
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Review: Breathless Body 3: HIIT It Big

I got several new workout DVD's for the holidays, bought a few and since last week was focused on re-building strength, this week we put a few of the new ones in the mix.  The first new one I'm not going to review yet because it would get me in trouble.  The venom I spewed while doing that workout because we didn't know you could turn off the instructional mode was epic.  We will do it again as a full workout as it was intended and when Aunt Flo vacates because honestly, I think I should not do new workouts when she visits.  It skews my reality.

But last night's was good enough that I feel okay in reviewing it.

Breathless Body 3: HIIT IT BIG (affiliate link) is one of the ones I bought.  We own a few of Amy's DVD's including Breathless Body: The Ultimate Calorie Burn , Breathless Body 2: The Edge and Raise Some Bell: The Ultimate Kettlebell Workout.  (affiliate links) Her style is in the vein of Tabata/HIIT for most of her stuff.  She wants you to push but she does give modifiers which is why I got this one.  The preview looked good and I know even though I'm a little more limited in what I can do with the leg issues, the Mr shouldn't have to suffer.

This, like others in the Breathless Body series has three levels of intensity.  A beginner with lower impact, a moderate tempo which is what she usually demonstrates and then a super human version that should only be done if you like to punish yourself or you do cross fit and are used to that kind of "fun."  I usually vary between the lowest level and moderate depending on the type of exercise.  On this one, she had two particular plyometric exercises that would've left me in pain today so I modified and during "breaks" I would do speedbags to keep my heart rate up.

There are eight different exercises that are done with high intensity for 40 seconds with a 20 second break and repeated four times before moving on to the next exercise.  Exercises vary from a cool little multi-knee strike/chop combo to a jumping combo (that's where I had to modify) to even a capoeira type move at the end.  Ultimately, it's up to you to choose the moves that fit your fitness level but as long as you bring it by putting your all into it, even the beginner moves will warrant a great burn.  (I got an 800 calorie burn but some of that was due to my keeping my heart rate up with the speedbags.)

Even though this workout has modifiers, this isn't for a true beginner.  Like if you're just starting out in the exercise game, save this one for when you have a solid six months under your belt.  But if you're a regular exerciser looking for something different, then this might be right up your alley.  I know this will become a part of our regular rotation.

Have you tried any new workouts lately?

(This post contains affiliate links to some pretty awesome workouts.  Should you choose to buy through them, I will get a few cents and you'll get some variety in your workout regime.  Win-win!)

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  1. It was a solid workout. I definitely got my heart rate up pretty high in the parts with the plyometrics and had a pretty good burn overall. Anyone interested in tabata style workouts should give this one a try.

    1. Yeah, I know we were both complaining about the lack of challenge with level one in the first two exercises but you were really able to crank out the beast from mid-point on!

  2. Sounds like a good one for you guys. At this point I'm so hit and miss that any regular and consistent program would be new.

    1. Time to work on consistency. You can do it!! *shakes pom poms*

  3. It's always hard to judge a fitness video by it's cover. I ordered two new yoga DVDs from Amazon and they should get here today or tomorrow. I'm excited but I never know if I'll actually like them until I'm in the thick of it. I rely a lot on the comments of people who have already tried it. You never know. Thanks for the reviews, it helps!

    1. I always try to find previews before I buy if I can. (Collage Video as well as Amazon are good for that but Amazon has the cheaper price) That's why the first one I haven't reviewed yet was a surprise because I previewed it first. I'll give it another shot but I don't have high hopes for it. I hope yours work out for you. Nothing worse than getting a workout and it's a dud!

  4. Great review! And every time you say anything about the Breathless Body workouts, I always think - without fail - "I really need to get one of those!" They sound like a great workout...

    1. I would recommend the first Breathless Body for sure if you're new to the series. She kicks your butt for sure but you bring your own level of intensity which is what I like about them. This one had a little more plyo than I care for but I still took care of bidness. ;-)

  5. I have not tried any new videos lately. This was a really good review so I may have to give this a whirl. After a nasty fall on the ice a couple weeks ago, my knee is finally back to it's normal (still big) size. I'm pretty sure all that's left in both my knees is dental floss holding them together. Say a prayer for me for tomorrow morning--I have my diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound tomorrow for the "thickness' the doc found. So very stressed about that.... But I took a few days off from the madness at work, so I'm looking forward to that.

    1. Ugh, that's a pretty picture. (Dental floss) I'll say a million prayers as long as you keep me updated on what's going on. But you've gotta figure with those bazongas that "thickness" or denseness is to be expected. I'm sure it's nothing and you can put this dreaded anticipation behind you.


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