
Monday, January 13, 2014

Report Card for week #1

This weekend was busy.  We hit up a tag sale and a salvage shop and I got a few deals.  We went to an open house and the realtor recognized us.  Damn man, even 6 weeks out of rotation and they still recognize you.  It was okay but the barking dog with the next door owner making no effort to shut it up told us what kind of life we'd be in for if we made the move.  No thanks.  We already live with that crap where we are.

The Mr and I were talking about how we thought we did our first full week back at it.

What I did right:

Got in my water every day including the weekend and that's a big deal for me.

Stayed within my weekday calorie range.

Exercised every night.  (To the point that we were both feeling pretty beat up by week's end)

Staved off cravings with hot tea and/or gum.

Adjusted dinner Saturday night to accommodate a larger lunch even though I totally wanted to eat more.

What I could improve on:

We contemplated splitting at the restaurant we went to Saturday (it was one of our self imposed "rules") but decided against it even though the portions are huge.  When we got halfway through we agreed we probably could split in the future.  This place wasn't the best place to go our first weekend with a little more restriction but I left most of the fries and  a small slab of the meat.

We went 138 calories over our set calorie range but still much lower than previous months.  I still would've like to have stuck to our range though our first week out.

I was tempted to have a spoonful of peanut butter with a couple of dark chocolate chips on it Saturday night but I didn't.  I would've though if the Mr bit but he didn't.  I need to stop with the instigation train of thought just to get my way in a way that is not on track with our health goals.

I need to add fish back into the diet.  None to be found last week.

Here's how the Mr feels he did

What I did right:

Got my water in.

Fought off tempting foods at work such as peanut butter cup cookies, chocolate cake and even chocolate fudge truffles that my co-worker offered me twice

Despite having some hunger, managed it by drinking water, chewing gum or saving some of my lunch for an afternoon snack.

What I could improve on:

Wanted to track diligently but only did the first day or so and stopped. 

Said "screw it" and finished the last bit of my cereal because the box was nearly empty and mostly full of the yummy crumbs. I did weight my cereal and piled on the crumbs and went over by about half a serving. The more in-tune me would have put that back in the box but I went ahead and ate it. 

So definitely much improvement over the previous month and a good start back to our routine.  We're looking forward to continuing on this path and making all of this knee jerk again which is much easier without bins of cookies and treats laying around.

Did you do anything fun this weekend?  How would you grade last week and what could you improve on this week?

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  1. Definitely a good transition week. Getting away from all of the sugary treats of the holidays and the extra big meals and back into a more controlled environment. I know this week will be even better and am encouraged by the good things we did while I know we can work on the issues too. In the past I would have taken the bad things and blew them out of proportion and used them as an excuse just to write off the whole week. But by not letting the negatives get to me enough to derail me it is easier to see take on the next week with an even greater attitude.

    1. Yes, a good transition week. I think the tea was my savior in keeping me sane. I'm looking forward to feeling more back to normal this week. I definitely feel better than I felt a week ago. While my arms still feel jiggly, they don't feel as heavy. I can see my legs trying to even out too.

  2. Wow, you are a tough grader. I would have given you a solid B for that myself.

    I did poorly last week, probably a C-. I am letting worries that are beyond my control get the better of me and it needs to stop now.

    1. The Mr picked the grade and I didn't feel like we did well enough to warrant something higher. While I did well at the restaurant, we shouldn't have gone there in the first place. There is not a single healthy option on that menu and for our first Saturday under new rules, we went to the worst possible place we could've chosen. It was a craving though so it's a toss up because that's what Saturday's are for.

      I know it can be hard to do but try to just put it in the universe's inbox. If there's nothing you can do to directly affect it, you just have to have faith it'll all work out. Hang in there!

    2. I agree; you guys are tough on yourselves! It sounds to me like you did an excellent job for your first week back in action. I would have given you a B+. It sounds to me like the positives far outweighed the negatives for last week, let's hope you can keep it up this week!

    3. I think a B in any range is good so I don't think it's a tough grade at all. If I could've been a B- average student all throughout school I would've been a happy girl!

  3. When I was in school I was always happy to get a B--of any kind! I'm thinking you're doing pretty darn good.

    I'm making improvements every week too. Guess there's always room for that! :)

  4. Last week for me... probably a D. I was totally inconsistent, all over the place. I did get my water in, but that's the only thing I did every single day. The rest of the pieces of my plan were pretty hit and miss. Today is Monday, so here's a new grading week for me - and I've got water, breakfast, lunch and a snack packed for the day. Then I'll have to exercise, make supper, and not through everything not nailed down into my mouth tonight.

    Good for you making last week mostly successful. It sounds like tea and gum made a huge difference for you.

  5. I did exactly the same thing as the Mr. with my cereal this morning. The box was about empty, full of those awful little crumbs, so I just "finished it off." It was more than my regular serving. My bad.

    I am frustrated, my favorite cereal, "Crunchy Nut O's" is evidently no longer being made. I had to go to a special grocery store to get them already, as my store only carries "Crunchy Nut Flakes." It's not a particularly healthy or nutritious cereal, but I love it, ate it every single morning when I was actively losing weight and still eat it 3 or 4 times per week, mixing it up with oatmeal here and there. But now I can't find the "O's" anywhere, I checked at Target and Walmart and Hy-Vee (our local store that used to carry them), nobody has them. I also can no longer find the Laughing Cow Cream Cheese crescents, in the cinnamon flavor. I did find Philadelphia cream cheese in a limited version of cinnamon/brown sugar, but it's not low fat. WW has a low-fat whipped strawberry cream cheese, however, I"ll try that on my English muffins I guess. I hate it when I get hooked on something, and then it is discontinued!

    I've still got a ways to go to get back on track. Like the Mr., I tracked my food for only one day (actually one meal), and then quit. I did walk with Leslie four days last week, then on Friday, I just quit. So I've got to get back on that today! Hey--it's a start. When I got on this journey, I started slow. It's for life, so there's no rush, right? We'll get back on track eventually after this little detour.

    1. Try asking a store manager if they can get it in for you. Whenever I shop at Hy-Vee they usually ask me if I found everything ok. Let them know that you couldn't find a particular cereal that you always bought there before. They might be able to let you know if it's truly discontinued or if they just stopped carrying it due to lack of demand.

    2. That stinks when something you love is discontinued. Trader Joe's is notorious for that. They get you hooked then yank it. Hopefully you can find something that is similar. I don't know if you've tried Cinnamon Harvest from Kashi but it's the Mr's favorite and it's pretty darn good!

  6. Sounds like you guys are doing well! This weekend was busy for me too. I helped my friend turn 6 foot logs into wood for her fireplace. Not easy. It was a good switch to the fitness routine. Also made some great meals for the week. But I did drink a lot. So C+. I have to start cutting down on the booze. Can't wait to see how this week goes! Good Luck!

    1. The log chopping was probably a great workout! Definitely work on cutting back on the alcohol if you can. Drinking your calories isn't nearly as satisfying as chewing them! :-)

  7. Love both of your thoughts on how you did - and it sounds like if you put them in place you're on track for an awesome week!!

    P.S. Today is the kickoff to my restart back-to-basics too...wish me well!

  8. My week of food was actually very good because I couldn't eat! I had 5 straight days of diarrhea issues and couldn't eat anything more than crackers that stuck to my tongue and nearly gagged me. Any cravings I had went out the window out of pure fear of what would happen if I ate anything. And STILL the scale didn't move! After all that, pehaps 1/2 lb was the result. That's just crap (no pun intended). Today was not a good day at lunch because I was flaming mad from work, and went right to Mickey D's and bought things I should have--especially when I had my lunch sitting right there (and ate that too). Amazing how instinctive that response is to negative emotions--just bam! So I'm not pleased with myself today and I have a massive headache from it (as my legs swell from salt). And I didn't even order any French fries! Slap me.

    1. I hope you're finally feeling better. I don't know why your body revolts against you sometimes. I guess be glad you didn't lose like 7 lbs over the course of the illness because it just comes right back on in 2 days and is deflating.

      Oh yeah...*SLAP!* ;-)


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