
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Scenes from the busiest day yet

Put a fork in me.  I'm done.

I'm going to have to plan much better for next year because doing all of this baking on our dating anniversary really kind of took away from it, so I apologize to you, Mr.  But we did get to do our favorite thing that has been a tradition every year...decorate cut out cookies.

Ready for action

Ready to be put away in containers.

The ones I iced for tonight's get together with my mom.

Made a new recipe for cinnamon rolls from a 1933 cookbook.  Fingers crossed they don't suck for Christmas morning for us and my mom.  (The ones with nutmeg on top are egg nog frosting) 
I love these flowers I grabbed at Trader Joe's.  I mixed 2 bouquets.  One white mix with greens and then I grabbed some red tulips to mix in.  I put them in a mason jar vase.  I love flowers!

I want to wish you all a Happy Christmas Eve!  This is it!  For me, this is the day of the year I love and tomorrow night, I'll probably be in a heap in the corner crying because it's all over.  But until then, enjoy the holiday and the moments that make the day special.  We have an appetizer spread with my mom, open presents, listen to childhood Christmas music, maybe we nap depending on the food coma and if the lights are out with the tree lit.  She'll leave around 10ish and the Mr and I will snuggle on the couch asking where the hell the month went and trance out in the tree lights until it's time for bed.  I'll leave a cookie for Santa (shut up) and when we wake we'll utter the same thing we've uttered from our favorite Christmas movie, Home Alone 2..."it's Christmas mornin', man."

Make a promise to yourself to take 5 minutes to plug in the tree and enjoy the lights, light your favorite candle, enjoy a cup of cocoa or snuggle with your sweetie.  You deserve it!

Merry Christmas Eve!

What are you doing tonight?

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  1. Merry Christmas friend! We're almost ready for dinner here, can't wait :D

  2. Tonight is my favourite night of the year. Merry Christmas to you. xox

  3. Merry Christmas to you and the Mr.! I hope your evening is as relaxing as it sounds.

    Today I will go to a Christmas Eve lunch (full turkey dinner spread) at my Dad's place and celebrate with he, my step mother, and her family. This evening I will go to my boyfriend's Aunt's house for dinner (another full turkey dinner spread) to celebrate with his father's extended family, and then back home to chill and wrap any last minute presents. I expect that we will be curled up on the sofa, a wood fire going in the fireplace insert, a glass of wine in my hand, watching the lights on the Christmas tree, and just relaxing before going to bed.

  4. We go to mom's today for the family fest with the pups in tow (they love it there). Then we'll come home and sit around the tree as I read Twas The Night Before Christmas out of an old cloth book. Then it's off with the lights, except for the tree and I'll stay up awhile with that on my own just to relax and ponder. I'll leave the tree on overnight and get up around 5am tomorrow morning to enjoy some quiet time with God and my cocoa with marshmallows. Then the hubs and the pooches will get up and we'll begin our day. We've never had Christmas at home (it's always been flipped around) but we decided this year we'd all be more relaxed if we could enjoy the day at our own homes for those of us who have to work the next day (I do, the hubs does not). So I'm looking forward to today and tomorrow very much!

  5. Happy Christmas Eve! I'm not sure what tonight will bring, but it'll be nice whatever it is. I'm hoping for a viewing of Christmas Story since I haven't watched it yet this year, but we'll see. My folks are here so whatever happens will be great.

    Happy day and happy tomorrow!

  6. This day is my favorite too. It's always been magical for me. I think about my future and pray that I never have to spend this specialist of all holidays alone. So I plan to enjoy the hell out if Christmas Eve this year.

  7. Still at work right now, shhhh. Then my brothers for family and gifts, eeee. Then home for carols and present at midnight! Then sleep and do it all over again with the other family tomorrow.

    I will be in a heap come tomorrow night too. I so love Christmas.

    Merry Christmas to you Anele and the Mr. May God bless you richly.


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