
Monday, February 10, 2014

I plan, God laughs...a weekend recap

You know, we were all excited to get the hell outta town Saturday morning after three weekends snowed in. We were going to try a new restaurant in a different city and finally get a change in scenery.  You note how I keep referring to these things as though they never happened...because they didn't.  6am and the Mr's phone goes off and 8 hours later, he's finally done and the place we were going to was out of the dish we were going to get.  I was p-i-s-s-e-d!  Obviously it wasn't his fault but it just figures we FINALLY make some damn plans and his work swoops in to poop all over it.

To top it off, I know I said I wasn't going to weigh in for a month but we both were curious because we were sooooo good last week.  He was down three and I was up two.  I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.  So then I was doubly pissed and it lingered through the day.  On paper I should've easily LOST two pounds.  This is why I feel so done with all of this crap half the time.  I swear to God if someone pep talks me on that, it will just make me want to spite eat so no well intentioned quotes or feel good voodoo.  I just don't have it in me to listen to it today.

Sunday we slept in a little (not nearly as late as I'd like to).  We had our usual Sunday breakfast, got sucked into a bit of a Criminal Minds marathon while it snowed some more and decided to get out when it looked like it was letting up.  We hit up our favorite fro yo place that we haven't had in a few months on the way to an open house.  The house was really cute but the kitchen was horrible.  Like the kind of kitchen that can't even be used, it just immediately has to be destroyed.  We really liked the realtor though and kept her card so if/when we decide to jump in and she's still available, we might have her represent us.  Then it was off to refuel the produce for the week and we stopped by Home Depot.  It's time to update our laminate in the kitchen.  We're still trying to think about whether or not we want to go with a nice laminate or engineered hardwood.  We thought about doing the hardwood throughout on the main level but I'm not dropping $3000 on a place we're going to sell in a few years and based on comps are going to have to ask for at least $5000 less than we paid, thanks to idiots lowballing just to get out of the neighborhood when the economy turned.  Thanks a lot, jerkwads.

But to end our day, we now had enough new snow to go back out on the trails.  It felt good to get out an exercise in the snow.  We both burned 1100 calories.  Woot!  The Mr chose to ski this time and despite the choppy trail, he seemed to have fun.  We ended just as the sun was starting to go down.

It wasn't quite the weekend I had planned but as the saying goes "man plans, God laughs."

What did you do this weekend?  Laminate or hardwood in the kitchen and why?

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  1. It sucks being on-call but we salvaged Saturday as much as we could and definitely made up for it on Sunday by getting out and about for most of the day. No better workout for me than a good cross country ski session!

    1. Yeah, let's hope that other NON on call job is in your future! How nice it would be to not have to wonder if we're going to get a call and ruin our plans for the weekend. To quote Murtaugh...we're too old for this sh*t! Man, my hips and legs are feeling the burn today. Ugh!

  2. My weekend was very lazy and quiet. Saturday morning, I talked my son into going to Sam's with me, so I could stock up on paper products and soap products. He's good to have along, because he used to work as a mover and can really pack stuff into our trunk well, and is strong as an ox.

    We watched it snow all day yesterday, but for some reason it didn't seem to really add much to the snow already on the ground. My Bulldog doesn't like the snow much, and that doesn't make the housebreaking any easier. She's doing okay in that area....but not great.

    We have sad looking hardwood floors in our entryway, hallway and kitchen. I say 'sad' because the Maltese dogs we used to raise were truly impossible to housebreak, and their constant peeing, especially in one spot, really ruined the finish. I had the floors re-done once many years ago (we moved here 21 years ago), but have not been able to justify spending money to have it redone since. I love the look of laminate, but have heard it's not that easy to take care of. It's sure purdy though!!

    1. Lazy and quiet is good every now and then!

      We've had laminate for about 10 years and I think it's super easy to take care of. We're only looking to replace it because it looks dated compared to today's laminate cosmetic advances. I just see all of these home shows where people walk in and have something against laminate like it's the plague. But it there's a serious savings over hardwood in the ones we end up choosing then we may go with it anyway because you know the color we choose will be something someone else will walk in and be like "we have to tear that out." *rolling eyes*

  3. Yeah, I got laughed at too. Got knocked down by 24 hour flu late Thursday, spent Friday home sick, Saturday recuperating, and then snowed in again on Sunday. That cancelled dinner with our kids for hubby's birthday this week. Oh, well, such is life.

    I had to laugh at your Murtaugh comment - I had #3 on before I came in to work this morning.

    1. Aww man! I hope you're feeling better!

      HA! That's funny! I'll have to dig those out. I love those movies!

  4. I like hardwood in the kitchen. If you are as accident prone as I am, dropping lots of things while cooking, laminate does not hold up. It is easier for fluids to seep in between the cracks of the laminate and cause the layers to separate and buckle. In the past I've also used a soft wood for floors, as a lower cost option from a local supplier. They worked well if you don't mind a lighter finish and a few dents.

    1. Oh, yeah. We'd need harder wood for sure. The second I saw a dent, I'd freak. LOL We've got a soft wood table and I was really ticked the guy at the shop didn't tell us how soft Alder wood was before we bought it because you can see all kinds of lovely traces and lines from pens before we realized they were pushing through into the wood! Oy. Our laminate has been good to us, just 2 nicks in it but for 10 years old, I'd say we must've gotten out better than most. Still so torn. I think price may be the decider on this one.

  5. We're putting our house on the market this month and have vinyl floors in the kitchen. I asked my daughter who sold and bought a new house 6 months ago her opinion. She said not to do anything. The flooring is still nice but the buyers might want to redo the kitchen at some time, but now the kitchen is very nice (upgrade stainless appliances, quartz countertop and plenty of cabinets in great shape but they are oak). They can move in and be happy with the kitchen but might redo it with everything new and to their taste at a later date. Don't get sucked in to the hgtv diy thing. Those shows are on to mainly sell -- give ideas and sell all those products. You're only going to get what the house next door sells for . Your improvements will help sell the house faster and hopefully improve your appraisal.

    1. I've been keeping my eye on every place that goes up around us and we are literally the only people with carpet in the great room. I'm leaning toward not replacing that and just replacing the kitchen because we want it. I just don't think I can justify the expense for the whole main floor when I know we won't get it back. There are already other things we have to spend money on like the tape that lifted after water damage 10 years ago. Never had a problem since but that's a big negative so we're only spending money where absolutely necessary. We've already way over-improved in previous years so I'm pretty happy with how it looks, especially compared to our neighbors who have done very little to improve inside except paint.

  6. My house is so awesome, nothing short of burning it to the ground and starting over would help at this point. So, since that isnt really an option we will do nothing . Then when we do sell we will sell as is and call it a day.

    1. Sounds charming! LOL If you include marshmallows and weenies to the roast, they will come.

  7. I went to a meeting Saturday morning and vented my head off about all the things going on that have me feeling very raw. I was drained for a good part of the day after that, but managed a short nap which was nice. Ran a few errands and paid bills and watched a lot of Olympics. Again, the snow was ridiculous and I was so fed up with it. Oh yes, took one of the pooches to the vet and she has some medicine to clear up her foot issue. So very low key. Still feeling pretty raw about things (family related...naturally), but have better perspective now. Today was insanely busy at work, but I had a better attitude because I was following my food plan and said no to the offer of candy. That being said, the scale is an SOB, isn't it?! I slammed mine the other day and thought for sure I'd see an errant spring popping out of it from the force of it. ARGH!!!!

    1. Venting is good. It keeps you from beating the hell out of others and ending up in the slammer. Family...can't live with 'em and thankfully you don't! :-)

  8. Saturday was a busy day with chores and errands needing to be done so we could have Sunday off. Then we took the little guy to the theatre to see the Lego Movie. It wasn't great, but he thoroughly enjoyed it so it was totally worth it. Otherwise - not much of anything. I'm not sure which route I'd go, probably the cheapest route possible since you guys are planning on moving before too many more years. I need to have my kitchen floor redone this summer, it's just absolutely falling apart. It's an expense I don't need, but it has to be done.

    1. Yeah, I'm thinking we'll do the least amount that we have to. Luckily there's some good sales going on now and usually do again in the summer with Memorial Day and such.


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