
Friday, September 19, 2014

Exhausted entertainer and what I'm reading this week

This is two weeks in a row I have finished up this post a day ahead of schedule.  I shouldn't type that because the third time will either be the charm next week or the beginning of a broken streak.

While I try not to jinx myself, let's get to...

'Fat Shaming' May Actually Lead to Weight Gain  (I can totally see this being true and I think the weight gain is actually more than they report for many.  Back in the day nothing would make me visit Little Debbie and her cakes of Swiss quicker than someone commenting on my weight.  Makes sense, right?  "You're fat!"  "Eff you!"  *insert pastry*)

Bride's Heartbreaking Photos Show What Love Looks Like After Loss  (It's not just sad but there's also a sense of rebirth and moving forward too.  I feel for her.)

The Pros and Cons of the Paleo Diet  (This is the part where I don't comment)

Tour This Shabby Chic Victorian Home  (So pretty!)

Sesame Street's "Star Wars" Parody  (For the Mr)

New Anti-Obesity Drug Enters Market, But Roadblocks to Treatment Remain  (Side effects of ANY pills are so scary these days but weight loss pills never seem to end well.)

10 Hidden Images on Album Covers  (Ahh, #7 hurt my eyes!)

Why Multivitamins Might Do More Harm Than Good   (Interesting food for thought.  Mr, read this one)

Robert Downey Jr. on Films and Fitness  ("Five years ago what used to be my get in shape plan is moot and useless."  His list of what he wants to eat every day made me crack up)

8 Shabby Chic Kitchens That You’ll Fall in Love With  (#2, I will love you forever)

Bill Murray Reveals The Women He'd Choose For 'Ghostbusters 3'  (They might be funny women but honestly, I wouldn't see that movie.)

The Best Snack Bars  (Might have to try a few of these depending on the calorie count)

8 Ways to Get a Handle on the Junk Drawer  (Do they have a tutorial on an entire room?)

The 10 Coziest Cabins to Stay in This Fall  (I'm packin' my bags)

First Things First: How to Prioritize Home Projects  (Good list if you have no idea where to start in your new to you home)

22 Kick-Ass Kettlebell Exercises  (Kettlebell anything always kicks mine!)

Lip Synching with Gwen, Blake and Jimmy  (I seriously almost pee'd myself watching Blake do Taco's Puttin' on the Ritz!)

We're coming to the last of our birthday entertaining Saturday and Wednesday.  While I love getting together with everyone, I'll be glad when it's over.  If people in my family could've just sucked it up for 2 hours, I could have had a party like a normal person and been done with it in one night.  I'm actually looking forward to the following weekend when we have not a damn thing on tap.  I think I will make the celebratory remake of Slabtown's Pungi burger and we'll drink our last North Woods Orange soda we've been hoarding for 10 months.   We said we were going to do that when the remodel was finished and we've never had a chance to officially toast it's completion.  Until then, cleaning up a little tonight, early rise and quick road trip in the morning/afternoon all in time to be back for dinner with friends. alarm clock!  WOOT!

What are you guys up to this weekend?

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  1. Once again you have some awesome links to peruse today. Too bad we have so much to do today to get ready for all the company. Guess I will have to work extra fast to buy some time to actually read them all :-)

    1. Yeah as I look around I guess we have a little more to do than I remembered. Beh.

  2. I don't know how it's possible, but I think I just fell a little more in love with Robert Downey, Jr. :)


    1. Hey you! I've missed seeing you!

      Yeah, he was quite charming in that video. :-)

  3. I'd like to have RDJr every day for breakfast lunch and dinner!!!

    As a conversational companion, of course 0__o *whistles innocently*

    Get your mind out of the gutter, you cheeky monkey. ;-)

    1. I had no doubt that you just wanted to be a good hostess to RDJr and provide him with sustenance to fuel his body. :-D


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