
Thursday, December 12, 2013

My baking time saver

You know when you have good intentions to bake a bunch of cookies for others then the time rolls around and you're like "crap, why did I agree to that!?"

Oh, it's just me that agrees to this?  *face palm*

Don't get me wrong, in the end, I love doing it because I'm doing something for others.  Like I baked for a friend going through chemo, another friend who lives alone and a nursing home.   But last year I got wise to how not to over-stress myself on baking day by doing a little prep before hand.  When it's baking day, I want to bake, not put the doughs together.  So here's how I keep my assembly line going.

I make up my dough.  This particular batch will be mini chocolate chip and M&M cookies.  I grab a sheet of wax paper and put the dough in the middle.

Roll the dough and kind of squish it into a log.  The kind you could slice if you wanted to do a slice and bake style.

Twist the ends.

Then I get the Press'n Seal roll and pull out a sheet.  I put the wax paper rolled dough seam side down on the Press'n Seal so that the chances of air getting to it are lessened and roll it up and fold the ends under.

I grab my sharpie and write the oven temp and how long they need to bake in the oven so if the recipe isn't readily available when I'm ready to go, my info is right there.

I also list any instructions other than baking time if needed like this particular batch needs to cool on the sheet for 10 minutes after coming out of the oven.  If I'm doing multiple batches of different doughs and it's not apparent what it might be, I'll label the cookie dough.

Then off to the freezer with 'em!

I put them in the fridge the night before I need them so they're chilled and not rock hard when the oven is fired up.  I grab my small cookie scoop and just scoop out of the log!

It's also great to have on hand if you have people dropping in last minute over the holidays so you can always have fresh baked cookies on hand and look like a rock star in 10-12 minutes!

What cookies do you bake this time of year, if any?

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  1. All I know is that they are yummy. So if you can save some time at it, great. Just keep making them :-)

    1. I will and I'll be sure to make my recipes and not the new ones I tried out. ;-)

  2. I'm all about rice krispy treats right now. I'm making a krispy wreath for my office pot luck. I don't even care of others are into it, I'll just eat the whole thing myself if they don't like it.

    1. Rice Krispy treats are the big thing right now so I'm sure you won't have any complaints and if you do, more for you! :-)

  3. That's a great idea, but I'm nowhere near that organized.

    I usually do a bunch of cookies a few days before Christmas (when school is out and I have time) and then try to figure out what to do with them all.

    I'll be doing your eggnog cookies for a work thing next week. Then I'll do the chocolate with rolo in the middle recipe you shared a while back, but I usually put in mini reeses instead of rolos. Mexican wedding cakes are hubbies favorites so there'll be at least one batch of those and chocolate/butterscotch chips for the boy. Plus I'll probably make a batch of those super easy peanut butter and fluff cookies you shared.

    Wow - my baking list is mostly from your site. I feel kind of stalker-y now.

    1. I actually feel pretty humbled by that so don't feel stalkery! ;-)

      That reminds me I need to pick up some egg nog. Those cookies are quite awesome! I just made a log of Mexican wedding cookie dough and used mac nuts instead of pecans since that's what I had on hand. Still yummy though I'm sure! I'm making the peanut butter cookie dough today so I can jam a hershey kiss in it after it bakes. YUM! Man, I need to eat breakfast so I can forget I have dough in the freezer! LOL

    2. I'm glad I'm not the only one stalking this site for cookie ideas! Actually, I don't do the baked cookies. I do the recipe where you crumb the cookies, mix them into dough, coat in chocolate and serve as truffles. I did them for the first time last year and people went nuts. So I'm doing it again.

      I do love the suggestion to put baking instructions on the frozen cookie dough. If I ever get organized enough to make dough in advance, I'll definitely do that. But I'm not organized. My tree isn't even up yet. ugh.


    3. Well, your "stalking" will pay off next week. They're not necessarily cookie ideas but more of "Good Lord, I've got no time for this crap but here's something I can throw together super quick and still look like a rock star" recipes. :-)

      Girl, get that tree up!!

  4. I'll usually do some biscotti, shortbread cookies, and some ginger snaps. My family tends to do a lot of baking and then we share it, kinda like an informal cookie swap. For my shortbread I'll get some date squares and for my ginger cookies I'll get some decorated sugar cookies. However, the almond biscotti are all mine :)

    1. Man I haven't made biscotti in years, you may have just inspired me since my Italian friend who loves it is coming to town. I need to get some real butter for chocolate chip shortbread. Now I think I'm going to make some ginger cookies too. LOL

  5. That's a fantastic time saver, thanks for the tip! I hardly ever bake, I'm just not into it. This year however, my inner Betty Crocker has taken over and I've baked 6 kinds of cookies/bars, etc. Including everyone's favorite, YOUR ginger snap truffles! Honestly, I made them last year, and EVERYONE asked if I was making them this year... Guess so ; ) I'm so glad they're easy AND delicious!

    1. I'll have some more quick recipes next week. I finally got off my butt and threw together THREE recipes in less than an hour and all were 2-3 ingredients.

      So glad the ginger snap truffles were a hit. Hmm, I've got ginger snaps leftover in the basement with nothing to use them for. My friend might just benefit from you reminding me I made those! LOL So glad everyone seems to like them!

  6. Cranberry Hootycreeks! Love them.

    Rice krispy treats sound yummers too right now

    1. Okay, I am totally intrigued with a name like "cranberry hootycreeks!"

  7. you are BRILLIANT!!!!!! So going to do this...and cookies - I'll take any variety as long as they are coconut-free! :-)

    1. You know it! HA! I did it to save my own sanity last year and thought it could help others. I know I'm glad to have 6 doughs, most at 350, that I can whip out, bake and be done, yo!

  8. Love this idea! I actually have to bake cookies tomorrow for my son's bake sale. I am doing chocolate chip, and probably more sugar cookies. I spent ALL day yesterday doing sugar cookies. It's such a process and very tiring, but I love doing it. I packaged up several boxes today to give out to friends and family.

    1. Yeah I think I have like 6 different doughs in there right now and I can't imagine doing them all in the same day I baked now. I'm sure everyone will love your cookies!


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