Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink. Think I'm stuck in the 80's/90's lol.

  6. I have a TENS machine as well from back when I worked in physical therapy, but I've never had much luck with any pain alleviation, even when I crank it up pretty high. I really like that shoulder wrap you have. I may give that one a try. What I use most is the "Bed Buddy" that is a long rice thingy you put in the microwave or freezer (although to me it doesn't it cold enough so I almost always use it for heat) and I use that on my neck most nights as well as my lower back, knees and tummy when the cramps are really bad. I have two of those and various heating pads and those are my go-to's more often than not. And of course, the trusty bag of peas in the freezer. =o)


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