Monday, August 31, 2015

Last weekend of August recap

It was quite the weekend!

We went on a road trip to meet with my friend at our halfway point for an early birthday bash/paddle.  I brought the picnic fixins which included a foccacia club (recipe coming soon), some BBQ chips and a dessert of chocolate chips s'more whoopie cookies.  (Recipe coming if you want it)

My friend was a little reluctant to try paddleboarding at first because she didn't have a good experience her first time with others.  I assured her this would be better as we'd be in a no wake zone, no ocean waves to chuck her about and she did great.  (Helps to have a good teacher too)

We had a great time and were on the water for about 4 1/2 hours with a half hour break for lunch.  When we were done, it was time to head into some A/C and exchange gifts.  I got a new food scale (hallelujah!), new bar soap scrubbies I wanted and a gift card to our favorite restaurant on Kauai for next year's vacation.  Woot!  She seemed to like her gift cards too (places she gave me a heads up on) and I got her a bottle of wine because something told me there may be something to celebrate.  It's looking like she may get a job that will unfortunately be many states away.  While I'm happy for her, I couldn't help but cry in the car.  You think of all of those missed visits or times you put off having because you just took for granted she'd always be a 2 hour drive away.

We tried to have a low key Sunday but I posted some stuff online to sell and some people bit so I made deliveries, we wandered an antique store, had groceries to grab and all that jazz so by the time we were done, I was getting pooped.

We listened to some San Francisco jazz, enjoyed our Sunday hot cocoa and blew off our meal planning responsibilities.  I'll do it this morning.

MUST hit water goals this week.  I slacked a little last week.

How was your weekend?

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  1. Great weekend! It was a good way to send off August and celebrate birthdays while still getting in some exercise too. Everyone should get the recipe for those sandwiches you made. Those were amazing!

    1. Yes it was. I wasn't sure how much to expect to burn but was happy with it especially to help counterbalance birthday treats. The sandwiches were pretty good and glad I grilled the other half the next day. Yum!

  2. My weekend was nothing like that. Groceries, grading and housework. Pretty much par for the school year course. I am getting out of town next weekend - heading out for a cabin camping weekend with the boy and my folks. Definitely looking forward to that.

  3. My weekend was your anti-weekend. LOL. I was sick with strep, drank too much booze and laid around. Good stuff. ha!

    1. Ugh, that doesn't sound so fun! Hopefully you can make up for it this weekend! Hope you feel better soon!

  4. I had a great weekend. My brother-in-law's retirement party on Saturday, then Sunday brother and sister-in-law came to town. Had dinner waiting for them when they arrived. Great visit and talked til all hours with my sil. Up early to golf on Monday morning then cooked out before they left. Finished Monday by catching up on my latest guilty pleasure garbage TV bachelor in paradise while dozing on and off in my lazygirl.

    1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend and I love that you call it a lazygirl! HA!

  5. I've been reading your blog for quite a while, just love how you write, you are a hoot! Just wanting to get some recommendations on Kauai, we are going next year and would love any ideas you could provide. Would you be able to post or respond to me? Can I send an email to you directly? Thanks!

    1. Hi Lisa!

      You can find my contact info in the last paragraph of the FAQ's (

      Let me know what kind of stuff you typically like to do and I'll try to see what kind of list I can wrangle up!


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