
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Product Review: Limited Edition Marshmallow Crispy Oreo

I'm one of those wieners that falls for the limited time Oreos when they come out.  

Right now they have Marshmallow Crispy and Cookie Dough.  We looked for the cookie dough but couldn't find it.  Probably better anyway because a lot of people were saying it tasted like coffee.  No thanks.  *heebie jeebies*

But when we saw the Marshmallow Crispy Golden Oreo version, we knew we had to try it since we could fit a few into our weekend calories.

Please excuse the crappy quality since these were taken at night.  They look like a plain golden oreo.

Open it up and it's got crispy rice cereal in a marshmallowy cream.

I took someone else's advice and tried the cream alone because they said if you eat it as is, you won't really be able to taste the filling and they were right.  But the filling is very tasty and tastes just like a rice crispy treat.  When you eat it whole it tastes like a super crunchy golden oreo, almost like there's no filling at all.

So I ate my next two the way anyone should consider...I double stuffed it.

Now THAT tasted good!  I just chucked the tops from the other two.  Thankfully we didn't consume the entire box that day.  We still have quite a bit of them left and we'll share them with our friends this weekend so it'll be about two a piece.  Pretty good willpower considering how good they are.

Just like the candy corn version we love so much, we're glad these are a limited time only deal.  I don't know if I'd have to get them again, if they ever make them again.   But if you love you some Rice Crispy treats then swipe a few and send the rest to work or put a few in the hubs lunch.  Or if you have a friend who loves them, this would make a nice little 'thinking of you' gift if they indulge on occasion.  They're available for about three more weeks.

Obviously not a health food at 140 calories per two cookies but not a deal breaker if you play your cards right and practice moderation.

Have you tried these?  Do you like old school Oreos or do you like to branch out on occasion?
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  1. They are pretty yummy but you definitely cannot taste the rice krispy treats unless you eat the cream filling by itself. I like them though. Would probably get them again if they bring them around next year.

    1. If they made a jar of that cream, I'd be in trouble. Otherwise I will pass these up in favor of the candy corn ones. Holy yum!

  2. I don't really like Oreos at all much anymore. I find the cookie part too salty (and I never much cared about/for the cream).

    I prefer Newman O's. The cookie is less salty and the cream less crisco like. But if I'm buying cookies, my favorites are Back To Nautre's peanut butter sandwich cookies or the chocolate chunk ones. Those make me CRAZY (which is why I don't buy them much)

    1. I want to try the ginger cream sandwich cookies he has. We tried the Oreo knock offs and off to work they went. We've got a bit of his salsa queso in the fridge, now THAT is some good stuff. Just gotta work it in on occasion to stretch out those 2 tbsp's!

  3. Oreos have never been a favorite for me. If I could find the candy corn ones that might be different. Girl Scout cookies are my undoing though, and 'tis the season for those.

    1. I think ever since we found that Keebler Grasshopper cookies are available year round and taste exactly like Thin Mints it's been much easier to say no. Matter of fact, let me message the Mr so he doesn't fall for the parents trying to peddle that stuff at work!

    2. Keebler makes all of the Girl Scout cookies on their own, in fact they bake them for some of the Girl Scouts in the South East.
      I've managed to stay away from them so far.
      Thanks for the review of the Oreos. I have never tried the flavored ones because I'm afraid I might like them :)

    3. Well that explains it! I can't remember what I used the Grasshoppers for but when we tasted one on their own we were like "these are thin mints!!!"

      Yeah, I will only try the more out there flavors if they appeal to me not something like a colored cream and for some reason the fudge covered ones don't appeal to me. But we usually grab a few and send them to the Mr's work. Except those candy corn ones. Holy crap, they're good. Most people hate them. We'll get 2 boxes of them and hide them until we forget about them a few months later. If I see 'em, I'm diving in.

  4. I have seen these, the cookie dough, birthday cake, and lemon ones in the stores this past weekend. I think I'd like to try the lemon ones and I have a coupon so for $1.50 I'm willing to give 'em a whirl. The hubs really likes oreos, so he might try a different kind (I'm the only person I know who actually likes lemon). The one thing I can't do is dunk a cookie in milk. I know, I know. I'm a communist for saying that. But it just grosses me out. He, on the other hand, is a dunkeroo. He has the originals in the kitchen now and has a few every week (to me they'd get stale by the time he finishes the bag but he doesn't seem to mind).

    1. I saw the lemon ones. More for you! LOL I think when we are having them as out main treat on high cal day, we'll have milk and dunk one but the rest are straight up on the rocks.

  5. We thought the cookie dough ones tasted like weird maple. The marshmallow crispy ones tasted just how you describe and we thought they were better with double the stuff, too! My favorite though are the lemon. I store them in the freezer.

    1. Hmm, that doesn't sound appetizing either! LOL I just know no one has said they taste like actual cookie dough. So I have seen the blogsphere respond in kind by having people make the eggless cookie dough and make their own. Oh that would be SOOOOO dangerous!! We also noticed on the crispy ones that due to lack of a goodly amount of cream, one side of the cookie was always coming off.


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