
Showing posts from December, 2015

One Happy Year

At the end of the year, it's usually customary to look back at how it has treated you. I always said I am more than happy to kiss 2015 goodbye.  Twas not a great year on the surface.  I found it ironic that was the year I chose to piggyback onto the idea of my 100 Happy Days project that it was one of the worst years for minor health issues and people showing their true colors.  Maybe God knew I'd need to focus on the positive?  Since it didn't seem so hard to do just over 3 months, we thought why not make it a whole year?  I followed the rules by writing about the happy moments, the Mr chose to basically journal.  Whatever floats your boat.  ;-P I will admit, there were times it was not easy to find the happiness in a day. 3/13- Allergy testing came back positive to mites, ragweed and mold.  Had money to pay for $550 gas leak repair.  Didn't blow up. 7/9- Good cleansing cry about Grandma before workout and 90 minute talk. 7/2...

Chicken Rumaki

Many years ago, we went to this Polynesian restaurant and they made a formerly nose wrinkling appetizer in a new way that I loved.  Traditional rumaki is made with chicken livers and  You can stop at livers.  (Just saying the word makes me retch because I still smell it when my great grandma from the old country would make it.)  But this place made it with chicken thighs.  So I did one better and made it with chicken breasts and a new Christmas Eve tradition was born. The Mr and mama declare it's not Christmas Eve without them and while after a long week of preparing other things it might be the last thing I want to do, they are truly little effort for the smiles.  The Mr said he wanted to learn how to make them this year so he could take them on for me for next year and I was more than happy to show him. Now I'll show you in case you need an appetizer idea for New Years Eve. Here's what you'll need: 8 chicken breast tenderloins (I mar...

Note to 2016 Christmas Self

Hey you, it' I know that you're going to get that little butterfly of excitement for the holiday season when October comes around.  You'll have had a year between holidays to forget how ugly it got this year.  It's kind of like childbirth..."a pain you forget" like they all say. Well, I'm here to remind you that if you don't take some precautions, you're going to be doing a repeat of this year.  That included lying in your bed on the 22nd, sobbing, unable to breathe through your nose from snot, screaming "I don't want to do Christmas this year.  Cancel EVERYTHING!" and considered vacationing alone for Christmas next year. Here are some lessons learned and things you can hopefully do to make next year more manageable because you and I both know you're not going to slow down during the holidays unless you're physically unable to do so. 1.   Freeze your doughs at the end of October or November .  Trying to do t...

Merry Christmas all!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!   Enjoy your families, step away when needed and do something special with your favorite person to round it all out when the day is done! ==================== Like this post? Don't miss another one...subscribe via email or RSS feed. (Or you can follow me on Facebook )

Happy Christmas Eve

Well, it's Christmas Eve!  Where did this month go? The Mr and I celebrated our 24 year "I love you" anniversary last night.  Instead of cooking, we went out to dinner to one of our favorite fancy pants restaurants.  My grandma gave us $50 for Christmas so we put it toward that and then had a $25 off of $75 coupon so it was minimal out of our pocket.  Woot! Tonight is our spread with my mom and exchanging gifts with her.  This is always my favorite night of the year remembering that magic you think of as a child... ...and it's the last day of anticipation before it's all over.  Sigh. I know it's been a chaotic one for us this year but it's been sprinkled with good times that help balance out the less than Currier and Ives moments. I'll leave you with one of my favorite songs of the season and probably one most of you haven't heard so you're not tired of it yet. We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! ==================...

Trying to erase the ugly

You don't want to know about yesterday.  Trust me, the Mr doesn't want you to know either. So I will post links to clips that make me laugh because this is the season for attempted holiday cheer. Spongebob's "Sailor Mouth" episode clip Tom and Jerry's "Uncle Pecos" final string snatch Wile E Coyote anything because...super genius Daffy Duck as Robin Hood... yikes and away ! I used to recite this verbatim as a child... still can Obviously I miss Saturday morning cartoons! If you have any favorite funny (clean!) cartoons to share, post a link in the comments or describe your favorite! ==================== Like this post? Don't miss another one...subscribe via email or RSS feed. (Or you can follow me on Facebook )

Don't forget to remember them

Yesterday was just what I needed.  When I heard the Mr get up and get in the shower, I hopped back in bed from my couch prison.  (I wasn't able to sleep and the second I did fall asleep, the light timer came on and woke me up) I slept about two or two and a half hours and wrapped the Mr's "outer boxes."  (Because our gifts are all so tiny for each other and could fit in a small gift bag, we decided to wrap them, save all the big boxes and wrap those for under the tree, that way it still feels like Christmas morning as kids.)  Obviously time was running out so I had to get it done.  When I was finishing up, I heard someone stirring on the front porch so I checked it out. I saw this box. I know what that means and I know who it's from! Our wonderful friend Jeff sent us some Chicago love.  I wanted to send him some of our homemade treats but wasn't sure if he was hanging around the city this year or if he was traveling.  Turns out he's hous...

White flag raised

Is Christmas over yet? Yep, I'm at that point after all of the "togetherness" this weekend.  After all of the baking and the very sweet thank yous from the recipients, I was good with the work put into them and it was worth it. But then I had our own cookie baking to do, house cleaning that needed done and errands to run before company arrived.  I will say it wasn't the Mr's best day and if he wasn't driving, I was tempted to punch him in the throat a time or two which always sets a lovely tone for the rest of the day.  I ended up with a stress headache that lasted most of the afternoon.  I was rushing right up until the minute our company arrived.  Overall it was a good visit but there is some serious humble-bragging problems coming up with every visit now and it's getting hard to bite my tongue.  All I could do was change my demeanor to stop myself from saying something that wouldn't be very nice.  I don't consider bragging about your wealth ...

Christmas is a-comin' and what I'm reading this week

Here that I have the song in my head, you should too! It's been a crazy busy week for me this week.  Between baking and the workouts we've done, my every 3 month hormonal migraine that chose the worst time to body is throwing up the white flag.  I'm going to give it a little TLC by doing yoga/stretching because I think one more hard workout will put it over the edge.  Sometimes you just need to listen to your body and give it what it needs.  It's something we should all remember, especially this time of year when we all tend to run ourselves ragged. But enough about my semi-broken bod...let's get to... 15 Ways to Fake a Clean House   (I may have to put a few of these into effect for company tomorrow) Best Husband Ever Cheers Up His Depressed Wife By Listing 15 Reasons Why He Loves Her   (So sweet!) The Best Exercises for Your Lower Abs   (Need to do more of these) Natural Remedies For Anxiety That You Can Start Using Toda...

The day I ate cookies for lunch

That title ain't even frontin'...I straight up ate cookies for lunch because I didn't have time to stop.  I had a work function and five people to bake for and a self imposed shipping deadline so stopping to throw together a dainty lunch wasn't in the cards.  Given how horrible my body fely from being on my feet for 8 hours, I'd say I burned a cookie or two in addition to my workout.  (Hats off to the retailers.  I couldn't do it anymore) But despite the physical pain, I was emotionally happy.  Any time I get to stock up on goodie bags for impending Christmas cookie baking, I'm a happy girl. I had to do a slight twist on an old favorite and rolled the peanut butter blossoms in turbinado sugar for more texture. I did a ginger molasses cookie and while they were no Bent Fork, they were still pretty dang good. I did come away with a nice battle scar...literally... I bought these new aluminum cookie sheets.  Do NOT buy those things! ...

Sharing the holiday cheer

I was so happy some of you decided to share your holiday decorations with us this year!  I always love seeing how other people decorate and it can give some great ideas to shake up our own holiday decorating in the future. Let's take a peek! Dawn shared her beautiful tree.  Looks like a lot of great Christmas memories in those ornaments! MaryBeth shared her favorite holiday decorations.  How cool is the galvanized tub tree stand that her dad and hubby made!? Patricia said she doesn't have a lot up this year but you've gotta love when you share Christmas love with your fish! Sarah shared not only her own gorgeous decorations but a picture of the local courthouse that goes all out for the season! Thanks so much to those who participated and I would love to make this a holiday tradition! ==================== Like this post? Don't miss another one...subscribe via email or RSS feed. (Or you can follow me on Facebook )

Amazing gift, not him again and we're doing WHAT in December?

Howdy do, all? Monday already, eh?  Mmm hmm.  I can see this month shant let me rest and relax.  If it's not physically doing something, it's the mental hamster wheel.  Oy.  I was so excited to sleep in Saturday and I ended up waking at 7am, debated getting up, my legs said "you did two Turbo Fire's in a row...walking ain't happening..."  *charles horse*  So I laid in bed for 2 hours until the Mr woke up and I massaged his broken legs in exchange for the same from him so that mobility could continue for us both. We were lucky enough to get some ginger molasses cookies from our favorite Chicago burb bakery from a dear friend and they are heavenly.  I'm freezing half to enjoy later in the season.  The Mr isn't usually down with that flavor but this place does them so well, he was ready to snarf upon receipt.  Back away, sir.  You will lose.  So a big thank you to SK, you da bomb, yo! I know I said I'd not focus on busy stuf...

Cookie hell and what I'm reading this week

Dough week is coming to an end.  The kitchen looks like a kindergarten cooking class got unleashed on it but I hope to be done by today.  Yesterday I baked brown butter banana bread and baked them in 3 paper baking pans and they're wrapped and in the freezer so if we need a last minute food gift, we have them.  I believe Tuesday or Wednesday is when I'm going to go cookie commando.  Ready yourself, Mr as Aunt Flo and Uncle Red will be visiting soon after so it will be in your best interest to give me a massage. But enough about my gluten fest, lets get to... 9 Pinterest Cleaning Hacks That Will Totally Ruin Your Stuff   (Yike!) The 9 Best Foods for Your Brain   (Load up, y'all!) The Incredible Results You Get From Walking 30 Minutes A Day   (Strap on the walking shoes!) Who Is Santa, and What Does He Have to Do With Christmas?   (Can you believe Christmas is 2 weeks away?) Winter Car Care Tricks You Should Know   (Good tips...

Things I'm Lovin' This Week

It has been a busy week at the homestead and I'd be remiss if I didn't share some stuff that has helped make preparing for baking week much easier.  Some of these would make good gifts too...even if only for yourself.  Let's get to it! Hamilton Beach Eclectrics All-Metal Stand Mixer    (affiliate link)  People!  This thing has saved my arms this week!  Since I'm a frugal gal, I did my research on this before buying and saw it got just as good of reviews as it's more expensive counterpart.  I used to kill my shoulder and forearms making mondo batches of cookie and candy doughs but once I got this I was actually mad at myself for waiting so long.  I busted out 8 cookie doughs this week with no strain to my already aching shoulders from strength sessions.  Woot! FoodSaver Vacuum Sealing System with Starter Kit   (affiliate link)  I seriously don't know what I'd do without my FoodSaver, especially during the holiday sea...