
Monday, January 6, 2014

What's the dealio?

Okay, I don't know what we did or if it's good karma for all of the baking I did for others, the seniors we adopted or what but this weekend was full of awesome.  Thursday night when the Mr got home, we decided last minute to go out in 15 degree weather and get in some skiing/shoeing before the sun went down.  We barely made it but it was fun.

Saturday we decided to do some of our grocery shopping early because the Mr had to work from home later.  As we got to the sample table at Trader Joe's, there was a mini cooler and a sign that said "FREE!  Whole Cooked Turkey."  We looked and there were three of them in there.  We kind of looked at each other like maybe they meant samples they didn't have out yet and I whispered for him to ask the lady behind the counter (a lady we know) and she said they were free, take one.  Just the night before I was all bummed I had no leftover turkey and boom!

I put it in the oven and cooked it the rest of the way and now we've got 8 lbs of fresh turkey meat I raked off the bones ready for this week and to be frozen for future deliciousness.  I'd never buy this from them but if I did, it would've been about $45 if memory serves me correctly.  SCORE!

Then it was off to Sur La Table to see if they had any of the stuff I spied online and they had about half of the things I wanted to get so I got the $50 platter for my yule log cake next year for $12.50 and 75% off the rest so for $21.78, I got $85 worth of merch.  Boo-ya!

Even the Mr got in on the act when we went to Blockbuster in it's final days in our neighborhood.  It was really sad because we used to spend TONS of time here every Friday night especially when we were first married.  Then their prices got too high once the $1 rental places came along so we haven't gone in about 6 years.  But we bid them adieu and he picked up two PS3 games and a Blu-ray for about $25.

Did you score any post holiday deals the past week or so?

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  1. I am pretty happy with that blockbuster deal I got. It was also nice to be in the old blockbuster, even if for the last time.

    1. You should be given how ridiculously expensive those games are. That should keep you busy until next Christmas between those and the one you got.

    2. We had several Blockbuster's by us years ago, but a couple of the closest closed down a couple years ago when they attempted to streamline. When they were liquidating, I got a TON of stuff. But now with the final closing I didn't make it in to see what was there. We were Blockbuster Online members, we're going to have to figure out Redbox (and deal with due dates) again! It is sad to see it go.

  2. Sounds like a great weekend. No real deals here this weekend, but then I didn't really go shop anywhere so that could be why.

    We did go get a new comforter for the bed. Just a plain lightweight one to throw on over the other nicer once on extra cold nights. Nothing super, but last night I was cozy warm so that's nice.

    Happy Monday!

    1. Yeah, deals won't typically fall into your lap on the couch. ;-) (How awesome would that be though?!) It's nice to be able to cuddle up under warm comforters. Last year we got a "light heat" duvet so that it wasn't too hot. Holy crap by 2am I'm sweating to death!! I'd hate to see if we got medium to high heat ones! Happy Monday to you!

  3. I miss Blockbuster ..dont do it much...

    wow thats awesome on the turkey...yay...good weekend indeed...I lazed around didnt do much...of went to the temple as we go during the new year week...

    Happy new year!!


    1. Definitely the end of an era. We still rent from a store just not that one and they keep opening other places so they must do a decent business. I hate streaming. (Shocker from the woman who refuses to use a cell phone) I know, I couldn't believe they were just giving those babies away! Gobble gobble! Lazing around is a requirement from time to time. ;-) Happy New Year to you as well!

  4. My pockets were empty but it was from the last weekend of the 'kids' being home. We all go back to normal today, or a version thereof. Glad you had a fun weekend.

    1. What's normal? LOL But it sounds like you got some good family time in and that's all that matters! Yay!

  5. Our BB closed a little over a year ago, and it is sad to think about. I remember so many weekends we'd look through the video store to rent a VHS. Haha. Makes me feel old. :)

    1. Be kind, rewind! Remember when they'd threaten you with fees if you forgot to rewind those things?

  6. I was at Target on Saturday and picked up a small bluetooth speaker. It was on the Christmas markdown shelf and the price on the box was $19.99. I knew it would be at least half off. To my amazement it rang up at $1.99. WOW! To me that's the steal of the season!

  7. Hallelujah! You bet your sweet Sunday! Jumpin' Jiminy! Holy cats Batman! Yippee, Yowza, Hip Hip Hooray! And any other old-timey saying...I can post!! I tried again after your hubs tried his and got that same spastic flashing with the "publishing/redirecting" messages flashing on the screen and in the URL. Now, if this one doesn't actually post as my test did, I'm taking a flight a couple states over and am showing up on your doorstep to deliver my witty responses! In the meantime, I have a 24 hr stomach bug that has taken me around the bend and I just about died at work between the -46 windchill and feeling like I was going to vomit on every phone call. That's all I'z got for tonight love.

    1. YAY! So glad it finally worked for you! I missed you! :-) Sorry to hear you're not feeling well though...that SUCKS! Feel better soon!


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