
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dreamy Hump Day recap

Yesterday the Mr went to work a little late because he was going to be staying late for a project.  So he had to do a morning workout.  He did free weights while I laid in bed having weird dreams.  The last of which I remember was letting 3 ibuprofen turn into a pasty wad behind the back of my teeth with dried drool on my cheek.


Why can't I remember one where Tom Mison tells me (as Ichabod Crane) that our only chance of escaping purgatory is tantric boot knocking?

So after I woke up, I did my tennis ball rolling on my foot arches like a good girl.  The Mr and I enjoyed a little extra time and watched The Voice and fast forwarded through commercials.  There's just no other good way to watch shows like that.

I knew when it came time to workout that I wasn't going to be good left to my own devices on weights.  So I perused Fitness and found a good upper body workout that was about the amount of time I wanted to spend.  My two favorite moves and by favorite, I mean the ones that have me wincing today, were the Pull Over + Narrow Press at 18:00 and the Lat Raise + Cross at 31:24.  Actually the Lat Raise one, almost had me in tears.  I started the first set with 10 lb weights since it's a small muscle group at the top and I was shaking like a leaf by the last one.  I dropped down to 8 lbs for the second set and I couldn't bust out the last rep.  It worked some good muscles in different ways so I'm adding that into the rotation and torturing the Mr with it sometime soon.  Ten minutes before it was over, I heard my chat ding go off and he was done!  It was much earlier than it usually is so I was happy!

I finished up, did my balance board, my stretches and foam rolled.  Ran up and hopped in the shower and he was home when I was done.  I made mahi fish tacos and brussels and then we settled in and caught up on the DVR.  We watched Survivor's premiere on fast forward.  They all suck.  I hope the basketball guy wins, if he doesn't the rest of them are annoying toolbags that don't deserve to win.  I also didn't appreciate being shown a bone deep cut after dinner.  *barfing noise*   I know with the idiots on the "Brains" tribe, I now have to listen to these jerks week after week.  They roped the Mr in.  Sigh.

What workout moves put your body in sore mode?  Do you remember your dreams?

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  1. Sounds like a missed a killer workout. What a shame :-) Seriously though, I do look forward to trying it. I love that image of Tom Mison you created, that is hilarious!

    1. Yes you did! My obliques and upper back are sore. I can't wait for YOU to try it! >:-)

  2. I have, like, zero upper body strength so pretty much anything leave my arms jelly-like and sore the next day. Sometimes I remember my dreams, and there are some doozies, but most of the time I don't remember. I'm pretty sure that if Tom Mison featured in any of them I would remember.

    1. You need to work on that, girl! I don't know how old you are but I know they say to start working on your strength in your 30's and keep it up so that the osteoporosis monster doesn't get you. That's reason enough for me to pump some iron but I also want some guns to peek through the dough. HA!

      Yeah, Tom is quite hot, especially when in full garb. Me-ow!

  3. Unfortunately I only seem to remember the bad dreams, which there have been a number of lately.

    Think I am going to have to catch that show - Tom is quite the hot one!

    1. Yeah, the bad ones are the ones you want to forget if you can but sometimes they stick.

      Definitely watch Sleepy Hollow. It is by far one of THE best shows ever and I am NOT a history buff.

  4. Girl you are almost always the first one to post on YHL and I LOVE your comments! Sometimes they are exactly what I'm thinking and sometimes they are hi-freaking-larious. Which is what I WISH I was thinking.

    And all of those comments makes me think.... CAN I GET A HOUSE TOUR UP IN HERE? I know... I know... this is a personal achievement/weight loss blog.

    But a little peek? Please? Itty bitty? I DID find your blog after all through the YHL comments....

    1. Oh, why thank you! :-)

      The closest thing to a house tour on here is this post:

      I am a little weird about house tours but honestly, my house is pretty drab right now. Certainly not like YHL kind of stuff. Plus it's the size of a shoe box. HA! We are looking to update things soon so the chances of some before and afters are in the works. New paint, furniture and floors in the living room and kitchen. I may have to do some photoshopping for the kitchen floor to see what would look best in there and let you guys weigh in on it!

    2. Sounds so exciting!!!!! And I would definitely join you in the YHL show house to eat in their dining room hahahahahaha! And I feel ya on the shoe box sized-living arrangements - we have a toddler + one on the way while we're living in a 2 bed 1.5 bath apartment. It doesn't feel squished - unless you ask me on laundry day. On those days, our apartment literally shrinks. But the decoration in our place is slooooooooooooooooooow going because 1. Almost all of our money is being squirreled away for baby #2 and 2. to pay of our !@#$% student loans. So we're definitely undergoing an experiment in contentment in living with less. But a paid-for baby and a debt free life will be worth it... That's our goal. And it hasn't budged for a year - we're also in a year of maintenance, (if I remember correctly a post/comment of yours from a little while back ?) just on a different dimension. P.S. Need more house tour! The kitchen shots were a teaser appetizer LOL - and my husband LOVES your kitchen. I'm trying to paint everything in sight white. He's trying to hang wood and use mature palettes everywhere. Le sigh.

  5. Squats get my butt every time and the military press kills my shoulders. As for dreams, I don't ever recall having good ones. I have bad dreams several times a week and that's probably why I average 3-4 hours of sleep a night. No matter what I do to help with that, I always remember those dreams and it's weird how they can affect me throughout the day.

    1. There's nothing worse than having and remembering bad dreams. I prefer the ones that are bad and fade minutes after you wake up. I'd much rather remember Tim Mison. :)


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