
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The newest 'investment piece'

When we got our mattress in 2008, I was at maximum density.  The thought of going out in public and being at the scrutiny of mattress salesmen while I laid out on various mattresses was not my idea of fun.  At a combined weight of almost 950 lbs, I didn't know if the poorly constructed, thrown together frames would even hold us in the showroom.  The thought of collapsing on a showroom floor in front of customers and salesmen was not high on the 'to do' list so I sent the Mr out to get it.  I told him pillowtop and nothing too hard.  I want to say we may have even passed one once and sat on it real quick.  A place up the street was having a sale so we got it and it provided quite a good night's sleep for two biggin's for so long.

But that kind of weight takes its toll and with pillow tops you can only rotate, not flip a mattress for even wear so I think we did ours in sooner than normal.  The past year, I haven't been comfortable in the bed at all.  Between the mattress being a little less comfortable and stretching out some pressure points, my pillows have sucked rocks as well, no matter how many new ones I get.  

About 6 months or so ago, we went to a home store and were considering a Tempurpedic.  We bed hopped from model to model and the sales lady was soooo sweet we wanted to buy one right then just to give her commission.  But they don't work on commission there and since we didn't have $5000 laying around, we left.  I just could not get my head around paying that much for a mattress.  When we found ourselves at the same home store Sunday, there was a new kid on the block...the Sealy Hybrid mattress.

I didn't expect to care for it and had concerns about the foam getting hot but this has some cooling foam on the top layer and with the springs underneath it's supposed to get more air circulation.  We bed hopped between the hybrids and the Tempurpedic's for probably 35 minutes.  We were lucky enough to have the same lady again and it pained me that she wasn't going to get commission if we bought through them, she was just so helpful.  We decided we liked the plush version (Encourage) and almost fell asleep on it.  I didn't have that stretchy pain in my side that I do on our current mattress and I did when I laid on a different spring mattress.  OMG, could a full night's sleep be in my future AND for only $1200 in comparison to $5000!?  Squee!!  

I'll pass along this tip if you're considering a foam mattress from several online reviewers.  Have your man kneel on the mattress.  Nothing worse than buying a mattress to find out you can't do the humpty hump on it!  Oh yeah...I went there.  You're gonna do two things on the mattress and you'd better make sure your man isn't going to sink to the core of the Earth trying to blast you to the pleasure zone, you dig?  Does he look stupid doing this?  Maybe.  Do the salespeople know what you're testing for?  Possibly.  But getting rug burns on the floor like I'm still in my teens isn't appealing at my age.  Thank me later.

So we'll get it in the next 10-14 days.  In the meantime, we bought the extra soft Tempurpedic pillows.  I'm praying for $100 my neck thanks me for it.

Last night was chicken tacos with that Mrs Dash seasoning I talked about.  I put pineapple on it too, it was sooo good!

The Mr has today off so we'll see what kind of trouble we can get in to.

What kind of mattress do you have?  How old is it?

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  1. We just a have a basic version - my folks got it for us for Christmas a couple years after we got married. We're still pretty happy with it, but I'm sure the bed experts would be horrified that we haven't replaced it. I have stayed in hotels with pillow tops and really liked that, I'm just not willing to fork over that kind of money when we're comfortable on the one we have.

  2. Maybe it's all in my head but now that we bought that new bed, and as we wait for it to arrive, our bed is even more uncomfortable. Yeah I guess I am just ultra aware of all the points on my body that it hits wrong now. It was a great bed at the beginning but I think that our 950 lbs when we first got it made it so that it just couldn't last the way it might have if we had gotten it now. When you just cannot get a good night's sleep on your bed then it is just time to bite the bullet.

    1. I feel the same way. This morning was REALLY bad. Last night I was kind of having second thoughts but then this morning my back was killing me so bad I was like "bring it on!"

  3. LOVE the comments on mattresses and knees! My husband and I looked FOREVER for a mattress until we found one we liked. I avoided the pillow tops for the exact same problem you listed and we ended up getting a foam/spring hybrid, just not as fancy as yours! :)

    Also, re: pillows, are you a side, tummy, back, etc. sleeper? I'm a side sleeper and find I need feather or something super fluffy and soft, or my neck is killing me. Hope this new pillow works for you!

    1. Yeah we weren't sure if we'd regret getting the pillowtop but it was SUPER comfy the first few years. But now our body prints are in there. LOL We're both side sleepers. I just had to switch from my soft fill pillow to the feather one and my neck has felt a little better but I'm just worried about heat with the Tempurpedic pillow in the summer. I don't like to be hot at all when I sleep and I'm gonna be torqued off if I have a gross, sweaty face all summer! LOL

  4. I have Tempurpedic pillows and I really like them. The only drawback is they get hard when it's cold out! I keep my house at 60 at night, and when it's really cold, I can tell that my pillows aren't as soft. I left one in my car overnight when it was below freezing and the dang thing froze rock solid! It was hilarious.

    1. That has been my only worry with the pillows. I think maybe we'll take them out this week and give 'em a go so if we don't like them we can take them back. It took a lot to bite the bullet for $100 a pop. The most I've ever paid was $60 and it didn't last long much to my dismay. We don't typically go below 66 at night so hopefully it won't rock up on us! :-)

  5. Since I split my sleep time between my house and my boyfriend's place I have two different mattresses to experience. I have an old school Sears mattress that you can flip and was bought 18 years ago, but has only been regularly been slept on for 8 years. My boyfriend has some brand name pillow top that I hate. He slept on it alone for 2 years and now it sags in the middle, where he used to sleep. I find both of us are always rolling into the hollow, but we don't fit there together and it pushes me into some awkward, slanting positions.

    As for pillows, I'm with Shannon. I sleep on my side and I need feather or synthetic feather pillows. I need to be able to squish them into my desired position for that night and I need for it to move with my movements throughout the night.

    1. Oh man, we always seem to have that problem when we sleep at hotels...that hole in the middle that we roll in to. We have to put pillows in the middle to keep from rolling.

  6. I....




    I am at a total loss for words.

    So rare for me.

    Welp! shopping for mattresses will NEEEEVER be the same again. NEEEVER.


    1. SEE! I never would've thought of that and ultimately, that test, along with the price, is what kicked Tempurpedic out of the running. He sank to the core of the Earth and he said "funkytown" would be a little more challenging. With ours, the sink only goes to the coils. So I'm glad that my previous review reading pointed that out because it's certainly not something *I* would've thought of!

  7. This made me scream with laughter!! Great post!
    We are currently sleeping on a Sleep Number bed and I am a side sleeper. I like sleeping on the mattress alone, but it sleeps differently when my husband and I are both in the bed. We've had it for over 4 years. I bought the memory foam scoop shaped pillows at Christmas and they have helped with my neck issues (my arms go to sleep and neck hurt every morning).

    1. So glad you liked it! :-)

      We considered a Sleep Number as well but didn't pursue it. I will always kind of wonder on that one. I read there could be mold problems, do you maintain yours with a cleaning every season or so? I think those few horror stories kind of kept us away from it but I still want to play with the buttons! :-)

  8. I have a sleep number bed and love it. Ours is at least 10 years old and I don't think I can sleep on a regular mattress again. We have one in the spare room and I last about 20 minutes before my back starts hurting. My sleep number is 45 and the hubs lowers his to like 25. Very comfy.

    I'm doing chicken tacos later this week too in the crock pot. Tonight it's a new recipe I'm trying for chicken parmesan using chicken cutlets.

    1. I didn't know you had one of those, did I? I probably did. If this baby doesn't work out, that is our next mattress because by then I'll have tried every one out there! LOL Ooh chicken parm! YUM!

  9. Can I just tell you that you are hilarious. I follow this post because of your sense of humor. You are wonderful :)

    1. Why thank ya Stacy! Glad I can throw out a chuckle or two! You are equally as wonderful!


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