Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tempestuous Tuesday recap

Thanks for the responses on yesterdays blog.  I had to shake my head because the first coherent thing told to me after I got up was how the Mr got an email from someone who needed computer help that he hasn't talked to for months.  "Gee, I'm doing well, thanks for asking."  I had to choose not to take on the irritation of it given the timing.  I'm trying to calm myself down, not rev myself up.  Oops. I spoke too soon.  The Mr told me more and I got myself revved up.

The other night we decided to go see some movies back to back.  I needed dumb comedies and since two were playing in succession, we figured let's go for it.  First was Vacation which when we heard they were doing one, we immediately boycotted.  But as time went on and we saw the trailer, we thought it could be funny.

We. were. wrong.

Top three worst movies I've ever seen and I've seen some movies that were pure dung.  First, Rusty (the only TRUE Rusty, Anthony Michael Hall) would've never grown up to be the character Ed Helms was playing.  Second, the kids in this movie were completely unlikable and the smaller one needed to be, well I can't write it on here in this PC world.  Third, the writing was atrocious.  It was like they had a contest for sophomore boys to write scenarios and one liners to be as raunchy as possible.  I'm a fan of raunch when done properly, this was not.  Even the cameos by Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo were lame and an appearance by an old favorite couldn't save it because they messed that intro up too.  So yes, this Vacation DOES stand on its one of the worst movies ever to grace the big screen.  Trailer duped.

Then we saw Ted 2.  Now I'm not a huge fan of the first one.  It was funny but I didn't need to own it or anything but we saw it got way worse reviews than Vacation so we weren't confident.  Within three minutes we were laughing and loving the raunchy jokes, inappropriate content and just letting loose laughing.  It's exactly what you expect from that franchise and if you're expecting anything else, you're at the wrong movie.  If you liked the first one, you'll probably like the second one and if not, trust me, it's better than Vacation.

It was nice to just get out of my head space and focus on stupidity for a night.

The internet was bouncing for us yesterday and since the Mr was teleworking, he kind of needs that to do his job.  I encouraged tomfoolery and he made the call.  We got my license renewed.  That is always the quickest way to make you feel like you need a shower.  The finest in the city were in full force.  Then we went to check out a potential launch site and park.  We were already in the historic district so we decided to walk it for our workout.  Holy crap, it was so friggin' hot out that we were instantly zapped of energy.  The sun was just beating down on us and we had to cut it a little short because I thought I might ignite.  Plus we walked a little at the park so I'm fairly certain we got in our 3 miles.

The ducks had the right idea

Dinner was chicken quesadilla and mixed veggies.

Do you put your real weight on your drivers license?

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  1. I wasn't expecting much from Vacation but honestly I never imagined they could have made it so terrible. Ted 2 wasn't something I was expecting to like at all but it was really funny and just as you said it's pretty much what was expected and that is what made it enjoyable. Yesterday turned out pretty well after we got the license renewal out of the way. It's nice to get a good walk in but yeah it was hot!

    1. Yeah I didn't have high expectations either but wow...soooo bad.

  2. When I heard about Vacation I knew it would be a flop-nothing can top the original cast! We may rent it when it comes out on Redbox but probably not!

    And yes, I've always put my real weight on my drivers license :)

    1. Well they made so many bad Vacation sequels with (most of) the original cast, we've learned to never compare it to the original. But like Terminator Genisys, even appearances by the original cast can't save a bad script. Sigh.

  3. I'm happy to say that FL doesn't put weight on drivers license but I've always been honest about it when I lived in AZ. If I go missing, I want them looking for a short, chubby girl...not someone particularly thin. LOL.

    1. LOL...yeah that's probably a good idea to be at least realistic should that need (God forbid) arise!

  4. I'll probably rent Ted 2 when it hits RedBox, but I'm not interested in seeing Vacation at all. I do try to be basically honest (round to the nearest 10 pounds) on my license, but I don't have to like it. There was one time they let me renew by mail as long as I didn't have any changes to make, so I didn't make any changes for 10 years - my weight was waaaay off that time.

    Heading to the museum today. A mythical creature exhibit that I'm really looking forward to.

    1. Definitely worth a Redbox rent. I never listed my real weight at my highest but enough to know they weren't looking for a skinny minnie if a search needed to be conducted!

      Have fun at the museum!

  5. Darn I was hoping Vacation was going to be good! I loved the original, and Christmas Vacation, the others were ok. Enjoyed Ted 2 for exactly what it was, raunchy and silly!

    My DL still shows my weight when I first got my license, at 17, and I've never been required to change it. Let's just say there's a few pounds that should be added to that number!

    1. I was hoping so too. I knew not to expect anything close to the original but wow, it was super disappointing. Indeed on Ted 2!

      LOL, I don't think you're the only person to fudge the numbers on the DL. ;-)

  6. Right weight on my DL? Who does that? I finally got it up to 280 lbs. (pre-weight loss), thinking I needed to at least be somewhat believable, knowing I was over 300 lbs. at the time. Because I can renew my license on-line now and don't have to physically go to the DMV, my DL still says 280 lbs., (there's no on-line option for changing the personal info), and it is the same picture as before. (I will do anything to avoid the DMV!) The 280 lbs. was never accurate, but even with my "fat" picture, few people notice the difference on the rare occasion I need to use it for ID. When we were in Colorado recently and checked in at our cabin, the lady told me that I "looked good," after checking out my driver's license since my credit card wasn't signed. She is only the second person who ever noticed my weight loss in over five years. Sometimes I wonder why they bother to ask for ID, because I definitely don't look like that woman in the picture and hopefully also don't look like I weigh 280 lbs., and yet they never question that I am THAT person.

    1. I think mine never went over 295 even though I sure did. But dang was it nice to lower it when I was able to. The last time I renewed it I lowered the weight by 20 lbs because I knew I'd better be at least that weight by the next time I renewed. I beat it by 25 lbs. So this time I did the same thing, lowering it by 20 lbs so hopefully I'll repeat the pattern and be 25 lbs less that what's listed! (At least!)

      People RARELY look at the pic on the DL so don't feel bad about it. But it sounds like it might give you a boost to replace your DL instead of renewing by mail. Make that a goal for 6 months out!

  7. In response to your DL question - I sure do now!!! Hasn't always been the case

    1. I know, right!? No more getting the side eye from the employees when they ask if anything has changed.

  8. I haven't changed anything on my license in years! I weigh more and I'm an inch or two shorter, but I'm just lazy and say "same" when I need to renew. It was hot here too yesterday but surprisingly the actual temperatures were in the low 80's. That sun was just blazing down so it felt like it was in the 90's. The humidity is going up for the weekend (great) so the dang mosquitos will be back out in full force. It's been nice to be outside on the deck at nighttime these past few nights.


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