
Friday, February 28, 2014

A little productivity and what I'm reading this week

Well it is Friday, all!  Wee haaaa!  It's the last day of February...uh, WTH!?

I was actually productive yesterday and got some stuff up for sale at the shop.  I've got a few more things to get posted then I can relax a bit on that front.

But enough of that, let's get to

20 Clever Ways To Reuse Old Items You Are About to Toss Out.

IT Band Exercises  (Yes please.  These help with my issues, maybe someone else can use 'em)

17 Things People On A Diet Are Tired Of Hearing  (Lots of F bombs so decide if you should read this one at work)

Is This Why Some People Are Able To Remember Their Dreams Better Than Others?

6 Moving Hacks You Need to Know  (I bookmarked this for future reference.  Great tips!)

Paul Rudd Spanks Jimmy Fallon with Queen song  (We almost pee'd ourselves)

The 20 Scariest Things That Can Happen When You Work In An Office  (This is why I don't miss the office environment and yes, I totally did #19 though not company wide but to the person I was bitching about)

Biggest Loser Winner Rachel Frederickson Looks Healthy on Today, Responds to Weight Loss Controversy  (I knew she wouldn't stay finale size and she looks much healthier now with a few extra pounds)

Boost Your Balance with a Few Simple Exercises a Day  (I do many of these, need to do them forevahhh)

Justin Timberlake Handled Someone Flipping Him Off At His Concert Perfectly  (This is why me love him long time)

The Modern Farmer Pie Chart of Pies  (For the other pie lovers out there.  Interesting chart)

The Secret Identity of Andy’s Mom in Toy Story  (This is a friggin' awesome theory!)

Seth Rogen Opens Up About His Mother-In-Law's Struggle With Alzheimer's  (I laughed, I cried, I wrote him a thank you note.  For real.)

Seth Rogen Blasts Senators for Not Attending His Senate Hearing on Alzheimer's Disease  (Seeing the picture in this story INFURIATED me.  EFF YOU Senators for not taking this seriously.  I hope YOU don't end up needing some of the funding you don't seem to care about.  If you want to know who didn't show up and if they're representing your state, the absentees were Senator Thad Cochran (MS), Senator Richard Shelby (AL), Senator Lamar Alexander (TN), Senator Lindsey Graham (SC), Senator Mark Kirk (IL), Senator Mike Johanns (NE), Senator John Boozman (AR), Senator Patty Murray (WA), Senator Mary Landrieu (LA), Senator Dick Durbin (IL), Senator Jack Reed (RI), Senator Mark Pryor (AR),
Senator Barbara Mikulski (MD), Senator Jon Tester (MT), Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Senator Jeff Merkley (OR)...jerks)
New study confirms that dark chocolate is very good for your health  (Courtesy of the Mr...because he cares)

FDA Proposes Including "Added Sugar" To Nutrition Labels

David Byrne Does Biz Markie’s “Just a Friend” as Only He Can  (This is whatever the non-irritatng word for "awesome-sauce" is)

Internet remembers Harold Ramis  (Get out the tissues if you're a fan)

Harold Ramis’ ‘Groundhog Day’ Is About as Perfect as a Movie Gets  (We quote it often)

Remembering Harold Ramis:  What he taught me about comedy on the set of Groundhog Day By Stephen Tobolowsky  (Ned Ryerson)

They're predicting weather this weekend.  Not sure if it's rain, snow, tornado or acid vog so we'll be winging our tomfoolery for the next few days.  Can they pay me $60,000 a year to throw a dart at a weather wheel too?

Any plans for the weekend?

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  1. Is it wrong that I not only look forward to all the wonderful links you find but also to see how many I can get to make the list? I feel privileged to be able to share some of my own finds with everyone so thanks for making that possible!

    1. LOL...of course I include the ones that are of interest. No offense but the last one you sent me about coma patients kind of put me in one so I thought I'd let people find that on their own. HA!

  2. Can I play weather wheel darts with you? I'll be your assistant.

    I'll get to the posts later, but I did take a look at a couple. I loved the "things not to say" one and the "what not to do at work one". Definitely spot on.

    Have to go up tomorrow and get new copies of the key for my new car (it only came with one), sign some papers and make the final payment - so not financing through the lot. Then tomorrow night is the little guy's sleepover that got postponed last weekend.

    1. Absolutely! We can wear sequined gowns like Vanna White and take turns throwing darts in style. Oh man, as soon as I saw the office one it made me so glad I'm out of "corporate culture." Barf!!

      Today the car is "officially" yours! Woot!! Have fun with the sleepover!

  3. If you haven't already, you might be interested in watching this C-SPAN video of the Alzheimer's Disease hearing that Seth Rogen presented at. There are several statistics at the beginning that you might find interesting.


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