Thursday, August 13, 2015

Forced DIY, jello legs and wicked proposition

It was a somewhat productive day yesterday.  While I was still very sore in my arms, I had a mission to get a forced DIY project done.  Our medicine cabinet door/mirror decided to give up and thankfully the Mr caught it before it crashed on the counter.  I think between that and the basement, it's the house's way of saying "welcome to almost owning me outright."  It's kind of like when you pay your last payment on your car and you have to sink some money in it as its way of punishing you for ownership but thankfully the basement is covered by the homeowners association.  For years, I've wanted to put some of the leftover vinyl planks from our bathroom floor on our medicine cabinet shelves.  The Mr doesn't let his toothbrush dry at night so it goes onto the cheap MDF veneer shelf in there and now it's all bubbled and nasty.  So when the door dropped, I took the opportunity to finally get that project underway and figured I'd paint and seal inside as well because it just looked cheap in there.  The guy who installed it used so many nails and screws, he said it wasn't going anywhere...ever.  So I figured since we're stuck with it, might as well make it pretty inside.  I hope we are able to get a new pivot hinge for the door because using adhesive will only last so long.  I'll update with pics as a project in case any of y'all want to do a quick update on your medicine cabinet too.

So in between tending to painting, gluing, wiping, sealing and such all day, I had some sad conversations with people about dementia and health issues and I swear I'm beginning to think you just scrape by as long as you can until your body decides to turn against you.  I used to think the goal was to get to old age and you just had typical small things you associate with aging and then ideally, you go in your sleep.  It seems that's a grand dream anymore.  Sigh.


When the Mr got home, it was time to workout.  Oh my Lord, halfway through my legs felt like jello!  By the end, I was just glad I didn't have to army crawl up the stairs.  I did have to sit for a few minutes to collect my strength before getting to dinner.

Orange BBQ chicken, potato wedges (a rare treat!) and green beans.  I was so full when it was done but I could feel my body pulling the energy from it.

The Mr had to work OT from home so I took the opportunity to watch a show called Wicked Deal or something like that.  I guess some dude asks you to do embarrassing or kind of mean situations involving your friends and/or family.  You have the opportunity to earn $50K as long as you don't blow it and they catch on to the lie.  So the couple invited their friends over and wanted to show them products from the (fake) lingerie store they were going to open.  So they came out in skimpy and embarrassing outfits.  Then after 24 hours, you can break the news to the people.  They earned $15K for keeping their mouths shut and the friends thought it was funny.  Then the next one was they could earn $35K if they convinced the guy's family (God fearing, old school values, younger brother looks up to him) that he fathered a baby from a one night stand and the baby mama is going to live with them after her mom died and she had nowhere else to turn.  Oh, did I mention it was Mother's Day?  They went through with it, met the baby mama, saw pics of the baby and when the actress left, the mom cried.  Then the next day, they came clean and papa was NOT happy and said it was disgraceful.  Mom was relieved but disappointed he would lie for money.  It was an interesting show, that's for sure.  I don't know if I'd want to watch that regularly though and cringe the whole hour.

Would you deceive your family and friends for the potential of $50,000?

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  1. I hope this hinge thing works out because I do like what you've done to improve the cabinet, even if my contact lens solution no longer fits on the top shelf ;-)

    For $50K my family and friends would just have to understand if I were to lie for a day or so. Get over it, I got 50 grand!

    1. It fits on the top shelf, it just makes more sense for it to be on the middle shelves given the 50 eye related things you need so you can see it all.

      Mine would too. I'd have no trouble but I wouldn't come out in that lingerie in front of our friends. Ain't nobody seeing these thighs.

  2. I absolutely would deceive friends and family for 24 hours for cash. Honestly, I'd do it for a lot less than $50,000. What does that say about me? Hmmmm...

    One thing about the dementia stuff...honestly, I think modern medicine has a lot to do with the physical body outliving the mind. We've come up with all these ways to make people live longer but have made very few strides in stopping or reversing the effects of dementia, senility or alzheimers. Just my 2 cents.

    1. Same thing it says about me because I'd probably do it for half that. Sweet vacation paid for!

      Alzheimers is the 6th leading cause of death, care for patients is astronomical and often bankrupts family yet they refuse to give the same kind of funding they do for cancer and other diseases. When Seth Rogen's MIL got it in her 50's and he went to make a plea only TWO Senators of the 18 in the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education showed up. Pathetic. We need funding NOW and advances NOW!

  3. I just bought a book called "Being Mortal." (I think.) It's all about growing old, dying, the whole process. The very first story this doctor/author wrote about was a man who died from prostate cancer. NOT a good story for me to read. It is very depressing, talking about how as we age we get infirm, fall, injure ourselves, etc. and I had to quit reading it. I may go back to it, but first I'm going to finish Stephen King's "Finders Keepers." It's gory/scary/disgusting and completely enthralling, also not depressing, for me anyway.
    I'm afraid at this point, dealing with the uncertainty of my husband's illness, I honestly would do some pretty awful things for money. Sad, isn't it?

    1. I have seen so many scary things with falls and the elderly. Actually, the Mr's great aunt fell and broke her hip and 9 days later was dead from the infection. I've heard that time and time again. I told him we have to maintain exercise for the rest of our lives because I want to lessen the chance of that happening.

      I think most people would for 50K, it's life changing stuff but if the situation was really bad, they may insist on a $1000 or so to make it right.

  4. "Finders Keepers" is a very good book.

    I'm not sure what I would do for $50,000. The lingerie thing maybe (although you said they got $15,000 for that... I'd probably still do that) but probably not the baby mama thing. I guess if it involved embarrassment for myself, no hurt to someone else, and a funny story in years to come then yes, but if it's something hurtful and not funny even later then probably not. Then again, $50,000 would pay off my house and allow me to make some improvements so I can't say for sure.

    1. I don't know how deep they get with the situations. I know they had the choice between the baby mama thing or a less traumatic situation (can't remember what) for $10K less.

  5. You've been a busy gal!! I haven't seen that show you mentioned, but I wouldn't do that to friends and family. Money causes more problems in more situations. I would imagine that changed the dad's perspective on his kid. That's a trust that won't ever be the same.

    1. But they took them out for a nice dinner to say they were sorry, so there's that. HA!


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