One Happy Year
At the end of the year, it's usually customary to look back at how it has treated you. I always said I am more than happy to kiss 2015 goodbye. Twas not a great year on the surface. I found it ironic that was the year I chose to piggyback onto the idea of my 100 Happy Days project that it was one of the worst years for minor health issues and people showing their true colors. Maybe God knew I'd need to focus on the positive? Since it didn't seem so hard to do just over 3 months, we thought why not make it a whole year? I followed the rules by writing about the happy moments, the Mr chose to basically journal. Whatever floats your boat. ;-P I will admit, there were times it was not easy to find the happiness in a day. 3/13- Allergy testing came back positive to mites, ragweed and mold. Had money to pay for $550 gas leak repair. Didn't blow up. 7/9- Good cleansing cry about Grandma before workout and 90 minute talk. 7/2...